Professor Emeritus

1973 – graduated Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, the faculty of West European languages and literature (English language and literature). 1987 – defended the candidate thesis: Myth and Ritual in Western Georgia at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan. 1997 – defended the doctoral thesis: Symbol and Ritual in Georgian Culture at the archaeological Center of the Academy of sciences of Georgia. 2006-2018 Associated Professor at Ilia State University
2018 -2020 – Ajanct Professor at Ilia State University Since 2020 – Professor Emeritus at Ilia State University 2009 (for Hilary term) conducted research in the chosen field of anthropology at the University of Oxford and presented the findings to a wide audience of scholars (at the Institute of Social and  Cultural Anthropology and International Gender Studies Centre. Department of International
Development). 2010-13 participated in a RESET-project funded by the Open Society Foundation on Anthropological Approaches to Religion and Secularism. She is the author of more than 100 articles 4 monographs and 3 collective monographs on

Scientific interests / research interests

Comparative mythology, ritual, symbol in culture, culture as a text, collective memory and cultural identity, construction of sacred spaces, Sacred and secular, folk festival, religious symbolism and social behavior, elitism, urban anthropology.

Featured publications
• Ancient Cosmological Concepts and Archaic Religious Symbols in the Cultural Memory of Georgians, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi, 2017.(In Georgian with extended English Abstract)
• Symbol and Ritual in Georgian Culture ( in Georgian with Russian Summary),Tbilisi, Iv. Javakhishvili Institute of History an Ethnology, Tbilisi, 1997.
• Myth and Ritual in Western Georgia ( In Russian, with English Summary), Tbilisi, Mcniereba, 1991.

• Ancient Cosmological Concepts and Archaic Religious Symbols in the Cultural Memory of Georgians, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi, 2017.(In Georgian with extended English Abstract)
• Twentieth Century Anthropological Theories on Myth and Religion, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi, 2013 (In Georgian)
• Symbol and Ritual in Georgian Culture ( in Georgian with Russian Summary),Tbilisi, Iv. Javakhishvili Institute of History an Ethnology, Tbilisi, 1997.
• Myth and Ritual in Western Georgia ( In Russian, with English Summary), Tbilisi, Mcniereba, 1991.

Articles in magazines

• Concerning one of the epithets of St George from cross-cultural perspective. In: Anthropological Researches 3, Tbilisi, Universali, 2017. (In Georgian and English languages).
• Festival as a means of construction of collective identity, L’Arménie et la Géorgie en dialogue avec l’Europe (Du Moyen Âge à nos jours), Sous la direction de Isabelle Augé,Vladimer Barkhudaryan, Gérard Dédéyan, Mzaro/Mzagve Dokhturishvili, Irma Karaulashvili, , 2016, ( S. N. LIBRAIRE ORIENTALISTE PAUL GEUTHNER S.A.), Paris, Geuthner 142-152.
• Daimones in the Georgian Mythic-Ritual System. Antiqua Et Mediaevalla. Judaica Et Orientalia.Julian Moga (Coordinator). Angels, Demons and Representations of Afterlife within the Jewish, Pagan and Christian Imagery. Editura Universitaţii “Alexandru Joan Cusa”, Iași, 2013.pp. 445-460.
• On Cosmological Concepts and Archaic Symbols in the Georgian MythicRitual System, 2nd International Symposium of Georgian Culture. The Caucasus: Georgia on the Crossroads, Cultural Exchanges across the Europe and Beyond. Proceedings. November 2-9, 2009, Florence, Italy. Tbilisi, 2011.
• Megalithic standing stones in Georgian mythic-ritual system (syncretism in symbol), Kadmos 2, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi, 2010 (In Georgian with an English abstract).

Articles in magazines

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Myth in Art (Spring Term )
Anthropology (Spring and Autumn terms)
From the History of Ancient Religious Beliefs (from the History of Ideas) (Autumn term).
Caucasian Mythology (Autumn term).
Georgian Mythology ( Autumn term)
Ritual, change of ritual and changing rituals (Spring term)

Caucasian Mythology
Myth in Art
From the History of Ancient Religious Beliefs (from the History of Ideas)
Ritual and Worship in World Religions (West and East)
Georgian Mythology
Ritual, change of ritual and changing rituals
Sacred Space and Power
Hellenistic-Roman World and Christianity
Doctoral Studies
Anthropology of Religion