Direction:Comparative Theology
Position:Full Professor

Was born in 1963. He graduated from Tbilisi State University in 1987. In 1988-2007 he taught eatly church history, theology and Hebrew at Tbisli State University.In 2007-2012 he lived and worked on his doctoral dissertation in Oxford, UK. In 2013 he completed his doctoral dissertation and returned to Georgia. Since 2014 he has been teaching at Ilia State University.

Scientific interests / research interests

Comperative theology, Biblical Studies, Apocriphal Texts Study, Jewish and Muslim theology and ethics, translation theories and their aplication to sacred texts.

Featured publications


  • The Bible [trasnlationo into the Modern Georgian language, co-translator], (Tbilisi: Georgian Patriarchate, 1998).
  • Biblical Narratives – Old Testament (Tbilisi: Biblioteheca Christiana,1992), in Georgian.
  • Biblical Narratives – Olds and New Testaments (Tbilisi: Biblioteheca Christiana,1992), In Georgian.
  • The Bible [translation into the Modern Georgian Language, co-translator] (Tbilisi, United Bible Societies, 2001).
  • The New Testament, Dinamic translation into the Modern Georgian Language with explanations (Tbilisi: United Bible Societues, 2018).

Articles in magazines

  • “Martin Luther King Jr. The Prophet of Non-Violence for Georgia”, Tabula Magazine,Number 42, July, 2014.
  • Ukraiene in Europe”, Tabula Magazine, Number 39, March, 2014.
  • Femicide and Repentance of Culture”, Liberali Magazine, Number 156, November, 2014 [in Georgian]
  • “A Merging of Protestant and Orthodox Theology and Practice: Evangelical Christian Baptists of Georgia.” East-West Church and Ministry Reports,  24, No. 3 – Summer 2016 (1-4).
  • “A Merging of Protestant and Orthodox Theology and Practice: Evangelical Christian Baptists of Georgia.” East-West Church and Ministry Reports 24, No. 4 – Fall 2016 (11-14).
  • “A Merging of Protestant and Orthodox Theology and Practice: Evangelical Christian Baptists of Georgia.” East-West Church and Ministry Reports 25, No. 1 – Winter 2017 (5-8).


Current Courses

Course Catalog

The New Testament in its Historical and Religious Context; Evolution of Early Christian Theology and Liturgical Practice; Comparative Study of the Canonical and Apocryphal New Testaments
Challenges of Contemporary Religious Ethics I:  Monotheistic Traditions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam.; Major/Pre-Eminent/ Essential   Sacred Texts in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Their Critical Analysis

  • Critical Analisis of Key Sacred Texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 2017 Automn Semester, Master’s Degree level.
  • Chellenges of Contemporary Religious Ethics I: Monotheistic tradituions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 2017 Automn Semester, Master’s Degree level.