Position:Associate Professor

Having graduated from Tbilisi Iakob Nikoladze Art College with a degree in painting, in 2003 Elene Ladaria continued her studies in philosophy and social sciences and in 2007 received a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Ilia State University. In 2009-2010 he continued his studies in German Idealism and 20th-century French Philosophers and earned a triple diploma based on a master’s thesis on structuralist epistemology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Charles University in Prague and the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès. In 2018, she obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès for her dissertation on a topic: “Labor, Language, Thinking: Aspects of Soviet Epistemology in the 30s by Konstantine Megrelidze”. Since 2015 she has been working at Ilia State University as a coordinator and researcher at the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies and is engaged in translational and editorial work.

Scientific interests / research interests

Metaphysics, Structuralism, Systems Theory, Soviet Philosophy, Marrism

Selected Publications

  • Intersubjectivité et système social » in Systèmes psychiques et systèmes sociaux, éd. par Lukas K. Sosoe, Olms, Hildesheim, 2016. pp. 183-192.
  • From concept to sign, and back again. The Soviet reception of psychoanalytic unconscious » in Identity Studies, Vol. 5. Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi, 2014. pp. 17-31.

Selected Translations:

  • Bruno Latour, We have never been modern. Ilia State University Publishing House, Tbilisi, 2014.
  • Étienne Balibar, The philosophy of Marx. Ilia State University Publishing House, Tbilisi, 2016


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Ancient philosophy; Modern philosophy; Contemporary philosophy; Introduction to Contemporary Thought II; Spinoza and Spinozism Today

What is metaphysics?; Bachelor Thesis (Philosophy); Introduction to Contemporary Thought I

  • Introduction to Modern Thought I, II (From 2016 spring semester – to date).