Direction:Georgian Philology
Position:Associate Professor

1989-1995   BA – University of Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani, Faculty of Georgian Filology
1997-2000   MA – University of Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani, Department of Lingusitics, Kartvelian Languages.
PhD – Kartvelian Languages

2004 BA – University of Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani, Faculty of Georgian Filology
MA – University of Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani, Department of Lingusitics, Kartvelian Languages.
PhD – Kartvelian Languages
2019- today Associate Prceofessor, School of Arts and Sciences, Ilia State Univerty
2006-2019 Researcher, Institut of Linguistics Studies, Ilia State University
2012-2018 Associate Prceofessor, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Georgia
2000-2006 Lecturer, Department of Georgian Language, University of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani
Rusudan Gersamia has developed the standards of interlinear morphemic glossing (rules, tags) for the Kartvelian languages. She is a co-author of the electronic collection of morphologically parsed and annotated Megrelian texts. At various periods of time, she was an invited lecturer of summer and winter schools in Digital Humanities of Goethe University of Frankfurt, Batumi and Tbilisi State Universities. She is a member of the Linguistic Circle of Frankfurt  University. She is a member of the standing committee of the State Language Department. in 2007-2019, she led and participated in a number of linguistic field works for the documentation of the Kartvelian languages, among them, of Laz, an endangered language, in Georgia and Turkey. She has made more than 40 publications, participated in up to 70 national and international scholarly events.

Scientific interests / research interests

⦁ Digital Humanities
⦁ Applied Linguistics
⦁ Field Linguistics
⦁ Corpus Linguistics
⦁ Formal and Functional Grammar of Kartvelian Languages
⦁ Historical and Comparative Linguistics
⦁ Teaching and research of Georgian as a second language.

⦁ Featured publications
⦁ Semantic Components of Adverbs in Megrelian and Laz. ⦁ Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe)⦁ , ⦁ v.14,⦁ ⦁ n.2.⦁ ⦁ ⦁ 2020. ⦁ Georgian National Academy.⦁ (co-author Kobalava, I.)
⦁ Spatial Preverbs in the Laz Language. Typological Investigations. VIII. Ilia State University, G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. 2020
⦁ Conceptual Structure of Verb Roots Denoting Motion / Movement in Laz. Issues of Linguistics. Tbilisi State University. 2019
⦁ Semantic Functions of Preverbs in Laz: Direction, Orientation, Reference. Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics. XLVII. Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. 2019 pp. 48-58.
⦁ Patterns of Phonosemantic Reduplication in Kartvelian (South Caucasian) Languages (co-auth. Kikvidze, Z., Lomia, M.): Linguistics Beyond and Within (LingBaW), a peer-reviewed online journal, published by the Faculty of Humanities, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. 4, 2018. pp.92-107. open access; ISSN 2450-5188
⦁ On Grammaticalization of the Forms of Screeves in Megrelian and Laz. Issues of Linguistics. 2017. Tbilisi State University. ⦁⦁ ⦁ pp. 136-150.
⦁ Digital Documentation and Anotation of Languages and Methodological Aspects of Laz Language Studies. Proceedings of International conference “Language and Culture”, IV. 2017. Kutaisi State University (Kutaisi, Georgia). Pp.73-76.
⦁ Intervocalic Reduplication in the Kartvelian Languages. Issues of Linguistics. 2015. Tbilisi State University. pp. 63-79.
⦁ Groups of Morphemes and the Rank Structure of Morphemes in Megrelian. Issues of Linguistics. 2013. pp.151- 161.
⦁ Языковое выражение слов чувственно-умственного восприятия в лексемах и фразеологизмах (co-autor Lomia, M.): Languages and Cultures in the Caucasus, Papers from the International Conference “Current advances in Caucasian Studies, Macerata, Italy. Verlag Otto Sagner. Munchen – Berlin. 2011. pp.411–420.
⦁ Morphonological Transformation in Megrelian. Typological Investigations. Ilia State University, G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. VI. 2010. pp. 101-115.

2020 Space and Motion in Language Representation (Analysis Laz Linguistic Data) (in Georgian). Universali. Tb.2020
2020 Space and Motion in Language Representation (Analyses of Megrelian and Laz Linguistic Data) (in English) (co-author). Universali. Tb.2020
2016 Phonosemantic Vocabulary of Kartvelian languages (Structure, Semantics, Pragmatics). Ilia State University. Tbilisi. Pp. 497 (co-author).
2012 Interlinear Morphemic Glossing (Morphological analisys of Megrelian Texts). Ilia State University. Tbilisi. Pp. 168 (co-author).
2012 Megrelian Texts (Field works materials). Ilia State University. Tbilisi. Pp. 199 (co-author).
2010 Linguistic Analisys of Megrelian. Ilia State University. Meridiani. Tbilisi. Pp. 699 (co-author)

⦁ An extensive list of publications
⦁ Problems of Division of Laz into Dialects and Peculiarities of Khopa-Chkhala. Issues of Linguistics. Tbilisi State University.2019
⦁ On the postpositional locative cases in Laz. Typological Investigations. VIII. Ilia State University, G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. (co-author Makharoblidze, T.)2019.
⦁ The Phasal Structure of Movement in the Kartvelian Languages. Intercultural Dialogues (International Scientific Peer Reviewed Journal). 2019, Pp. 63-68.
⦁ Encoding of Space by Means of Preverbs in Laz. Proceedings of International conference “Language and Culture”, IV. Kutaisi State University (Kutaisi, Georgia). Pp. 77-80
⦁ Semantic Components of the Preverbs ala-, ela- in Megrelian and Laz. Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics. XVI. Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.Tbilisi. (co-autor Achalaia, N.) pp.29-41
⦁ The Terms and Concepts Related to the Phonosemantics of the Kartvelian languages, Spekali. Electronic bilingual scholarly perreviewed Journal 2016
⦁ Structural and Semantic Analysis of Laz Vocabulary Denoting Time. Issues of Linguistics. 2015. Tbilisi State University.
⦁ Main and Alternative Predicates Referring to Spatial Location in the Kartvelian languages. Typological Investigations. 2015. Ilia State University, G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. Pp. 267-282.
⦁ Синтаксические структуры в переводе: материал картвельских языков (co-autor Maia Lomia) «Специалный и художественный перевод: теория, методология, практика», 2015. стр., 181-184;
⦁ Иконизм в переводной лексикографии / Iconicity in Translation Lexicography, General and Specialist Translation / Interpretation. Theory, Methods, Practice, 7th International Conference Papers, Kiev (Ukraine), 2014. pp. 114-117 (co-auth. Kikvidze Z., Lomia, M.)
⦁ Idiomatic Expressions containing “shuri” (“Soul”) in the Megrelian Language; Kartvelology. 2014. Pp. 83-94
⦁ Alio Kobalia “Megrelian Dictionary” (review of the same work by A. Kobalia): Kartvelology. 2013. pp. 88-105.
⦁ Sound Symbolism in Svan: Linguistic Analysis of Ali Davitiani’s Paper. Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics. XLI. 2013. Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.Tbilisi. pp.87-97
⦁ Gender Aspects of Phonosemantic Vocabulary in Kartvelian Languages. Caucasiologic papers. Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi. Georgia). V. 2013. Pp. 33-43. (co-auth.Mamiseishvili N., Sagliani, M.)
⦁ phonosemantic Vocabulary in Megrelian Folklore Data snd Specific Features Associated with teir Translation into Georgian. Issues of the Structure of Kartvelian Languages. XII. 2013. Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.Tbilisi. pp. 92-101.
⦁ Present-Future System in Megrelian Language Grammar. Language and Culture. Proceedings of International conference “Language and Culture”, II. 2013. Kutaisi State University (Kutaisi, Georgia). Pp. 95-101.
⦁ The Issue of Database Structuring According to Electronic Corpus of Megrelian Texts. Georgian Language and Modern Technologies. International Conference Proceedings. III. 2013. Pp.78-81.
⦁ An Ethno-Linguistic Analysis of gveli “snake”: an Example of Taboo in Georgian Ethno-Culture. Caucasiologic Papers. 2. 2010. Pp. 145-161.
⦁ Megrelian Vašiners (Semantic and Struqcture analysis). Issues of Linguistic. I-II. 2010. Tbilisi State University. Pp.178-194 Enatmecniereba_2010_20-01-11_T80.pdf
⦁ Communicative Intention and the Arrangement of Hypotactic Structure Components (according to Kartvelian language materials) . “Guram Kartozia – 75” (Jubilee Collection).2009. Pp. 245-251.
⦁ About Iotization in Megrelian. Issues of Linguistics. I-II Tbilisi State University. 2009. pp.32-42. ⦁ Enatmecniereba_I-II_2009_16-09-2010_T80.pdf
⦁ For The Linguistic Expression of Taboo in Megrelian. “Sergi Jikia – 110” (Jubilee Collection).2009. pp. 34-39..
⦁ Field Work Report (co-auth. Lomia, M., Tskhadaia T.). Issues of Linguistics. Tbilisi State University N2, 2008. Pp. 206-209.
⦁ Systematic Repeat Axtions Conveyed by the Megrlelian Preverb gila-. Linguistic Papers. XXII, გვ. 80-85.
⦁ “ganჳi” (treasure) – Old Georgian Term. Linguistic Papers.XXIII. pp. 69-74.
⦁ Verb Synonims in the Megrelian Language and the Question of their Systematization. Promethe (Periodical Scientific Journal), 7 (19). pp. 194-197.
⦁ Polisemy and Synonymy Promethe, (Periodical Scientific Journal), 7 (19). pp. 211-213;

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Morphology 1; Practicum in Georgian Language Morphology; Kartvelian Languages (Megrelian); Syntax of Georgian Language; Seminar in the Systematic Morphology of Georgian Language

Morphology 2; Syntax of Georgian Language; Grammatical Analysis of Laz-Megrelian Languages and Contemporary Linguistic Theories

School of Arts and Scienses, Humanities: Georgian Philology:
⦁ Practicum of Georgian Language Morphology (2019-2020/ Spring Semester)- BA
⦁ Seminar in Systemic Morphology of Georgian Language (2019-2020 / Autumn Semester, Spring Semester)-MA
⦁ Morphology 1 (2018-2020 / Spring Semester, Autumn Semester) – BA)
⦁ Morphology 2 (2018-2020 / Spring Semester, Autumn Semesterა) – BA
⦁ Georgian Language Syntax (2018 -2020 / Spring Semester, Autumn Semester)– BA
⦁ Kartvelian Languages (Megrelian), (2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 / Autumn Semester) – BA
Prepar BA the second Language acquisition
⦁ Georgian Language A1_A2 (2017-2018 / Spring Semester)
⦁ Georgian Language B1_B2 (2017-2018 / Spring Semester)
⦁ Georgian Language B1 (2019-2020 / Autumn Semester
⦁ Georgian Language B2 (2018-2019 / Spring Semesterი)
⦁ Grammar of Georgian for Communication (2018-2019 / Autumn Semester
University of Georgia, school of Art and Humanities
⦁ Georgian Language 1 (Morphology of Names) (2012-2016 / Autumn Semester, Spring Semester), BA
⦁ Georgian Language 2 (Morphology of Verbs) (2017-2018 /Spring Semester), BA
⦁ Academic Writing (2012-2016 Autumn Semester), BA

2016-2020 Semantic components of Megrelian and Laz (SCML): Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (FR/ #217344) & Ilia State University. Researcher.
2014-2015 Nationale Corpus of Georgian Language – Technological frame. Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung) (AZ 86154) & Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany). Researcher.
2013-2016 Space and Time in Kartvelian Languages: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (D/#13/20) & Ilia State University. Researcher.
2013-2016 Phonosemantic Vocabulary in Kartvelian Languages (Structure, Semantics, Pragmatics), Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (FR/#31/20)& Ilia State University. Researcher. Projects Director.
2009-2012 Electronic Corpus of Megrelian. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (A-43-09) & Ilia State University. Researcher.
2006-2009 Preparation for publication of the monograph “ Linguistic Analisys of Megrelian”, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (FR/#021-08) & Ilia State University. Researcher.

Tutorials in Summer and Winter Schools
2019 Tutoril as part of the project SCML – Preverbs and Adverbs in Megrelian and Laz (Structure and Semantic components). Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation & Ilia State University.
23.06/2017 Concerning the issues of Georgian-Megrelian morphophonology
Tutorial as part of the project LaDyCA – Methods form Endangered Kartvelian varieties documendation and analysis according to Language Dynamics Theory.
Ilia State University (Georgia) & Paris-Sorbonne University (Georgia).
20-27.02/2016 Interlinear method of morphological annotation of the text (rules and principles for Kartvelian languages). Tutorial as part of the International Winther school: Digital Kartvelology – Thematic Corpus and Problems of Anotation in Kartvelian Languages. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation & Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung). Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) & Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia).
24.08-02.09 / 2015 Interlinear annotation and basic glossing principles (Based on Kartvelian Languages) . Tutorial as part of the International Summerschool: Digital Humanities – Electronic Documentation of Language and Culture. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation & Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung). Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) & Batumi State University (Batumi, Georgia).
05.09-14.09 / 2014 The structure and semantics of the phonosemantiic vocabulary of Kartvelian languages. Tutorial as part of the International Summer School: Digital Humanities and Kartvelian Languages. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation & Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung). Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) & Batumi State University (Batumi, Georgia).

International workshops / Seminars
⦁ Language dynamics in the Caucasus. February / 2018. Iia State University (Georgia) & Sorbonne University (France) : Linguistic Project LaDyCa (Tbilisi, Georgia)
⦁ Methods for Endangered Kartvelian varieties documentation and analysis according to Language Dynamics Theory. June / 2018. Iia State University (Georgia) & Sorbonne University (France): Linguistic Project LaDyCa (Tbilisi, Georgia)
⦁ Endangered Languages and People Movement (LHRI). 05. 07 / 2017. Kartvelian Studies group. University of Leeds (Leeds. UK)
⦁  Computational Approaches to Morphologically Rich  Languages (#CAMRL2017) Training Event: Using Structured POS Tagsets in CWB/CQP  Corpus Queries (Dr Andrew Hardie). 05. 07 / 2017. Kartvelian Studies group, University of Leeds (Leeds. UK)

International Conferences (featured)
⦁ LingBaW 2019. 7th meeting of Linguistics Beyond And Within — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin. John Paul II Catholic University (Lublin. Poland). Fictive Motion Construction in Kartvelian Languages.
⦁ ASIAC annual conference (Roma, Italy). 2019. The Spatial Categories of the Kartvelian Languages As the Cultural and Linguistic Representants of the Kartvelian Mentality.
⦁ NAMED_2019 Neglected Aspect of Motion. Organized by Laure Sarda and Benjamin Fagard (CNRS-ENS, Lattice, Paris, France). Fictive Motion Construction in Megrelian . (Road, Sun, Time).
⦁ V International Congress of Caucasiologists. 2019.Tbilisi State Univetrsity (Tbilisi, Georgia). The Problems Related to the Processing of Oral Texts by Means of Praat Analyzer. (Gersamia/ Tsulaia)
⦁ International Conference “Intercultural Dialogues”, 5. 2019. Telavi State University (Telavi, Georga). The Phasal Structure of Movement in the Kartvelian Languages
⦁ International Conference “Language an Culture”, 5. 2019, Kutaisi State University (Kutaisi, Georgia). Paradigmatic Analysis of Verbs of Motion and Transfer in the Laz Language.
⦁ International Conference “Language an Culture”, 5. 2019, Kutaisi State University (Kutaisi, Georgia). The Functional-Semantic Category of Potencialis in Megrelian and Laz.
⦁ ISMo_2019 International Symposium of Morphology 2019. University Paris-Diderot (Paris, France). Morphology and semantics of negative rhetorical questions in Megrelian. (Gersamia/ Rostovcev-Popiel)
⦁ The 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar(s) (Methods, Concepts and Applications) (ICCG10). 15-18.07.2018. (Paris. France): Deontic and Volitional Modality – Constructions and Paradigms in the Kartvelian Languages (Gersamia/ Topadze)
⦁ Computational Approaches to Morphologically Rich Languages (CAMRL2018). 3.07.2018. University of Leeds (Leeds. UK): POS-tagging of Verbs in Georgian and Megrelian (Gersamia / Daraselia)
⦁ Endangered Language and Nature. 02.07.2018. University of Leeds (Leeds. UK): Laz in Georgian and Turky: Past and Present (Gersamia / Daraselia).
⦁ Linguistic and Literary Studies on the Caucasus. 25-26.05.2018. University of Verona (Verona. Italy): The System of Spatial Relations in Megrelian and Laz (Gersamia / Topadze / Kobalava / Tsulaia)
⦁ 18th Internatерional Morpological Meeteng (IMM18). 11-14.05.2018.  Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) (Budapest. Hungary): Morphologization of the Modal Particle in the Kartvelian Languages (Gersamia /Sharashenidze)
⦁ Deutsche Orientalistische Tag (DOT 2017). 18-22.09.2017. Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Jena. Germany): Space Adverbs in Megrelian and Laz Languages (Gersamia / Kobalava / Topadze)
⦁ Computational Approaches to Morphologically Rich Languages (CAMRL2017). 05.07.2017. University of Leeds (Leeds, UK): Problems of the Segmentation and Morphological Annotation of Verbal Prefixes in Megrelian (Gersamia / Topadze)
⦁ Methods for Endangered Kartvelian varieties Documentation and Analysis according to Language Dynamics Theory (LaDyCA). 23.06.2017 (Tbilisi. Georgia). Paris-Sorbonne University & Ilia State University: Concerning the issues of Georgian-Megrelian morphophonology (Gersamia)
⦁ Historical Linguistics of the Caucasus: Impervective Modalities in Caucasian. 12-14.04. 2017. École Pratique des Hautes Études Languages (Paris. France): Rendering Spatial Relations by Means of Preverbs in Kartvelian Lanuages (Gersamia, Kobalava, Topadze).
⦁ International Workshop: Non-Prototypical Reduplication. 9-10.04.2016. University of Bremen (Bremen. Germany): Echo constructions in Kartvelian (South Caucasian) languages (Gersamia / Kikvidze / Lomia)
⦁ Information Structure in Spoken Language Corpora 2 (ISSLAC 2). 02-04.04.2015. (Paris. France) Multiple Focus and Sluicing in Spoken Georgian and Megrelian (Pourtskhvanidze / Gersamia / Lomia).
⦁ 3rd International Workshop on Phonotactics and Phonotactic Modeling (PPM2015). 25-27.10.2015. University of Vienna (Vienna. Austria): Onomatope-based Reduplication and Grammaticalization/Phonotactics Interface in Kartvelian (South Caucasian) Languages (Kikvidze / Gersamia / Lomia)
⦁ 3rd meeting of Linguistics Beyond And Within — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin (LingBaW 2015). 22-23.10. 2015. Lublin University & John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland) Patterns of Phonosemantic Reduplication in Kartvelian (South Caucasian) Languages. (Kikvidze / Gersamia / Lomia)
⦁ Sound Symbolism in Kartvelian Languages. 20-21.02.2014, University of Burgundy (Dijon. France): Paper presented at the International Conference Towards a History of Sound Symbolic Theories (Gersamia / Lomia)