Position:Full Professor

Born in 13.10.1093, graduated Tbilisi school n1 (1970), Ivane javakhishvili University,_faculty of biology (1975), Laureate of the Georgia State Prize for Science (1991), doctor of sciences (1998), worked at the I. beritashvili Institute of Physiology (1975-2000), Ilia State university (2006-till now), married, 6 children.

Scientific interests / research interests

cerebral lateralization (in the norm and pathology), neuropsychology, education

Featured publications
Books : Introduction to the mechanisms of behavior, a textbook for psychology students, 2015, Ilia Univ. Publ. House, Tbilisi, 226 p.
Articles in magazines
Makashvili MA et al. 2017. Spatial orientation and personality traits before and after the cerebral stroke: a case report. International Journal of Advanced Ingeneering and Research Vol-4, Issue-6, June 2017
Makashvili MA, Nikoleishvili ST. 2017. Left hemineglect after ischemic stroke to the left hemisphere: a case study. American Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 83-87. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20170604.16
Makashvili MA et al. 2015. The investigation of EEG specificity in epileptic children during Depakine therapy. International Journal of Neuroscience, online version,DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.4308.65652015-08-20 T 17:02:53 UTC

An extensive list of publications

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Problem Based Research: Studying Mental Disorders; Introduction to the Mechanisms of Behavior; Doctoral seminar 1

Methods of eaching biology 2006-2008