Direction:Clinical Psychology
Position:Full Professor
Ketevan Tchanturia is a Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at Royal College London, an Honorary Member of The British Psychological Society, an Honorary Member of the Higher Education Academy of England, and a Visiting Professor at Ilia State University. Ketevan Tchanturia leads the Clinical and Experimental Laboratory with 15 researchers and the Clinical Psychology service with 35 clinicians at the University Clinic in London. Professor Tchanturia has published 230 papers in English, four monographs and a textbook. Under her supervision, 30 dissertations were defended
Eating Disorders, Autism in Women, Clinical and Neuro psychology
⦁ Tchanturia K, Smith C, Glennon D, Burhouse A (2020) ⦁ Towards an improved understanding of the Anorexia Nervosa and Autism spectrum comorbidity: PEACE pathway implementation; Frontiers in Psychiatry ⦁
⦁ Tchanturia K, Dandil Y, Li Z, Toloza C, Smith K, Byford S (2020) A Novel Approach for Autism Spectrum Condition patients with Eating Disorders: Analysis of Treatment Cost-savings European Eating Disorders Review; doi: 10.1002/erv.2760
⦁ Shekriladze I, Javakhishvili N, Tchanturia K (2019) Culture Change and Eating Patterns: A Study of Georgian Women Frontiers in Psychiatry doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00619.
⦁ Kinnaird E, Norton C, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2019) Same behaviours, different reasons: what do patients with co-occurring anorexia and autism want from treatment? International Review of Psychiatry, 31(4):308-317 10.1080/09540261.2018.1531831
⦁ Tchanturia K, Larsson E, Adamson J, Westwood H; (2019) Characteristics of autism spectrum disorder in anorexia nervosa: A naturalistic study in an inpatient treatment programme. Autism 23(1):123-130. doi: 10.1177/1362361317722431
⦁ Leppanen J, Dapelo M, Davies H, Lang K, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2017) Computerised analysis of facial emotion expression in Eating Disorders-s. Plos one 2;12(6):e0178972;
⦁ Tchanturia K, Giombini L, Leppanen J, Kinnaird E. (2017) Evidence for Cognitive Remediation Therapy in young people with anorexia nervosa: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the literature European Eating Disorder Review 25(4):227-236. doi: 10.1002/erv.2522
⦁ Lang K, Roberts M, Lopez C, Goddard E, Khondoker M, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2016) An investigation of central coherence in eating disorders: A synthesis of studies using the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; Plos one doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165467.
⦁ Marin Dapelo M, Hart S, Hale C, Morris R, Tchanturia K (2016) Expression of positive emotions differs in illness and recovery in Anorexia Nervosa; Psychiatry Research. 30;246:48-51 doi:10.1016/j.psychres
⦁ Tchanturia K, Larsson E, Adamson J (2016) How anorexia nervosa patients with high and low autistic traits respond to group Cognitive Remediation Therapy; BMC Psychiatry; doi:10.1186/s12888-016-1044-x
⦁ Davies H, Wolz I, Leppanen, F Fernandez Aranda, U Schmidt, Tchanturia K (2016) Facial expression to emotional stimuli in non-psychotic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews; S0149-7634(15)30237-210.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.02.015
⦁ Dapelo M, Bodas S, Morris R, Tchanturia K. (2016) Deliberately generated and Imitated Facial Expressions of Emotions in people with Eating Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 191; 1–7 10.1016/j.jad.2015.10.044 191:1-7
⦁ წიგნები
⦁ Brief Group Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders: Inpatient protocols – Routledge Mental Health Edited by Kate Tchanturia, 06/2015; , ISBN: 978-1-13-884891-7
⦁ Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) for Eating and Weight Disorders. Edited by Kate Tchanturia, 2015; Routledge., ISBN: 978-1-138-79402-3
⦁ Clinical manual cognitive remediation for anorexia nervosa
მონოგრაფიებსა და სახელმძღვანელოებში შეტანილი წვლილი:
⦁ Tchanturia K, Lock J. Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) for Eating Disorders—(2011) Development, Refinement and Future Directions in Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2011;6:269-87.PMID: 21243481
⦁ Kemps, E., Lopez, C., & Tchanturia, K. (2010). Weak central coherence in anorexia nervosa. In S. Sassaroli and G.M. Ruggiero (Eds.), /Cognitive Therapy of Eating Disorders on Control and Worry/. New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60876-617-8
⦁ Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, (2009) Neuropsychology in Eating Disorders in The Neuropsychology of Mental Illness Chapter 21(Cambridge University Press) Ed. Stephen Wood, Nick Allen and Christos Pantelis (p.316-325). ISBN-978-0-521-86289-9
⦁ Tchanturia K, Hambrook D. (2010) Cognitive Remediation therapy for Anorexia Nervosa (Chapter 7) In The Treatment of Eating Disorders; Clinical Handbook; C. Grilo and J. Mitchell. (Guilford Press) p.130-150. ISBN-978-1-60623-446-4
⦁ Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. (2009) Neuropsychological studies in Eating Disorders: A review in Progress in Eating Disorders. Ed. Swain Pamela I. Nova Science Publishers ISBN-13: 978-1607410157
⦁ Lopez C, Davies H, Tchanturia K. (2012) Neuropsychological Models and eating Disorders (Chapter 13) Eating and its Disorders ed John Fox and Ken Goss; Wiley-Blackwell Oxford p.185-199; ISBN 978-0-470-68353-8
⦁ Raman J, Hay P, Tchanturia K, Smith E (2018) ⦁ A randomised controlled trial of manualized cognitive remediation therapy in adult obesity. Appetite. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.12.023
⦁ პუბლიკაციების ვრცელი სია
⦁ Kinnaird E, Tchanturia K (2020) Looking beneath the surface: distinguishing between common features in autism and anorexia nervosa; Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
⦁ Smith K, Tchanturia K (2020) Are huddles the missing PEACE of the puzzle in implementing clinical innovation? Frontiers in Psychiatry
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Mason L, Jones E, Hayward H, Harrison E, Murphy D, Tchanturia K (2020) Autistic Traits Mediate Reductions in Social Attention in Adults with Anorexia Nervosa. J of Autism and Developmental Disorders doi, 10.1007/s10803-020-04686
⦁ Granero R, Treasure J, Claes L, Favaro A, Jiménez-Murcia S, Karwautz A, Le Grange D, Tchanturia K, Fernández-Aranda F (2020) ⦁ Null hypothesis significance tests, a misleading approach to scientific knowledge: Some implications for eating disorders ⦁ research..European Eating Disorder Review28(5):483-491. Doi:101002/erv2782
⦁ Glashouwer K, Brockmeyer T, Cardi V, Jansen A, Murray S, Blechert J, Levinson C, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K, Wade T, Svaldi J, Giel K, Favaro A, Fernandez Aranda F, Friederich H, Naumann E, Treasure J, Tuschen Caffier B, Vocks S, Werthmann J. (2020) Time to make a change: A call for more experimental research on key mechanisms in anorexia nervosa European Eating Disorder Review. 8(4):361-367, doi: 10.1002/erv.2754
⦁ Granero R, Treasure J, Laurence C, Favaro A,Jimenez-Murzia S, Karwautz A, Le Grange D, Tchanturia K, Fernandez Aranda F.(2020) Null hypothesis significance tests, a misleading approach to scientific knowledge: Some implications for eating disorders research; European Eating Disorder Review; doi: 10.1002/erv.2782.
⦁ Leslie M, Halls D, Leppanen J, Sedgewick F, Smith K, Lang K, Fonville L, Simic M, Mandy W, Nicholls D, Murphy D, Williams S, Tchanturia K. (2020)Neural Correlates of Theory of Mind are Preserved in Young Women with Anorexia Nervosa; Frontiers in Psychology, 10;11:568073. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568073
⦁ Dandil Y, Smith K, Kinnaird E, Toloza C, Tchanturia K (2020) Cognitive Remediation Interventions in Autism Spectrum Condition: A Systematic Review Frontiers in Psychiatry; doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00722
⦁ Bentz M, Westwood H, Jepsen J, Plessen K, Tchanturia K (2020) The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Patterns in Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa European
Eating Disorder Review doi:10.1002/erv.2757
⦁ Adamson J, Kinnaird E, Glennon D, Oakley M, Tchanturia K (2020) Carers’ views on autism and eating disorders co-morbidity: A qualitative study. BJPsych Open doi: ⦁
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Hall D, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2020) Exploring Relationships Between Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Adults With Anorexia Nervosa: A Network Approach; Frontiers in Psychiatry 12;11:401. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00401. eCollection 2020.
⦁ Kinnaird E, Dandil Y, Li Z, Smith K, Pimblett C, Rafiu A, Stewart C Tchanturia K (2020) Pragmatic sensory screening in anorexia nervosa and associations with autistic traits ; Journal of Clinical Medicine 20;9(4):E1182. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041182.
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J , Mason L, Jones E, Hayward H, Harrison A, Loth E, Murphy D , Tchanturia K (2020) Emotion recognition abilities in adults with anorexia nervosa are associated with autistic traits Journal of Clinical Medicine 8;9(4):E1057. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041057.
⦁ Kinnaird E, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2020) The relationship of autistic traits to taste and olfactory processing in anorexia nervosa. Molecular Autism 10;11(1):25; doi: 10.1186/s13229-020-00331-8
⦁ Giombini L, Nesbitt S, Kusosa R, Fabian C, Easter A, Tchanturia K (2020) Adapted Emotion skills training group for young people with anorexia nervosa: a mixed methods evaluation. Neuropsychiatrie Journal. doi: 10.1007/s40211-020-00347-9
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Hall D, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2020) The Social Responsiveness Scale is an efficient screening tool for autism spectrum disorder traits in adults with anorexia nervosa; European Eating Disorder Review 28 (4) 433-444 doi: 10.1002/erv.2736
⦁ Kinnaird E, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2020) Interoception in Anorexia Nervosa: the roles of alexithymia and autistic traits. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00064
⦁ Dandil Y, Smith K, Adamson J, Tchanturia K (2020) Individual Cognitive Remediation Therapy Benefits for patients with Anorexia Nervosa and High Autistic features European Eating Disorder Review. 28(1):87-91 doi: 10.1002/erv.2707
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2020) Autism spectrum disorder traits are associated with empathic abilities in adults with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Affective Disorders; 266 273-281;
⦁ Brede J, Babb C, Jones C, Elliott M, Zanker C, Tchanturia K, Serpell L, Fox J, Mandy W. “For me the anorexia is just a symptom and the cause is autism” J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 Apr 9. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04479-3.
⦁ Sedgewick F, Leppanen J, Austin A, Tchanturia K (2020) Gender differences in mental health prevalence in autism. Advances in Autism doi. 10.1108/AIA-01-2020-0007
⦁ Sedgewick F, Leppanen J, Tchanturia K (2019) The Friendship Questionnaire, autism, and gender differences: a study revisited. Molecular autism 10, 28, 40;.1186/s13229-019-0295-z. eCollection 2019.
Dandil Y, Baillie C, Tchanturia K (2019) Cognitive Remediation Therapy as a Feasible Treatment for a Young Person With Anorexia Nervosa and Autism Spectrum Disorder Comorbidity: A Case ⦁ Study ;⦁ Clinical Case Studies 19, 115-132;⦁
⦁ Leppanen, J., Sedgewick F, Cardi V, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2019) Basal ganglia volume and shape in anorexia nervosa; Appetite doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104480.
⦁ Smith K, Dandil Y, Baillie C, Tchanturia K (2019) Well-Being Workshops in Eating Disorder Wards and Their Perceived Benefits to Patients and the Multi-Disciplinary Team: A Pilot Study. Brain Sci; 23;9(10) doi: 10.3390/brainsci9100247
⦁ Kinnaird E, Norton C, Pimblett C, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2019) Eating as an autistic adult: an exploratory qualitative study Plos one; 29;14(8):e0221937. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221937
⦁ Kinnaird E, Sedgewick F, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2019) “There’s nothing there for guys”. Do men with eating disorders want treatment adaptations? A qualitative study. Eat Weight Disord. 24(5):845-852 Doi:10.1007/s40519-019-00770-0
⦁ Sedgewick F, Kerr- Gaffney J, Leppanen J, Tchanturia K (2019) Anorexia nervosa, autism, and the ADOS: how appropriate is the new algorithm in identifying cases? Front Psychiatry Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00507
⦁ Leppanen, J., Sedgewick F, Cardi V, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2019) Cortical morphometry in anorexia nervosa: An out-of-sample replication study. European Eating Disorders Review doi: 10.1002/erv.2686
⦁ Sedgewick F, Leppanen J, Gog F, Hayward H, Happe F, Tchanturia K (2019) Tricky triangles: similarities and differences in Theory of Mind responses of patients with anorexia nervosa with and without autistic features. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00318
⦁ Hughes K, Halford S, Cowan M, Himmerich H, Tchanturia K (2019) Evaluation of a step-up treatment programme for individuals with eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Forum
⦁ Sedgewick F, Leppanen J, Tchanturia K (2019) Autistic adult outcomes on weight and Body Mass Index: a large-scale online study; Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. EAWD-D-19-00098R2doi: 10.1007/s40519-019-00695-8.
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2019) Cognitive and Affective Empathy in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10-102
⦁ Giombini L, Nesbitt S, Leppanen J, Cox H, Easter A, Tchanturia K (2019) Emotions in play: Young people’s and clinicians’ experience of ‘Thinking about Emotions’ group. Eat Weight Disord. doi: 10.1007/s40519-019-00646-3
⦁ Adamson J, Ozenc C, Baillie C, Tchanturia K (2019) Efficacy of a Self-Esteem Group for Inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa Special Issue “Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa” in Brain Sciences doi: 10.3390/brainsci9010012
⦁ Kinnaird E, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2019) Investigating alexithymia in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis; European Psychiatry; 3;55 :80-89 doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.09.004.
⦁ Kerr-Gaffney J, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2018) Eye-tracking research in eating disorders: A systematic review International Journal of Eating Disorders doi: 10.1002/eat.22998
⦁ Kinnaird E, Stewart C, Tchanturia K (2018) Taste sensitivity in anorexia nervosa: A systematic Review; International Journal of Eating Disorders. 51(8):771-784doi: 10.1002/eat.22886
⦁ Kinnaird E, Norton C, Tchanturia K (2018) Clinicians’ views on treatment adaptations for men with eating disorders: a qualitative study; BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021934.
⦁ Leppanen J, Tchanturia K (2018) Differences in the Theory of Mind profiles of patients with anorexia nervosa and individuals on the autism spectrum: a meta-analytic review; Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. pii: S0149-7634(17)30792-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.04.009
⦁ Kerr- Gaffney J, Harrison A, Tchanturia K (2018) Social anxiety in the eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine. doi: 10.1017/S0033291718000752
⦁ Adamson J, Leppanen J, Murin M, Tchanturia K (2018) Effectiveness of Emotional Skills Training for Patients with Anorexia Nervosa with Autistic Symptoms, Group or Individual Format European Eating Disorder Review. 26(4) 367-375
⦁ Leppanen J, Adamson J, Tchanturia K (2018) Impact of cognitive remediation therapy on neurocognitive processing in anorexia nervosa. Frontiers in Psychiatry-Psychopathology; doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00096. eCollection 2018
⦁ Cardi V, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2018) Premorbid and illness-related social difficulties in eating disorders: an overview of the literature and treatment developments. Current Neuropharmacology; doi: 10.2174/1570159X16666180118100028
⦁ Leppanen J, Ng KW, Kim YR, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. (2018) ⦁ Meta-analytic review of the effects of a single dose of intranasal oxytocin on threat processing in humans. J Affect Disorders. 1;225:167-179. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.08.041.
⦁ Dapelo M, Surguladze S, Morris R, Tchanturia K (2017) Emotion recognition in face and body motion in bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorder Review doi: 10.1002/erv.2554.
⦁ Westwood H, Mandy W, Tchanturia K (2017) The association between autistic symptoms and neuropsychological performance in females with Anorexia Nervosa; Psychiatry Research 258:531-537.S0165-1781(17)30380-3 doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.09.005
⦁ Westwood H, Kerr-Gaffney J, Stahl D, Tchanturia K (2017) Alexithymia in eating disorders: Systematic review and meta-analyses of studies using Toronto Alexithymia Scale; Journal of Psychosomatic Research; 66-81; doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.06.007
⦁ Ibrahim J, Tchanturia K (2017) Patients experience of a narrative group therapy approach informed by the ‘Tree of Life’ model for individuals with Anorexia Nervosa; International Journal of Group Psychotherapy doi: 10.1080/00207284.2017.1315586
⦁ Westwood H, Tchanturia K (2017) Autism Spectrum Disorder in Anorexia Nervosa: An Updated Literature Review Current Psychiatry Reports doi: 10.1007/s11920-017-0791-9
⦁ Westwood H, Mandy W, Simic M, Tchanturia K. (2017) Assessing ASD in adolescent females with Anorexia Nervosa using clinical and developmental measures: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology doi: 10.1007/s10802-017-0301-x
⦁ Westwood H, Mandy W, Tchanturia K (2017) Clinical evaluation of autistic symptoms in women with anorexia nervosa 16;8:12. Molecular Autism doi: 10.1186/s13229-017-0128-x.
⦁ Giombini L, Nesbitt S, Waples L, Finazzi E, Easter A, Tchanturia K (2017) Young people’s experience of individual cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) in an inpatient eating disorder service: a qualitative study. Eat and weight Disorders doi: 10.1007/s40519-017-0369
⦁ Leppanen J, Cardi V, Ng KW, Paloyelis Y, Stein D, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. (2017) The effects of intranasal oxytocin on smoothie intake, cortisol and attentional bias in anorexia nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.01.017.
⦁ Leppanen J, Cardi V, Ng KW, Paloyelis Y, Stein D, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. (2017) Effects of Intranasal Oxytocin on the Interpretation and Expression of Emotions in Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 29(3). doi: 10.1111/jne.12458
⦁ Leppanen J, Cardi V, Paloyelis Y, Simmons A, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2017) Blunted neural response to implicit negative facial affect in anorexia nervosa; Biological Psychology; 128:105-111. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.07.010.
⦁ Schmidt U, Sharpe H, Bartholdy S, Bonin EM, Davies H, Easter A, Goddard E, Hibbs R, House J, Keyes A, Knightsmith P, Koskina A, Magill N, McClelland J, Micali N, Raenker S, Renwick B, Rhind C, Simic M, Sternheim L, Woerwag-Mehta S, Beecham J, Campbell IC, Eisler I, Landau S, Ringwood S, Startup H, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. (2017) Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: multimethod investigation translating experimental neuroscience into clinical practice. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library;
⦁ Leppanen J, Cardi V, Paloyelis Y, Simmons A, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2017) FMRI study of neural responses to implicit infant emotion in anorexia nervosa. Front Psychol. 17;8:780. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00780.
⦁ Leppanen J, Ng KW, Kim YR, Tchanturia K, Treasure J. Meta analytic review of the effects of a single dose of intranasal oxytocin on threat processing in humans. J Affect Disord. 1;225:167-179. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.08.041.
⦁ Leppanen J, Ng KW, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2017) Meta-analysis of intranasal oxytocin on interpretation and expression of emotions Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017 Jul;78:125-144. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.04.010.
⦁ Westwood H, Lawrence V, Fleming C, Tchanturia K (2016) Exploration of Friendship Experiences, before and after Illness Onset in Females with Anorexia Nervosa: A Qualitative Study. PLoS One. 27;11(9):e0163528. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163528
⦁ Patel K, Tchanturia K, Harrison A (2016) An Exploration of Social Functioning in Young People with Eating Disorders: A qualitative study; Plos One 26;11(7):e0159910.doi:10.1371/journal.pone0159910
⦁ Larsson E, Lloyd S, Westwood H, Tchanturia K. (2016) Participant’s feedback on a brief perfectionism group intervention in Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Health Psychology doi: 10.1177/1359105316660183
⦁ Tchanturia K, Larsson E, Adamson J (2016) Brief group intervention targeting perfectionism in adults with anorexia nervosa: empirically informed protocol; European Eating Disorders Review doi: 10.1002/erv.2467
⦁ Roberts M, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2016) Overlapping neurocognitive inefficiencies in anorexia nervosa: A preliminary investigation of the prevalence and clinical correlates of women with both poor set-shifting and weak coherence. Eat and Weigh Disorders doi: 10.1007/s40519-016-0302-8
⦁ Gideon N, Hawkes N, Mond J, Saunders R, Tchanturia K. Serpell L (2016) Development and psychometric validation of the EDE-QS, a 12 item short form of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q). Plos One 3;11(5):e0152744
⦁ Westwood H, Stahl D, Mandy W, Tchanturia K (2016) The set-shifting profiles of Anorexia Nervosa and Autism Spectrum Disorder using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine p. 1809–1827doi:10.1017/S0033291716000581
⦁ Sparrow K, Tchanturia K (2016) Inpatient brief group therapy for anorexia nervosa: Patient experience. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. DOI:10.1080/00207284.2016.1156406 ISSN- 0020-7284 print/1943-2836 online
⦁ Rhind C, Salerno L, Hibbs R, Micali N, Schmidt U, Gowers S, Macdonald P, Goddard E, Todd G, Tchanturia K, Lo Coco G, Treasure J (2016) The Objective and Subjective Caregiving Burden and Caregiving Behaviours of Parents of Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa doi: 10.1002/erv.2442.
⦁ Tchanturia K, Larsson E, Brown A (2016) Benefits of groups Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: Case series Neuropsychiatry; 30:42–49 doi: 10.1007/s40211-016-0177-y
⦁ Yiend J, Sreenan B, Koutsantoni K, Karveriti J, Shergill S, Tchanturia K, Tracey D, Willmott L, Reedy G (2016) The benefits and challenges of post graduate clinical placements. Students’ and clinicians’ experience of post graduate clinical placements on an academic programme. Evaluating the benefits and challenges of post graduate clinical placements: a mixed methods study – BMC medical education 16;16(1):64 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-016-0575-7 URL:
⦁ Westwood H, Eisler I, Mandy W, Leppanen J, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2016) Using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient to measure Autistic Traits in Anorexia Nervosa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46(3):964-77; 10.1007/s10803-015-2641-0 13:1-23
⦁ Koskina A, Mountford V, Tchanturia K (2016) The impact of perceptual, cognitive and behavioural factors on dissociative experiences and body disturbance in eating disorders: an exploratory study. Advances in Eating Disorders 10.1080/21662630.2015.1116016
⦁ Lang K, Larsson E, Mavromara L, Simic M, Treasure J, Tchanturia K. (2016) Diminished facial emotion expression and associated clinical characteristics in Anorexia Nervosa.
Psychiatry Research 28; 236:165-72
⦁ Dapelo M, Surguladze S, Morris R, Tchanturia K. (2016) Emotion recognition in blended facial expressions in women with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorder Review 24(1):34-42. doi: 10.1002/erv.2403.
⦁ Lang K, Treasure J, Tchanturia K. (2015) Is inefficient cognitive processing in Anorexia Nervosa a familial trait? A neuropsychological pilot study of mothers of offspring with diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 17(4):258-65 doi:10.3109/15622975.2015.1112035
⦁ Lloyd S, Schmidt U, Simic M, Tchanturia K. (2015) Self-reported and performance based perfectionism in mothers of individuals with Anorexia Nervosa; Neuropsychiatrie;
29(4):192-199 DOI: 10.1007/s40211-015-0161-y
⦁ Dapelo M, Hart S, Hale C, Lynch T, Morris R, Tchanturia K. (2015) Expressing positive emotions comparative study between people with anorexia, bulimia and non eating disorder females. Psychiatry Research ; 230 (1) 70–7; 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.08.019
⦁ Lang K, Lloyd S, Khondoker M, Simic M, Treasure J, Tchanturia K. (2015) Do children and adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa display an inefficient cognitive processing style? Plos one 10(7): e0131724.; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131724
⦁ Jewell T, Collyer H, Gardner T, Tchanturia K, Simic M, Fonagy P, Eisler I. (2015) Attachment mentalization and their association with child and adolescent eating pathology: A systematic review IJED doi: 10.1002/eat.22473
⦁ Mountford V, Tchanturia K, Valmaggia L (2015) “What are you thinking when you look at me?” A pilot study of the use of virtual reality in body image. CYBERPSYCHOLOGY, BEHAVIOR, AND SOCIAL NETWORKING DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0169
⦁ Lao-Kaim N, Fonville L, Giampietro V, Williams S, Simmons A, Tchanturia K (2015) Dysregulation of separable brain networks associated with learning and cognitive control underlies inefficient cognitive flexibility in Anorexia Nervosa. Plos One 10(5): e0124027; doi: 10.1371 pone.0124027
⦁ Lang K, Marin Dapelo M, Khondoker M, Morris R, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2015) Exploring emotion recognition in adolescents and adults with anorexia nervosa using a body motion paradigm. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 22. 23(4):262-8 doi: 10.1002/erv.2358
⦁ Tchanturia K, Doris E, Mountford V, Fleming C (2015) Cognitive Remediation and Emotion Skills Training (CREST) for anorexia nervosa in individual format: Self-reported outcomes BMC Psychiatry; 20;15:53. doi: 10.1186/s12888-015-0434-9
⦁ Doris E, Shekriladze I, Javakhishvili N, Jones R, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2015) Is cultural change associated with eating disorders? Eating and Weight Disorders. 20(2):149-60; doi: 10.1007/s40519-015-0189-9
⦁ Mandy W, Tchanturia K (2015) Do women with eating disorders who have social and flexibility difficulties really have autism? A case series. Molecular Autism.6 (6) doi: 10.1186/2040-2392-6-6
⦁ Tchanturia K. Marin Dapelo M, Hambrook D, Harrison A (2015) Why study positive emotions in the context of eating disorders? Current Psychiatry Reports; 17(1):537 doi: 10.1007/s11920-014-0537-x
⦁ Lang K, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2015) Acceptability and feasibility of self-help cognitive remediation therapy for anorexia nervosa delivered in collaboration with carers: A qualitative preliminary evaluation. Psychiatry Research 225 (387-394) doi: 10.1016/j.psychres
⦁ Lloyd S, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2015) Can psychological interventions reduce perfectionism? A systematic review and meta-analysis; Behav Cogn Psychother. 43(6):705-31.doi: 10.1017/S1352465814000162
⦁ Rhind C, Bonfiolo E, Hibbs R, Goddard E, Macdonald P, Gowers S, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K, Micali N. &Treasure J (2014). An Examination of Autism Spectrum Traits in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa and Their Parents. Molecular Autism. 20;5(1) doi: 10.1186/2040-2392-5-56
⦁ Lang K, Tchanturia K. (2014) A systematic review of central coherence in children and adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior 2: 140. doi:10.4172/jcalb.1000140
⦁ Tchanturia K, Lounes N, Holttum S (2014) Cognitive remediation in anorexia nervosa and related conditions: A systematic review. European Eating Disorders Review 22(6):454-62;doi: 10.1002/erv.2326
⦁ Lloyd S, Yiend J, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2014) Perfectionism in anorexia nervosa: novel performance based evidence; Plos one 31;9(10)
⦁ Fonville L, Giampietro V, Davies h, Lounes N, Simmons A, Williams S, Tchanturia K. (2014) Cognitive Remediation, brain function and central coherence: an anorexia nervosa pilot study; The Annals of General Psychiatry.13,25
⦁ Rhind C, Mandy W, Treasure J, Tchanturia K. (2014) An exploratory study of evoked facial affect in adolescents with anorexia nervosa Psychiatry Research doi: 10.1016/j.psychres. 15;220(1-2):711-5
⦁ Lloyd S, Fleming C, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2014) Targeting perfectionism in Anorexia Nervosa using a group based cognitive behavioural approach: a pilot study European Eating Disorder Review 22(5):366-72
⦁ Uher R, Brooks S, Bartholdy S, Tchanturia K, Campbell I (2014) Increasing cognitive load reduces interference from masked appetitive and aversive but not neutral stimuli. Plos one 9(4)- e94417
⦁ Rhind C, Hibbs R, Goddard E, Schmidt U, Micali N., Gowers S, Beecham J., Macdonald P, Todd G, Tchanturia K, Treasure, J (2014). Experienced Carers Helping Others (ECHO): Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial to examine a psycho-educational intervention for adolescents with anorexia nervosa and their carers. European Eating Disorders Review, 22(4), 267-277.
⦁ Doris E, Westwood H, Mandy W, Tchanturia K (2014) Patients with Anorexia Nervosa show similar friendships difficulties to people with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Qualitative Study. Psychology Special issue Autism. 5, 1338-1349
⦁ Harrison A, Mountford V, Tchanturia K (2014) Social anhedonia and work and social functioning in the acute and recovered phases of eating disorders; Psychiatry Research. 218 (187-194) doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.04.007
⦁ Lang K, Lopez C, Stahl D, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2014) Central coherence in eating disorders: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis; World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 15(8):586-98
⦁ Fleming C, Doris E, Tchanturia K (2014) Self-esteem group work for inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa. Advances in Eating Disorders; 2 (3); 233-240; doi:10.1080/21662630.2014.888956
⦁ Tchanturia K, Doris E, Fleming C (2014) Effectiveness of cognitive remediation and emotion skills training (CREST) for anorexia nervosa in group format: A naturalistic pilot study European Eating Disorders Review. 22(3):200-5; doi: 10.1002/erv.2287
⦁ Morris R, Bramham J, Smith E, Tchanturia K (2014) Social and Emotional Functioning in anorexia nervosa. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 19(1):47-57 PMID:23697879
⦁ Lao-Kaim NP, Giampietro V, Williams SCR, Simmons A, Tchanturia K. (2014) Functional MRI investigation of verbal working memory in adults with Anorexia Nervosa. European Psychiatry 29(4):211-8
⦁ Fonville L, Giampietro V, Surguladze S, Williams S, Tchanturia K (2014) Increased BOLD signal in the fusiform gyrus during implicit emotion processing in anorexia nervosa; NeuroImage: Clinical; 4:266-73. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.002
⦁ Lang K, Stahl D, Espie J, Treasure J. Tchanturia K (2014) Set Shifting Abilities in Children and Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: An exploratory Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders; 47(4):394-9; doi: 10.1002/eat.22235
⦁ Fonville L, Giampietro V, Williams S, Simmons A, Tchanturia K (2014) Alterations in Brain Structure in Adults with Anorexia Nervosa and the Impact of Illness Duration; Psychological Medicine; 44(9):1965-75. doi: 10.1017/S0033291713002389
⦁ Tchanturia K, Smith E, Weineck F, Fidanboylu E, Kern N, Treasure J, Baron-Cohen, S (2013) Autistic traits in anorexia: a clinical study. Molecular Autism 12;4(1):44 doi: 10.1186/2040-2392-4-44.
⦁ Davies H, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2013) Emotional facial expression in women recovered from anorexia nervosa Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine Psychiatry special issue “Treatment resistance in eating disorders” BMC Psychiatry 13(1):2917;
⦁ Waldman A, Looms R, Mountford V, Tchanturia K (2013) Attitudinal and perceptual factors in body image distortion ? An exploratory study in patients with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders. 3;1:17. doi: 10.1186/2050-2974-1-17
⦁ Dolidze K, Smith E, Tchanturia K (2013) Supporting Effective Communication During Pediatric Procedures Clinical Practice
⦁ Fonville L, Lao-Kaim NP, Giampietro V, Van den Eynde F, Davies H, Lounes N, Andrew C, Dalton J, Baron-Cohen S, Simmons A, Williams SCR, Tchanturia K (2013) Evaluation of Enhanced Attention to Local Detail in Anorexia Nervosa using the Embedded Figures Test. Plos One 8(5):e63964.
⦁ Tchanturia K, Lloyd S, Lang K (2013) Cognitive Remediation in eating disorders International Journal of Eating Disorders Special Issue. 46(5)492-496
⦁ Lock J, Agras S, Fitzpatrick K, Bryson S, Booil J, Tchanturia K (2013) A Randomised assessment of Novel Treatment for anorexia nervosa addressing inefficient cognitive process. International Journal of Eating Disorders; 46(6):567-75; doi: 10.1002/eat.22134
⦁ Dolidze K, Smith E, Tchanturia K (2013) A Clinical Tool for Evaluating Emotional Well-being: Self -Drawings of Hospitalized Children Journal of Pediatric Nursing; 28(5):470 ; doi:pii: S0882-5963(13)00089-4 (IF 4)
⦁ Tchanturia K, Curtis H, Liao P, Uher R, Schmidt U, Campbell I (2013) Decision making and “gut feeling” in males with anorexia nervosa. Advances in Eating Disorders. doi:1080/21662630.2013742981
⦁ Tchanturia K, Hambrook D, Curtis H, Jones T, Lounes N, Fenn K, Keys A, Stivenson L, Davies H (2013) Work and Social Adjustment in patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 54(1):41-5. ⦁
⦁ Roberts M, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2013) Is attention to detail a similarly strong candidate endophenotype for anorexia and bulimia nervosa? World Journal of Biological Psychiatry; 14 (6) 452-463; doi:10.3109/15622975.2011.639804
⦁ Startup H, Lavender A, Oldershaw A, Stott R, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Schmidt U (2013) Worry and Rumination in Anorexia Nervosa. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 41(3):301-16
⦁ Schmidt U, Oldershaw A, Jichi F, Sternheim L, Sturtuo H, McIntosh V, Jordan J, Tchanturia K, Wolff G, Rooney M, Landau S, Treasure J (2012) Out-patient psychological therapies for adults with anorexia nervosa: randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 201(5):392-9 doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112078
⦁ Harisson A, Tchanturia K, Naumann U, Treasure J. (2012) Social Emotional Functioning and Cognitive Styles in Eating Disorders. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 51(3):261-79. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.2011.02026.x. Epub 2011 Nov 25. (IF 2.1)
⦁ Tchanturia K, Davies H, Harrison A, Fox J, Treasure J, Schmidt U. (2012) Altered social hedonic processing in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 45(8):962-9. doi: 10.1002/eat.22032
⦁ Hambrook D, Brown G, Tchanturia K (2012) Emotional intelligence in anorexia nervosa: is anxiety a missing piece of the puzzle? Psychiatry Research. 200 (1):12-9.
⦁ Pretorius N, Dimmer M, Power E, Eisler I, Simic M, Tchanturia K (2012) Evaluation of a Cognitive Remediation Therapy Group for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: Pilot study. European Eating Disorder Review 20(4):321-5. doi: 10.1002/erv.2176
⦁ Davies H, Fox J, Naumann U, Treasure J. Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2012) Cognitive remediation and emotion skills training (CREST) for anorexia nervosa: an observational study using neuropsychological outcomes. European Eating Disorder Review. 20 (3) 211-7.doi: 10.1002/erv.2170
⦁ Tchanturia K, Davies H, Harrison A, Roberts M, Nakazato M, Schmidt U, Treasure J, Morris R (2012) Poor cognitive Flexibility in Eating Disorders: Examining the Evidence using the Wisconcin Cart Sorting Task Plos one 7(1) e28331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028331.
⦁ Oldershaw A, Dejong H, Hambrook D, Broadbent H, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Schmidt U (2012) ⦁ Emotional Processing Following Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 13. doi: 10.1002/erv.2153
⦁ Cardi V, Kan C, Roncero M, Harrison A, Lounes N, Tchanturia K, Meyer C, Treasure J (2012) Mealtime Support in Anorexia Nervosa: A Within-Subject Comparison Study of a Novel Vodcast Intervention. Psychother Psychosom. 25;81(1):54-55
⦁ Davies H, Schmidt U, Swan N, Tchanturia K (2012) Verbal expression and emotion regulation in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review ; 20(6):476-83 doi: 10.1002/erv.1157
⦁ Davies H, Schmidt U, Stahl D, Tchanturia K (2011) Evoked facial emotional expression and emotional experience in people with anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 44:531–539
⦁ Lounes N, Curtis H, Mountford V, Tchanturia K (2011) From Systematic Review to Quality Standards and Clinical Reality: Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. The Clinical Psychology Forum. 227; 42-46
⦁ Lounes N, Khan G, Tchanturia K (2011) Assessment of cognitive flexibility in Anorexia Nervosa – self-report or experimental measure? A brief report. Journal of International Neurospychological Sociaty 17(5):925-8 doi.1017/S1355617711000671
⦁ Roberts M. Barthel S, Tchanturia K, Lopez C, Treasure J (2011) Development and Validation of the Detail and Flexibility Questionnaire (DFlex) in Eating Disorders. Eating Behaviours. 12(3):168-74 doi. 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2011.04.001
⦁ Tchanturia K, Liao T, Forcano L, Fernandez-Aranda F, Uher R, Treasure J, Schmidt U, Penelo E, Granero R, Jimenez-Murcia S, Sanchez I, Campbell I (2011) Poor Decision making in male patients with Anorexia Nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review doi: 10.1002/erv.1154. PMID: 21830260
⦁ Tchanturia K, Harrison A, Davies H, Roberts M, Oldershaw A, Nakazato M, Morris R, Schmidt U, Treasure J (2011) Cognitive flexibility and clinical severity in Eating Disorders. Plos one 6(6): e20462. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020462
⦁ Van den Eynde F, Guillaume S, Broadbent H, Broadbent H, Campbell I, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2011) Neurocognition in bulimic eating disorders: a systematic review. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 124(2):120-40;
⦁ Harisson A, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2011) Measuring State Trait Properties of Detail Processing and Global Integration Ability in Eating Disorders. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 12(6):462-72;
⦁ Oldershaw A, Hambrook D, Chalder T, Rimes K, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Richards S & Schmidt U (2011) ‘Emotional’ Theory of Mind in Anorexia Nervosa and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Psychology and Health. PMID:21598185
⦁ Easter A, Tchanuria K (2011) Therapists’ Experiences of Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: Implications for working with adolescents. Journal of Child Clinical Psychiatry. 16(2):233-46;
⦁ Money C, Genders B, Treasure J, Schmidt, Tchanturia K. (2011) A brief emotion focused intervention for inpatients with anorexia nervosa: A qualitative study. Journal of Health Psychology. 16(6):947-58
⦁ Money C, Davies H, Tchanturia K. (2011) A case study introducing Cognitive Remediation & Emotion Skills Training (CREST) for Anorexia Nervosa inpatient care. Clinical Case Studies. 10(2) 110-121
⦁ Konstantakopoylos G, Tchanturia K, Surguladze S, David T(2011) Insight in Eating Disorders: Clinical and neurocognitive correlates. Psychological Medicine. 41(9):1951-61
⦁ Oldershaw A, Hambrook D, Stahl D, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Schmidt U (2011) The socio-emotional processing stream in Anorexia Nervosa. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews. 35(3):970-88
⦁ Oldershaw A, Treasure J, Hambrook D, Tchanturia K, Schmidt U(2011) Is anorexia nervosa a version of autism spectrum disorders? European Eating Disorder Review 19(6):462-74.
⦁ Gunnard K, Krug I, Jiménez-Murcia S, Penelo E, Granero R, Treasure J, Tchanturia K, Karwautz A, Collier D, Menchón JM, Fernández-Aranda F (2011) Relevance of Social and Self –Standards in Eating Disorders. European Eating Disorders Review. doi: 10.1002/erv.1148
⦁ Hambrook D, Oldershaw A, Rimes K, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Richards S, Chalder T (2011) Emotional expression, self-silencing, and distress tolerance in anorexia nervosa and chronic fatigue syndrome 50(3):310-25. Br J Clin Psychol. doi: 10.1348/014466510X519215.
⦁ Harrison A, Genders R, Davies H, Tchanturia K (2011) Experimental Measurement of the regulation of Anger and aggression in women with Anorexia Nervosa. Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy. 18;6: 445-52
⦁ Roberts M, Lavander A, Tchanturia K (2010) Measuring self-report obsessionality in anorexia nervosa: Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) or Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R)? European Eating Disorder Review. 19(6):501-8
⦁ Genders R, Tchanturia K (2010) Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) for Anorexia in Group Format: A Pilot study. Eating Weight Disorders. 15 (4):234-239
⦁ Lopez C, Stahl D, Tchanturia K (2010) Estimated IQ in anorexia: A systematic review of the literature Annals of General Psychiatry. 23; 9 (1):40
⦁ Castro L, Davies H, Hale L, Surguladze S, Tchanturia K (2010) Facial Affect Recognition in Anorexia Nervosa: Is Obsessionality a Missing Piece of the Puzzle? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 44(12):1118-25
⦁ Penelo E, Granero R, Krug I, Treasure J, Karwautz A, Anderluh M, Bellodi L, Cellini E, di Bernardo M, Nacmias B, Ricca V, Sorbi S, Tchanturia K, Wagner G, Collier D, Bonillo A, Fernández-Aranda F (2010) Factors of risk and maintenance for eating disorders: psychometric exploration of the cross-cultural questionnaire (CCQ) across five European countries. Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy. PMID: 20886660
⦁ Harrison A, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2010) Attentional Bias, Emotion Recognition and Emotion Regulation in Anorexia: State or Trait? Biological Psychiatry. 15; 68(8):755-61
⦁ Nakazato M, Hashimoto K, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K, Campbell IC, Collier DA, Iyo M, Treasure J (2010) Serum glutamine, set-shifting ability and anorexia nervosa Ann Gen Psychiatry. 25; 9 (1):29
⦁ Roberts M, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2010) Exploring the Neurocognitive Signature of Poor Set-shifting in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 44(14):964-70
⦁ Harrison A, Tchanturia K Treasure J (2010) Emotional Functioning in Eating Disorders: Attentional Bias, Emotion Recognition and Emotion Regulation. Psychological Medicine 40(11):1887-97
⦁ Oldershaw A, Hambrook D, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Schmidt U (2010) Emotional Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness in Recovered Anorexia Nervosa Patients. Psychosomatic Medicine.72,73-79
⦁ Davies H, Liao T, Campbell I, Tchanturia K (2009) Multidimensional self reports as a measure of characteristics in people with eating disorders. Weight and Eating Disorders. (14) 84-91
⦁ Kyriacou O, Easter A, Tchanturia K (2009) Comparing views of patients, parents and clinicians on emotions in anorexia: A qualitative study. Journal of Health Psychology. 14(7) 843–854
⦁ Anderluh M, Tchanturia K, Rabe-Hesket S, Collier D, Treasure J (2009) Lifetime course of eating disorders: design and validity testing of a new strategy to define the eating disorders phenotype. Psychological Medicine. 39(1):105-14
⦁ Harrison A, Salivan S, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2009) Emotion Regulation and Recognition in Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry 16(4):348-56
⦁ Russell, T, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K (2009) Aspects of social cognition in anorexia nervosa: Affective and cognitive theory of mind. Psychiatry Research. 15; 168 (3):181-5
⦁ Zastrow A, Kaiser S, Stippich C, Walther S, Herzog W, Tchanturia K, Belger A, Weisbrod M, Treasure J, Friederich H (2009) Neural correlates of impaired cognitive-behavioral flexibility in anorexia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry 166(5):608-16
⦁ Krug I, Treasure J, Anderluh M, Bellodi L, Cellini E, Collier D, Bernardo M, Granero R, Karwautz A, Nacmias B, Penelo E, Ricca V, Sorbi S, Tchanturia K, Wagner G, Fernandez-Aranda F (2009) Associations of individual and family eating patterns during childhood and early adolescence: a multicenter European study of associated eating disorder factors. British Journal of Nutrition 101(6):909-918
⦁ Lopez C, Tchanturia K, Stahl D, Treasure, J (2009) Weak Central Coherence in Eating Disorder: A Step towards looking for an Endophenotype of Eating Disorders. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 31(1):117-25
⦁ Nakazato M, Tchanturia K, Schmidt U, Campbell I, Treasure J, Collier D, Hashimoto K, Iyo M (2009) Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and set-shifting in currently ill and recovered anorexia nervosa (AN) patients. Psychological Medicine 39(6):1029-35
⦁ Liao T, Uher R, Lawrence N, Treasure J, Schmidt U, Campbell I, Tchanturia K. (2009) An examination of decision-making in bulimia nervosa. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 31(4):455-461
⦁ Hambrook D, Tchanturia K (2008) A Pilot Study Exploring Machiavellianism in Anorexia Nervosa. Weight and Eating Disorders 13(3):137-41
⦁ Lopez C, Tchanturia K, Stahl D, Treasure J (2008) Central coherence in eating disorders: a systematic review. Psychological Medicine. 38(10):1393-404
⦁ Tchanturia K, Davies H, Lopez C, Schmidt, U, Treasure J, Wykes T (2008) Neuropsychological task performance before and after cognitive remediation in anorexia nervosa: A pilot case series Psychological Medicine 38(9):1371-3
⦁ Genders R, Davies H, StLouis L, Kyriacou O, Hambrook D, Tchanturia K (2008) Long-term benefits of CRT for anorexia. British Journal of Healthcare Management: 14(12): 15-19
⦁ Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2008) Information processing bias in anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry Research.15; 160 (2):221-7
⦁ Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Collier D, Treasure J (2008) The development of the childhood retrospective perfectionism questionnaire (CHIRP) in an eating disorder sample. European Eating Disorders Review. 16(6):451-62
⦁ Whitney J. Easter, A. Tchanturia K (2008) Service users’ feedback on cognitive training in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study. International Journal of Eating Disorders; 41(6):542-50
⦁ Dickson H, Brooks S, Uher R, Tchanturia K, Treasure J, Campbell I (2008) The inability to ignore: distractibility in women with anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine. 38(12):1741-8
⦁ Krug I, Treasure J, Anderluh M, Bellodi L, Cellini E, Bernardo M, Granero R, Karwautz A, Nacmias B, Penelo E, Ricca V, Sorbi S, Tchanturia K, Wagner G, Collier D, Fernandez-Aranda F (2008) Present and lifetime comorbidity of tobacco, alcohol and drug use in eating disorders:A European multicenter study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1; 97(1-2):169-79
⦁ Genders R, Treasure J, Fernández-Aranda F, Tchanturia K (2008) Childhood eating and feeding factors associated with abnormal eating behaviours in British and Georgian females. Int J Child Adolesc Health. 1(4):341-354
⦁ Lopez C, Tchanturia K, Stahl D, Treasure J (2008) Central Coherence in Women with Bulimia Nervosa International Journal of Eating Disorders 41(4):340-7
⦁ Hambrook D, Schmidt U, Russell T, Treasure J, Tchanturia K (2008) Empathy, Systemizing, and Autistic Traits in Anorexia Nervosa: A Pilot Study British Journal of Clinical Psychology 47, 335-339
⦁ Lopez C, Roberts, M, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2008) Using neuropsychological feedback therapeutically in treatment with anorexia nervosa. European Eating disorders Review. 16(6):411-20
⦁ Forcano L, Santamaria J, Aguera Z, Gunnard K, Tchanturia K, Krug I, Treasure J, Granero R, Jimenez-Murcia S, Fernandez-Aranda F (2008) Eating Symptomatology and Personality in First Generation Latin-American Immigrants versus Spanish Native – Born Bulimia Nervosa Patients Int J Child Adolesc Health. 1(4):365-372
⦁ Lopez C, Tchanturia K, Stahl D, Happe F, Booth R, Holliday J, Treasure J (2008) An Examination of Central Coherence in Women with Anorexia Nervosa International Journal of Eating Disorders. 41(2):143-52
⦁ Russell T, Tchanturia K, Rahman Q, Schmidt U (2007) Sex Differences in Theory of Mind: A Male Advantage on Happé’s “Cartoon” task. Cognition and Emotion. 21(7) 1554-1564
⦁ Roberts M, Dermetriou L, Tchanturia K (2007) Neuropsychological profile in the overweight population: An exploratory study of set-shifting and detail focused processing styles. Therapy 4(6) 1-4
⦁ Tchanturia K, Liao T, Uher R, Lawrence N, Treasure J, Campbell I (2007) An investigation of decision making in people with anorexia nervosa using Iowa Gambling task and skin conductance measurements The Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 13 635-641
⦁ Pretorius N, Tchanturia K (2007) Anorexia nervosa how people think and how we address it in psychological treatment. Therapy. 4(4) 423-433
⦁ Tchanturia K, Davies H, Campbell I (2007) Cognitive Remediation for patients with Anorexia Nervosa: preliminary findings. Annals of General Psychiatry 14, 6-14
⦁ Baldock E, Tchanturia K (2007) Translating laboratory research into clinical practice: foundations, functions and future of cognitive remediation therapy for anorexia nervosa. Therapy. 4, 3; 285-293
⦁ Roberts M, Tchanturia K, Stahl D, Southgate L, Treasure J (2007) A systematic review and meta-analysis of set shifting ability in eating disorders Psychological Medicine. 37(8):1075-84
⦁ Dalgleish T, Williams M, Golden M, Perkins N, Barrett L, Barnard P. Au-Yeung S, Murphy V, Elward R, Tchanturia K, Watkins E (2007) Reduced specificity of autobiographical memory and depression: role of executive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology General APA.136(1):23-42
⦁ Tchanturia K, Whitney J, Treasure J (2006) Can cognitive exercises help treat anorexia nervosa?A case report . Weight and Eating Disorders 11; 4 112-117
⦁ Treasure J, Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Lopez, C, Collier D (2006) Gene Enviroment and developmental issues in eating disorders. ACAMH Occasional Paper 25, 51-62
⦁ Holliday J, Tchanturia K, Landau S, Collier D (2005) Is Impaired Set-Shifting an Endophenotype of Anorexia Nervosa? American Journal of Psychiatry. 162; 12 :2269-2275
⦁ Davies H, Tchanturia K (2005) Cognitive Remediation Therapy as an intervention for acute Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Report. European Review of Eating Disorders. 13, 311-316
⦁ Tchanturia K, Campbell I, Morris R, Treasure J(2005) Neuropsychological Studies in AN. International Journal of Eating Disorders, Special Issue Anorexia Nervosa. 37:572-576
⦁ Southgate L, Tchanturia K, Treasure J (2005) Building a model of the aetiology of eating disorders by translating experimental neuroscience into clinical practice. Journal of Mental Health 14 (6) 553-566
⦁ Treasure J, Tchanturia K, Schmidt U (2005) Developing a model of the treatment for eating disorder: using neuroscience research to examine the how rather than what of change. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 5(3) 1-12
⦁ Tchanturia, K, Surguladze S, Campbell I (2005) Western Europe and the former Eastern Bloc: How to maximise Potential Through Collaboration. Bridging West and East in Psychiatry. 3:19-22
⦁ Tchanturia K, Happe F, Godley J, Bara – Carill N, Treasure J, Schmidt U (2004) Theory of Mind in AN. European Eating Disorders Review 12, 361-366
⦁ Tchanturia K, Morris R, Brecelj M, Nikolau V, Treasure J (2004) Set Shifting in Anorexia Nervosa: An examination before and after weight gain, in full recovery and the relationship to childhood and adult OCDP traits. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 38, 545-552
⦁ Tchanturia K, Brecelj M, Sanchez P, Morris R, Rabe -Hesketh S, Treasure J (2004) An examination of cognitive flexibility in eating disorders. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society. 10, 513-520
⦁ 2003
⦁ Dalgleish T, Tchanturia K, Serpell L, Hems S, DeSilva P, Treasure J (2003) Self-Reported Parental Abuse Relates to Autobiographical Memory Style in Patients with Eating Disorders Emotion 3(3) 211-222
⦁ Anderluch M, Tchanturia K, Rabe-Hesketh S, Treasure J (2003) Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits in Eating Disorders: An Approach to the Broader Phenotypic Definition. American Journal of Psychiatry. 160:242-247
⦁ Tchanturia K, Katzman M, Troop N, Treasure J(2002) An Exploration of Eating Disorders in the Republic of Georgia. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 48 (3), 220-230
⦁ Tchanturia K, Morris R, Surguladze S, Treasure J (2002) An examination of Perceptual and Cognitive Set Shifting Tasks in Acute Anorexia Nervosa and Following Recovery. Weight and Eating Disorders 7(4), 312-316
⦁ Tchanturia K, Troop N, Katzman M (2002) Same Pie, Different Portions. European Eating Disorders Review. (10), 110-119
⦁ Tchanturia K, Serpell L, Troop N, Treasure J (2001) Perceptual Illusions in Eating Disorders Rigid and Fluctuating Styles. J Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. (32), 107-115
⦁ Godley J, Tchanturia K, MacLeod A, Schmidt U (2001) Future Directed Thinking in Eating Disorders. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. (40), 281-296
⦁ Dalgleish T, Tchanturia K, Serpell L, Hems S, de Silva P, Treasure J (2001) Perceived Control Over Events in the World in Patients with Eating Disorders: A preliminary study. Personality and Individual
⦁ Differences, 31, 453 – 460
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