In 1981, Tamar Makharoblidze graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. She is the author of more than 30 books – monographs and textbooks published in Georgia and abroad, as well as more than a hundred scientific works, one children’s book and about two hundred foreign TV and radio projects, documentaries, full-length and short-length feature and animation films. Makharoblidze is the founder of Georgian sign language (GESL) studies. She created the first Georgian dactyl alphabet for the local deaf community and also the first Georgian Lorm alphabet for the deaf-blind. In 2017, as the winner of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation competition, he was awarded the Best Scientist of the Year Award (Georgian Research Sciences).
Scientific interests / research interests
General linguistics, Sign langugaes, Kartvelian (Georgian) studies, quantitative linguitics, language acquisition, alngugae development, language teahiching.
Books (and chapters in the books)
- Tamar Makharoblidze & Ekaterine Nanitashvili. Non-manual arguments in GESL. In the book: Issues of Kartvelian Studies. Edited by Tamar Makharoblidze. Vernon Press, 2022 pp.201-215
- Makharoblidze (2022) lingvist’uri c’erilebi – V. LINGUISTIC PAPERS – IV. Tbilisi. ISBN
- Sharashenidze N. Gambashidze M. Advadze M. Makharoblidze T. (2020) Issues of modality in the Georgian language. ISBN 978-9941-26-788-8. ‘Universal’, Tbilisi. Pp. .76-136,160-167
- Makharoblidze (2019) ‘GESL verbal morphology’. ISBN 978-9941-18-331-7. ISU. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Tbilisi. 2019. P.248
- Makharoblidze (2018) lingvist’uri c’erilebi – IV. LINGUISTIC PAPERS – IV. Tbilisi. ISBN 978 9941-9-0044-3
- Makharoblidze (2016) lingvist’uri c’erilebi – III. LINGUISTIC PAPERS – III. TSU, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISBN 978-9941-13-511-8 446 pp.
- Makharoblidze Vashakidze T. Burchuladze T. Labartkava M. Maghradze V. Teteloshvili T. Jorbenadze N. (2016) Spelling Dictionary for Media. TSU, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISBN 978-9941-13-539-2 pp.558
- Makharoblidze T. (2015) Georgian Sign Language Election Dictionary. Ilia State University; USA Embassy in Georgia. Tbilisi. ISBN 978-9941-18-224-2; 291pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2015) Georgian Sign Language Dictionary. Ilia State University; Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation. Tbilisi. ISBN 978-9941-16-225-5 1368 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) – BASIC GEORGIAN. 2nd edition. LINCOM. DE; Germany. LINCOM Practical Language Courses; ISBN 9783862884674. 364pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2014) – A SHORT GRAMMAR OF GEORGIAN. LINCOM.DE; Germany. 2nd edition. (accepted for print).
- Makharoblidze T. Batatunashvili A. (2014) Georgian Sign Language Children’s Dictionary. The Union of Deaf of Georgia,Bank of Georgia. Tbilisi. 2014
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) THE GEORGIAN VERB. LINCOM.DE; Germany. ISBN 9783862882960. LINCOM Studies in Caucasian Linguistics 20. 656pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) BREVE GRAMÁTICA DE GEORGIANO (tradusco por R. Serrano) LINCOM.DE; Germany. ISBN 9783862883127. Edición lingüística 90. 146pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) Georgian Sign Language. (in Georgian). Ministry of Education and Science, USAID, Save Children International. Tbilisi. 2012 615pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) Georgian Sign Language. Manual for trainers. III level. Ministry of Education and Science, USAID, Save Children International. Tbilisi. 2012. 58 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) Georgian Sign Language. Notebook for training. III level. Ministry of Education and Science, USAID, Save Children International. Tbilisi. 2012. 223pp.
- Makharoblidze T. and others (2012) Practical Manual for Trainers (Chapter “Communication”) Ministry of Education and Science, TPDC – Teachers professional development Centre. Tbilisi. 2012. 215pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2010) – lingvist’uri c’erilebi -II. LINGUISTIC PAPERS II St. Andrew University of the Patriarchy of Georgia, ISBN 978-9941-416-21-7, Tbilisi. 183 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2009) – BASIC GEORGIAN. LINCOM. DE; Germany. LINCOM Practical Language Courses 2nd edition 2011.
- Makharoblidze T. (2009) – A SHORT GRAMMAR OF GEORGIAN. DE; Germany. ISBN 9783895861512. 126 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2009) – BASIC GEORGIAN. LINCOM. DE; Germany. ISBN 9783895861154. LINCOM Practical Language Courses 01. 200 pp. 2nd printing 2009.
- Makharoblidze (2008 ) – BASIC GEORGIAN. LINCOM. DE; Germany. ISBN 9783895861512. LINCOM Studies in Caucasian Linguistics 16. ISBN 978 3 89586 151 2. 204 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2009) – lingvist’uri c’erilebi -I. LINGUISTIC PAPERS I Andrew University of the Patriarchy of Georgia, Tbilisi. 2009. ISBN 978-9941-404-50-4 173 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2008) – LEARNING GRAMMAR OF GEORGIAN. “Georgian For Foreigners”. St. Andrew University of the Patriarchy of Georgia. ISBN 978-9941-9018-8-1 Tbilisi. 110 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2007) – bask’uri da kartveluri dest’inaciuri sist’emebis t’ipologia. THE TYPOLOGY OF DESTINATION SYSTEMS IN BASQUE AND KARTVELIAN. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISBN 978-99940-911-5-7, 225 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2007) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena. saxelta sc’avlebisatvis arakartul sk’olebshi. GEORGIAN AS A SECOND LANGIAGE. FOR TEACHING THE NOUNS AT NON-GEORGIAN SCHOOLS. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISSN 978- 99940-911-4-0. Tbilisi. 44 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2005) – bask’uri zmnis adresat’obis k’ategoriis t’ip’ologiuri analizi. TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CATEGORY OF ADDRESSEE OF BASQUE VERB. Tbilisi. TSU-press. ISSN 99940-0-685-1, 127 pp.
- Makharoblidze (2005) – dest’inaciur sist’emata t’ipologia (kartuli da bask’uri masala) TYPOLOGY OF DESTINATION SYSTEMS (GEORGIAN AND BASQUE DATA) Tbilisi, TSU-press ISSN 99940-850-6-9. 2005. 158 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – kartuli da bask’uri dest’inaciuri sist’emebis t’ipologia. The typology of Georgian and Basque destination systems. Theses for PH.D. doctoral dissertation. Tbilisi, TSU-press, 75
- Makharoblidze T. (1988) – Система адресатности баскского глагола – Опыт выявления, описания и типологической характеристики. Автореферат кандидатской диссертации. The system of addressee of Basque verb. Theses of candidate dissertation. 24 pp.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar & Gersamia Rusudan (2022). On Mountainous Samegrelo. In: Lingue d’Europa e del Mediterraneo. Sezione IV. “Vitalité sociolinguistique des langues des massifs montagneux: Alpes et Caucase”. Edited by Fabio Scetti Ksenija Djordjevic Léonard, Jean Léo Léonard Volume publié avec le concours de l’Université Paul-Valéry. Montpellier. France. Pp. 303-325
- Tamar Makharoblidze &Ekaterine Nanitashvili (2022) Non-manual arguments in GESL. In the book: Issues of Kartvelian Studies. Edited by Tamar Makharoblidze. Vernon Press, USA. 203-215
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) Matrix of Negation in GESL. In the book “Building on Babel’s Rubble” dedicated to the 60th universary of Lea Nash. Paris. 2021 p.83-93
An extensive list of publications
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2022) Terminological issues in GESL. Terminological Issues V. Vukol Beridze society of terminologists, Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. TSU. Tbilisi.
- Tamar Makharoblidze (2022) On origin of GESL. Journal “Language and Culture -28”. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Tsereteli State University. Kutaisi p.43-48
- Tamar Makharoblidze (2022) On verbal arguments in sign languages. Journal “Language and Culture -27”. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Tsereteli State University. Kutaisi pp. 51-55
- Roland Pfau, Tamar Makharoblidze, Hedde Zeijlstra (2022) Negation and negative concord in Georgian Sign Language.
- Makharoblidze Tamar & Jean Leo Leonard (2022) Disentangling Structural Complexity in a (Challenging) Inflectional System: the Georgian Verb. Journal of language and Linguistic Studies. (JLLS). 18(2), ISSN: 1305-578X 1075-1109; 2022,
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2022). On GESL verbal paradigms. Otolaryngology – Open Access Journal (OOAJ) ISSN :2476-2490 IF :1.867 Volume 7 Issue 2. DOI: 10.23880/ooaj-16000236
- Tamar Makharoblidze, Teona Damenia, Nino Doborjginidze, Nino Tsintsadze, Tinatin Tchintcharauli, Tamara Kalkhitashvili (2022). Argument marking and verbal agreement in the speech of Georgian children. Languages. Volume 7, Issue 4. Special Issue “Errors of Commission in Child Language” MDPI.
- Tamar Makharoblidze, Tamar Archvadze (2022). On morphosemantics of the Destination Sign in the Georgian Sign Language. Kadmos. Tbilsi
- Makharoblidze Tamar, Gersamaia Rusudan (2019) On the postpositional locative cases in Laz. In: Typological Researches VIII. Georgian National Academy of Science, Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. ISSN 1512-326X
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) The Affix of Destination in GESL. Proceedings of The VII International conference Language and Culture. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi. 26-27 March,2022;;
- Tamar Makharoblidze, (2021) The affix of destination in GESL. Language and Culture. #26. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Proceedings of VII International Online Scientific Conference “Language and Culture” K Pp.
- Tamar Makharoblidze, (2021) On negation in Georgian Sign Language. The materials of the VI International conference “Intercultural dialogues” Telavi. 29-30 October, 2021 E-ISSN 2667-999X; ISSN: 2233-3401; DOI:
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2021) The second language acquisition: problems and challenges for Georgian Deaf community. The International journal of Multilingual Education. Tbilisi. 2021.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2021) On derivatives. Language and Culture. #26. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. K
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2021) Language and Culture. #25. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2021) Deaf Language and Culture in Georgia: (Problems and Challenges). Conference book. Tokyo Summit-3. The 3rd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences. February 19-21, 2021. Tokyo, Japan
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On GESL paremiology. Language and Culture. #25. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Proceedings of VI International Online Scientific Conference “Language and Culture” K Pp. 198-204
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On some issues of modality in Georgian Sign language (GESL) Issues of Linguistics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) Tbilisi. (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On verbal morphology of Georgian Sign language (GESL) Iberian Caucasian Linguistics.48. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) Verbal paradigms in GESL. Issues of Linguistics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) Tbilisi. 71-76
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On non-manual grammatical marking in GESL. Language and Culture. #23. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. K Pp.64-69
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) Concerning the paradigms of GESL verbs. Caucasiologic papers, #11. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Humanities Institute of Caucasiology. Tbilisi. (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On terms of justice in GESL. Terminological Issues IV. Vukol Beridze society of terminologists, Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. TSU. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Valency of GESL verb. Language and Culture. #22. Foundation For Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. K Pp.31-40
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) On Modality in Georgian Sign Language (GESL). Languages of the Caucasus2 (2017) ISSN 2375-2068.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) On GESL verb. CODFREURCOR «Etudes interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines» EISH. Vol. 6; Editions Université d’Etat Ilia, Tbilissi, Géorgie. ISBN 1987-875350-81
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Paradigm Function Morphology (PFM) and Megrelian Verbal System. Language and Culture. #21. Foundation For Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. K Pp.31-35
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Georgian Tactile Alphabet (GeoLorm) Moambe Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 13 no. 2
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) The First Georgian Tactile alphabet. Issues of Linguistics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) ISSN 1512-0473. Pp. 87-94
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Paradigm Function Morphology (PFM) and Georgian polypersonal verb. Issues of Linguistics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) ISSN 1512-0473. Tbilisi. 100-107
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) The Georgian Tactile Alphabet (GeoLOrm). Moambe – Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Georgian Academy Press. ISSN-0132-1447.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Georgian Lorm Alphabet. The V International conference “Language and Culture”. 31 May, 1- 2 June. 2019. Kutaisi. Pp.299-307
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) On Georgian Preverbs. Open Linguistics.De Gruyter. 2018; Vol. 4, Isue 1: 163–183 Published Online: 2018-06-15| DOI: Open access.
- Makharoblidze Tamar and Roland Pfau (2018) A negation-tense interaction in Georgian Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics. 21:1, John Benjamins Publishing Company. September 2018. 135–149. ORCID ID
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Computer Translator from sign into spoken l Language and Culture. Foundation For Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi. Pp.6-64
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Verbal Temporal Categories in Georgian Sign Language (GESL) Moambe Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Vol.12. no.1 2018 p.125-128
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) The theory of Neutral Signs (TNS). Moambe Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Georgian Academy Press. ISSN-0132-1447. Vol.12, 3. Pp. 122-127.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) On Object Alternation. Issues of Linguistics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) ISSN 1512-0473. Pp. 192-200.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Concerning Some Issues of Mathematical signs in Georgian. “Language and Culture -18”. A. Tsereteli State University. Kutaisi. pp. 51-58
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Case System in GESL. Iberian Caucasian Linguistics vol.45. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 123-133
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Concerning Some Issues of Modality in Georgian. Issues of The Structure of Kartvelian Languages XIV. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.pp. 61-75
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Concerning the Interjunction – Freedom to Interjection! Issues of Georgian word-culture, 17 vol. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.pp. 112-116.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Concerning Some Issues of Imperfective Modality in Spoken and Signed Georgian. In Historical Linguistics of the Caucasus. Paris-Makhachkala. P.132-135
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Space in Georgian. Scientific Papers. The IV International conference “Language and Culture”. A. Tsereteli State University. Kutaisi . pp.261-265
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Technologies of Teaching Spoken Georgian to Deaf Children. Teaching and Learning with Technology. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2016). 16th to 17th June 2016, Singapore. Edited by Wilton Fok, Vivian Wenting Li. Pp. 231-239
- Tamar Makharoblidze, George Mirianashvili. (2016) GESL lexical level and innovation technologies. The XVII EURALEX International Congress. TSU. Tbilisi 6-10 Sept.
- Makharoblidze Tamar, Vashakidze Tamar (2016) On several Foreign Terms in Modern Georgia. Issues of Georgian word-culture, 16 vol. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. P. 19-25
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2016) The Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. Caucasiologic Papers #8. TSU. Tbilisi pp.105-145.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2016) Concerning the Documentation of GESL „Language and Culture” # 15. The Foundation of Humanitarian and Pedagogic Development. Kutaisi.79-85
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) About Kartvelian preverbs. Iberian Caucasian Linguistics vol.44. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. P.91-100
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Indirect object markers in Georgian Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics. #18 (2) John Benjamins Publishing Company. p.238-250
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) About the Georgian Sign Language Lexical Level. Iberian Caucasian Linguistics vol.43. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. P. 116-144
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Polypersonalism in Sign Languages. “Language and Culture”- III; Kutaisi. 231-238
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Typology of Preverbs. Intercultural Dialogues III Scientific Papers. ISSN 2233-3401. Telavi. Pp.367-376
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Concerning the prefix ze- in Georgian. Issues of The Structure of Kartvelian Languages XIII. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi. P. 66-73
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) Again concerning the III series and inversion. In: The book of the Institute of Georgian Studies. Tbilisi. (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) The Identity Issues of Georgian DHH. Materials of Conference “The European values and identities” TSU, Georgia Proeuropa, French University” TSU pp. 229-234; 426-420
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) Temporal system in GESL (the Georgian Sign Language). Issues of Linguistics. Dedicated to the memory of I. Melikishvili. ISSN 1512- TSU. Tbilisi. Pp.209-218
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) On transitive forms of the III series. Typological Researches VII. Ilia State University. Pp. 299-308
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) The process of GESL documentation. Shota Rustaveli University, Batumi. Pp. 229-234; 415-420
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) A few issues about the foreign words. The Papers of Georgian Word Culture 14. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze T. (2014) The Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. IKE -Iberian Caucasian Linguistics vol.42. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze (2014) About the Category of Version in Georgian Verbs. In XXI Century Linguistics: new research and prospects. Ukraine. Kiev 2013/2014 (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) On the Category of tense/time in Georgian Sign Language. “Language and Culture”- II; Kutaisi.
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) The peculiarities of the Category of Version. Iberian Caucasian Linguistics vol. XLI. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) Inversion and process of ergativization. Issues of Linguistics. TSU ISSN 1512- Tbilisi. P. 240-247 In: Typological Researches VII. Georgian National Academy of Science, Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. Tbilisi. ISSN 1512-326X
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) On the Category of Version in Georgian Sign Language. KADMOSI. Ilia State University. Tbilisi. Pp.168-191
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) The Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. Disability studies Quarterly. Vol. 33, No.3 2013
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) On Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS – IJOAL (Vol. 40, No. 1-2, Jan-Dec 2014)C/o BAHRI PUBLICATIONS, Kalkaji, New Delhi. 2013 (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze T. (2013) Georgian Sign Language Electronic Dictionary. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology. ISSN 2279-0764. vol. XX issue XX –XXXXXXXX 201X
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) On the Category of Version. Kadmosi vol.4. Ilia State University. Tbilisi. p. 154-213
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) The process of nationalization of sign languages. TSU Institute of Caucasiology. International scientific symposium “Folklore and Lingvo-Culturology of Caucasus”. Tbilisi. 2012
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) The sign languages. TSU, The Georgian Language Institute works No.2. Tbilisi. TSU. 2012 pp.159-171
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) The category of time in the Georgian sign language. Caucasian Researches IV. TSU, Tbilisi. 2012 pp. 168-191
- Makharoblidze T. (2012) Concerning the category of version. Caucasian Researches III. TSU, Tbilisi. 2012 159-171
- Makharoblidze (2012) The Category of Version in Georgian. David’s Publishing. US-China Foreign Language, ISSN1539-8080 Chicago. 2012 (accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze T. (2011) Inertia and Asymmetries. Scholarly Journals. September 2011. JSRE-020
- Makharoblidze T. (2011) The Six Functions of Georgian Preverbs and Their Classification “Kartvelur enata struqturis sakitkhebi” 11, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Tbilisi; ISSN 1987-7691 pp. 147-158
- Makharoblidze T. (2011) Konkretuli tu abstraktuli? Concrete or Abstract? In: IKE – Iberian Caucasian Linguistics 39, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Tbilisi. ISSN 1987-6572 pp. 126-133
- Makharoblidze T. (2010) – inerciis kanoni – The Law of Inertia, In: IKE – Iberisn Caucasian Linguistics 38, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Tbilisi; ISSN 1987-6572 pp. 104-106
- Makharoblidze T. (2010) – zmniswinis eqvsi funqcia da zmniscinta klasifikacia” – The Six Functions of Georgian Preverbs and Their Classification. In: “Kartvelur enata struqturis sakitkhebi” 11, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Tbilisi; ISSN 1987-7691 (Accepted for print)
- Makharoblidze T. (2010) – enobrivi logika da asimetriebi. Linguistic Logic and Assymetries. In: Typological Researches VI. Georgian National Academy of Science, Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies. ISSN 1512-326X 24-29 p.
- Makharoblidze (2010) – isev mesame seriisa da inversiis shesaxeb. Again about the III series and inversion. In: Linguistic Papers XXIX. Georgian National Academy of Science, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISSN 1987-6653. 138-145
- Makharoblidze (2009) tandebulebi ergativis semantikit. Postpositions with ergative semantics. In: Linguistic Papers XXIX. Georgian National Academy of Science, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISSN 1987-6653. 145-149
- Makharoblidze T. (2008) – Gaur Gungo Baskologia Kartveliarraren Emaitzak Eta Erspektibak; – The Results and Perspectives of Kartvelian Bascology. In: Gernica 2008 №2 Spain
- (in Basque and Russian) S
- Makharoblidze T. (2007) – The general parameters of destination systems. In: “Litera Vasconicae” Institut Labayru. Spring 2007. 77-90
- Makharoblidze T. (2007) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena (nacvalsakhelis scavleba) – Georgian as a second language ( Teaching of pronouns) In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” -10; OSCE. Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 12-25
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena. (arsebiti sakheli)– Georgian as a second language (Nouns). In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” 1-5; OSCE; Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 14-20
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena – (bruneba) Georgian as a second language (Flexion). In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” 6-7; OSCE; Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 11-20
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena (zedsarTavis scavleba) – Georgian as a second language (Teaching of Adjectives). In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” 9; OSCE; Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 12-25
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena (rickhviti sakhelis scavleba) – Georgian as a second language (Teaching of Numerals). In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” 9; OSCE; Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 14-22
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – About the Category of Version. In: “Moambe”, Bulletin of The Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol.173, number 3. May-June 2006, Georgian National Academy Press, ISSN 0132-1447. Tbilisi, 629-631
- Makharoblidze T. (2006) – kcevis kategoriis taviseburebani. The specifics of the category of version. In: Linguistic Papers XXI. Georgian National Academy of Science, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISSN 1987-6653. Tbilisi. 193-200
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – dro-kilota inglisur-kartuli shesabamisoba. English-Georgian coordiantions of the verbal tenses. In: Iberian Caucasian Linguistics. Vol. 35 A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. ISBN 99940-864-5-6, pp. 211-215
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – akhali sabaziso teoria istoriul-shedarebiti enatmecnierebisatvis. New basic theory for Historical-comparative linguistics. In: “kartvelur enata strukturis sakitxebi” vol. IX; A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. ISBN 99940-864-7-2, 198-203
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – kartuli – rogorc meore ena (shesavali) Georgian as a second language (Introduction). In: Methodical journal “Mermisi” 1-5 OSCE; Center for Civilization and Inter-ethnic Relations. ISSN 1512-2662. 11-18
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – A Few Questions About Basque Noun Morphology. Georgian Academy of science “Moambe”, Bulletin of The Academy of Sciences, vol.172, number 1. July-August 2005, Georgian National Academy Press, Tbilisi. ISSN 0132-1447. 159-162
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – mesame seriashi e. c. ufunkcio kcevis nishnebis shesaxeb. – About so called non-functional markers of version in the third series. In: Linguistic Issues I-II. TSU Press. Tbilisi. 99-101
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – Некоторые вопросы типологии дестинативных систем – A few questions concerning the typology of the destination systems. In: Caucasiology № 7. Russian Academy of Scienc ISSN 1512-1216 Moscow. 152-157
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – Вопросы типологии дестинативных систем. About the typology of destination systems. In: Journal of The Kabardo-Balkarian University №7, Nalchik. ISSN 1726-9946, 79-81
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) ergativis genezisisatvis. Concerning the Genesis of Ergative. In: The Journal of Gealti Academy. Kutaísi. ISSN 1512-1593. 2005-I. 46-58
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – vin-ra kategoriis sinkronuli analizistvis kartulshi. About the synchronic análysis of who-what category in Georgian In: The Journal of Gealti Academy. Kutaísi. ISSN 1512-1593. 2005-III. 39-48
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) – klas-kategoriata nashtebi nacvalsakhelta brunebashi. The rests of class-category in the flexion of pronouns. In: TSU works of young scientists IX. Tbilisi. 93-96
- Makharoblidze T. (2005) pirianoba da valentoba. Personality and valency. In: Linguistic Papers XVIII. Georgian National Academy of Science, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. ISSN 1987-6653; 50-57
- Makharoblidze T. (2004) – ergativis genezisisatvis. Concerning the Genesis of Ergative. TSU; Caucasian Department – 70 anniversary. In: Journal of Caucasiology. Tbilisi, ISSN 99940-32-04-5 65-71
- Makharoblidze T. (2003) – baskuri zmnis adresatobisa da qartuli zmnis versiis kategoriata tipologiuri shepirispirebis zogierti sakitxis shesakheb. About some ítems of typological comparation of the verbal categories of Basque áddressee and Georgian version. In: TSU Works – Series of Linguistics. ISSN 1512-1429. 24-45
- Makharoblidze T. (2001) – kartuli enis destinaturi sistemis tipologiuri analizisatvis. About the typological análysis of the destination system of Georgian. In: The Journal of V. Topuria -100 anniversary. Georgian National Academy of Science, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 131-135
- Makharoblidze T. (1996) – Semejanzas tipologicas de la categoria “adresada” del verbo basco y la categoria de versioned del verbo georgiano. Typological Items addresee of Basque verbs and version of Georgian verbs. In: Fontes Linguae Vasconum, Studia et documentra, Navarra, Mayo-Agosto 1996 separata; 181-190 (Separata)
- Makharoblidze T. (1995) – vektorialobis teoriisa da lingvisturi vektoris shesakheb. About the theory of vectority and linguistic vectors. In: Linguistic Papers IV, TSU press. 9-13
- Makharoblidze T. (1988) – adresatobis kategoriis markiorebi da adresatis brunva baskurshi. – The markers and the case of the category of addressee in Basque. In: TSU Works XVI, Humanitarian Series. Tbilisi. ISSN 0205-5457. 189-193
- Makharoblidze T. (1987) – О категории адресатности Баскского глагола. About the category of addressee of Basque verb. In: TSU works XIV. Tbilisi. ISSN 0205-5457, 293-297
- Makharoblidze T. (1987) – О категории адресатности в Баскском глаголе. About the category in addressee in Basque verb. In: Referencial Problems in Language and Literature. TSU press. Tbilisi. 78-79
- Makharoblidze T. (1986) – Zur Frage des Adressatbezugs im Baskishen Verb, Sprachbau und Sprachwandel, Wissenshaftliche Beiträge der Friedrich-Shiller –Universität, ISSN 0232-3753 Jena, 70-85
- Makharoblidze T. (2016) Spatial Systems in Spoken and Signed Georgian languages Internatipnal conference “Universals and Variation in Spatial Referencing across Cultures and Languages”. The Center for Spatial Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. December 7–9, 2016 (_
- Makharoblidze Tamar & Wendy Smith (2018) The Construction of Identity in a Deaf Community in Tbilisi, Georgia. Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Sheraton Grand Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. March 24-27, 2018
Published contributions to academic conferences:
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2023) State language and local Deaf community. The VILI International conference Language and Culture. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi. 2-4 June, 2023;;
- Cory Bill, Aurore Gonzalez, Imke Driemel and Tamar Makharoblidze (2023) As complex as they appear: Children’s comprehension of conjunctive expressions in Georgian. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53). Gottingen, Germany, January 12-14, 2023
- Tamar Makharoblidze. On origin of GESL. 55th ASEEES annual convention, celebrating the 75th ASEEES anniversary. October 19-20, 2023 (virtual convention) November 30 – December 3. Philadelphia. USA.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. About the vocabulary of sign languages. International conference “Lexicography in the 21st century”. Ilia State University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. Tbilisi. November 10-12. 2023
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022)The possessive-purpose destination morpheme in GESL. Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago. Virtual meeting – October 13-14, In-person meeting – November 10-13.
- Cory Bill, Aurore Gonzalez, Imke Driemel and Tamar Makharoblidze (2022). As complex as they appear: Children’s comprehension of conjunctive expressions in Georgian. AC2022 – Amsterdam Colloquium 2022. University of Amsterdam on 19–21 December
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) Terminological issues if GESL. The 3rd International conference – Terminology, Heritage and Modernity. Tbilisi. Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics TSU. 29-30 October.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) On the origin of Georgian Sign language (GESL). International conference ‘Wilhelm von Humboldt and Neo-Humboldtian theories” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor Guram Ramishvili. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities of TSU and Giorgi Akhvlediani Society of History of TSU. Tbilisi. 2022, November 25-26
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) The issues of GESL standardization. Conference of Literary language issues. Conference “Issues of literary language”. Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. TSU. Tbilisi. 15-16 April. Tbilisi
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2022) The Affix of Destination in GESL. The VII International conference Language and Culture. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi.26-27 March,2022;;
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2021) Terms in Sign languages. The VII Scientific Conference “Scientific Terminology” TSU, Arnild Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. December 7-9, 2021.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. Deaf folklore digital library. The International conference: Languages in the Digital Age: Modern Technologies for Under-resourced Languages. State Language Department of Georgia. Tbilisi. 7 -8 October, 2021
- Tamar Makharoblidze. Preverb as a polyfunctional category in Georgian. The VI International symposium of linguist Caucasiologists “Grammatical categories in Iberian-Caucasian Languages”. TSU. A. Chikobava Institute of linguistics. Tbilisi. 9-11 November, 2021.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. On negation in Georgian Sign Language. The VI International conference “Intercultural dialogues” Telavi. 29-30 October, 2021
- Tamar Makharoblidze. The second language acquisition: problems and challenges for Georgian Deaf community. The fourth international conference: Second Language Teaching/Acquisition in the Context of Multilingual Education. Tbilisi State University (TSU), Vilnius University (Lithuania) and Center of Civil Integration and Inter-ethnic Relations (CCIIR). TSU. Tbilisi Georgia, 29 – 30 September, 2021.
- Tamar Makharoblidze, (2021) Matrix of negationin GESL. Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel. New Orleans. LA, USA. November 18-21, 2021
- Tamar Makharoblidze, (2021) Deaf Language and Culture in Georgia: (Problems and Challenges) Tokyo Summit-3. The 3rd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences. February 19-21, 2021. Tokyo, Japan (Online)
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On GESL paremiology. The VI International conference Language and Culture. Foundation for Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences. Kutaisi 7-9 May. 2021..198-204
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) On Georgian Proverbs. The 14thInterdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs. ICP20 – Organized by the Associação Internacional de Paremiologia / International Association of Paremiology (AIP-IAP) Tavira, November 1-8, 2020
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) The Deaf language and culture in Georgia. The 7th International Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences. 3-4 Ocober. Batumi / Georgia.
- Tamar Makharoblidze & Matthew Zaslansky (2020) Paradigmatic syncretism and the body as reflexive in Georgian Sign Language. FEAST 2020 HK – University of Paris. Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies. June 18-19. Paris.
- Tamar Makharoblidze (2020) On Deaf language, culture and identity in Georgia. CESS – Central Eurasian Studies Society. The 6thAnnual The Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) Conference: Coming together and growing apart: A decade of transformation in the South Caucasus. Place and date: June 26-27, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Tamar Makharoblidze. (2020) On GESL Modality. The 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention, November 5 – 8, 2020. Washington Marriott Wardman Park.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) Gersamia Rusudan, On the postpositional locative cases in Megrelian and Laz. The 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention, November 5 – 8, 2020. Washington Marriott Wardman Park.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) GESL and problems of modern terminology. The II International conference – Terminology Heritage and Modernity. TSU. Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 15-15 November. 2020.,
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2020) GESL Morphological Borrowings from Spoken Georgian. 19th International Morphology Meeting – IMM19. 06-08 February, 2020. Location: Vienna, Austria.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) The Theory of Neutral Signs. LMT 2019: Language and Modern Technologies V: Issues of Historical and Etymological Lexicography. Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi, Georgia, December 14-17, 2019
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Georgian Tactile Alphabet (GeoLorm). ASEEES – The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA, Saturday, November 23- 26, 2019.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Tactile systems and GeoLorm. CESS – Central Eurasian Studies Society 20th Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2019 George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) The general overview of GESL verb. The V Intercultural dialogues. Telavi. 25-27 Oct. 2019
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Georgian tactile and the problems of Deaf-blind in Georgia. International conference of Giorgi Akhvlediani Society for the History of Linguistics. Tbilisi. TSU. 12-14 September, 2019.
- Tamar Makharoblidze& Wendy Smith. (2019) Power and Agency in the Construction of Identity in a Deaf NGO. Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics. Budapest, Hungary. September 7, 2018
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) On terms of Justice in GESL. The scientific conference “Terminology VI”. Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics Tbilisi. 18-20 June. 2019
- Tamar Makharoblidze (2019) GeoLorm and Teaching Technologies to Deaf-blind. The 11thInternational Conference on Education, Teaching, Learning & Technology. ICE19 -Vienna Conference in Vienna-Austria. June 7-9.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Georgian Lorm Alphabet. The V International conference “Language and Culture”. 31 May, 1- 2 June. 2019. Kutaisi. Pp.299-307
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Deaf language, culture and identity in Georgia. The 3rd International Scientific Conference«Ethnology: Exploring the Past and the Present» April 11–13, 2019 Belorussia.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2019) Typology of preverbs. The Scientific Conference and Workshop “The components of spatial semantics in the Kartvelian languages” Tbilisi. 24 April, 2019.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Georgian Sign Language Researches. Structures Formales du Langage.UMR 7023. University Paris 8. October 15. 10.00-12.00 a.m.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) GESL and Innovation technologies. Central Eurasian Studies Society – CESS 19th. Pittsburgh, WA, USA, October 24-28, 2018.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Modality in Georgian Sign Language (GESL). Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies. ASEEES Annual Convention 50th. Boston. USA, December 6-9. 2018.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) On GESL researches. Presentation at Haifa University, Israel. 4,5 September.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Georgian Sign Language Researches. Structures Formales du Langage.UMR 7023. University Paris 8. October 15. 00-12.00 a.m.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Concerning the modal constructions in Georgian Sign Language (GESL) The 7th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics (SSLL2018) September 28 – 30, 2018 National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Osaka, Japan
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) On Kartvelian preverbs; 2.Tutorial – Teaching and researching the Kartvelian Langugaes at ISU. SCCC-2: The South Caucasian Chalk Circle-2. Ilia State University. Tbilisi, Georgia, September 12-14, 2018
- Makharoblidze Tamar & Roland Pfau (2018) A negation-tense interaction in Georgian Sign Language. The seventh meeting of the “Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory” (FEAST) University of Venice on June 18-19-20, 2018.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Georgian Sign Language Dictionary and Sign Recognizing System. The 18th EURALEX International Congress Lexicography in global contexts. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 17-21 July 2018
- Makharoblidze Tamar, Smith Wendy (2018) Power and The Construction of Identity in a Deaf Community. ICS-2. Sesond International Conference on Sociolinguistics. Insights from Superdiversity, Complexity and Multimodality 6-8 September 2018. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
- Tamar Makharoblidze (2018) Creative Industries and Deaf Community in Georgia. Creative Industries in Post-humanism. The 6th international conference of CODFREURCOR. (Collège Doctoral Francophone Régional en Sciences humaines) 16 and 17 November 2018. “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania. (Keynote Speaker)
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) The problem of parts of speech in Georgian Sign language. The V symposium of linguists-Caucasiologists, dedicated to Arnold Chikobava 120. TSU, Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 22-24 November
- Makharoblidze Tamar & Roland Pfau (2018) Negative modals in Georgian Sign Language: partial suppletion and concord . Annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) – workshop on “One-to-many relations in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics”, 7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart;
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2018) Teaching spoken Georgian to Deaf children and the problem of agrammatism. The third International Conference on the Second Language Learning / Teaching in the Context of Multilingual Education. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University of Tartu (Estonia), and Center for Civil Integration and International Relations. Tbilisi. TSU. February 15-17, 2018 p.53-54, 182-183
- Tamar Makharoblidze & Jean Léo Léonard (2018)A report on the LaDyCa project (Language Dynamics in the Caucasus, IDEX Emergence, 2917-18); 17 October 2018
- Anais Tran Ngoc, Tamar Makharoblidze, Jean Léo Léonard (2018) Svan verb inflection: a (tentative) diasystemic approach of inflectional classes). LaDyCa conference. Svan Onomastics and Dialectology Workshop. Paris Sorbonne. 17 October 2018
- Tamar Makharoblidze, Marco Patriarca, Gionni Marchetti & Jean Léo Léonard (2018): The Georgian morphological template and machine learning. LaDyCa conference and workshop. ISU-Paris Sorbonne. Tbilisi 26.02.-02.03.2018.
- Tamar Makharoblidze & Jean Léo Léonard (2018). 1. Paradigm Function Morphology applied to Kartvelian verb inflection. The Georgian morphological template and machine learning. LaDyCa conference and workshop. ISU-Paris Sorbonne. Tbilisi 26.02.-02.03.2018.
- Tamar Makharoblidze, Jean Leo Leonard (2017) “Desintangling Structural Complexity in a (Challenging) Inflectional System: the Kartvelian Verb” International Workshop on Structural Complexity in Natural Language(s) Two (SCNL II). Paris, 16-17 October 2017
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Space in Georgian. The IV International conference “Language and Culture ”. A. Tsereteli State University. Kutaisi . 2-4 June 2017 pp.261-265
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Georgian Sign Language Researches. Panel on Caucasian Languages and Cultures at the Deutsche Orientalistentag -”Asia, Africa and Europe”. Germany. 18-22 September 2017
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) “The process of elaboration of Computer Translator of Sign Languages”. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2017 P.6, 30-31
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) The Current Researches on GESL. 49th ASEEES Annual Convention. Chicago. USA, November 9-12. 2017.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Concerning Some Issues of Imperfective Modality in Spoken and Signed Georgian. Conference on Historical Linguistics of the Caucasus. Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études, April 12-14, 2017. Paris-Makhachkala . pp.124-127
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2017) Theoretical frames for Sign Language and Dactyl recognition systems. The Sixth International Conference On Advances In Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study – ESSHBS-2017, 25-26 February, 2017. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) The first Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. The IV International Congress of Caucasiologists. TSU, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2016 1-3 December.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) The Georgian preverbs and argument agreement. The South Caucasian Chalk Circle (SCCC): Philology meets Linguistics. September 22-24, 2016. The University of Chicago Center. Paris. France
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) Technologies of Teaching Spoken Georgian to Deaf Children. Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2016). 16th to 17th June 2016 Singapore.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) Preverbs in Signed and Spoken Georgian Languages. The 5th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Languages (SSLL5). Osaka, Japan. September 24 – 25, 2016
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) Temporal system in the Georgian Sign Language. The 3rdAnnual International Conference on Social Sciences, 25-28 July 2016, Athens, Greece.
- Makharoblidze T. (2016) Argument marking in Georgian Sign Language. The 2016 ASEEES Annual Convention. Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC. USA. November 17-20, 2016
- Makharoblidze Tamar & Vashakidze Tamar (2016) Concerning some foreign terms in modern Georgian. Conference on the Issues of Terminology – III. TSU Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 22-23 September.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) GESL lexical level and innovation technologies. The XVII EURALEX International Congress. TSU. Tbilisi 6-10 Sept.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2016) Georgian Preverb and Polypersonali Conference – Arnold Chikobava Reading. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Agrammatism in Georgian. (Theoretical Discussion). International Conference „ Speech and Language Therapy: Contemporary Aapproaches and Perspectives in Georgia. Ilia State University. Tbilisi. 2 Nov.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Typology of Preverbs. The III International Conference “Intercultural Dialogues” Telavi. 9-11 Oct. Pp. 367-376
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Documentation of GESL (Georgian Sign Language). International Conference “Modern Technologies” Frankfurt Goethe University, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, TSU 2015 10–15 Sept. p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) Polypersonalism in Sign Languages. International Conference “Language and Culture” Scientific Papers III Kutaisi p.231-238
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2015) About the Interjunctions in Georgian. Conference – Arnold Chikobava Reading XXVI. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 67-68 pp.
- Makharoblidze T. (2015) The functions of Georgian Preverbs. International conference, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). University of Pittsburgh. Philadelphia PA, USA, November 19-22, 2015.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) The Identity Issues of Georgian DHH. International Conference “The European values and identities” TSU, Georgia Pro-Europa, French University” pp. 229-234; 426-420
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) E-learning in inclusive education. International conference on e-learning – new agenda. GIZ, MOE, VIT. 2014 25-26
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) The current researches about GESL. Conference Forum of the Deaf –the future vision of European development cooperation in the field of deaf people. NGO The Union of Deaf – “Neslyšící s nadějí” . 2014 14 November, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2014) The process of GESL documentation. International Conference – Humanitarian Sciences in informative society. Shota Rustaveli University, Batumi.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) The indirect object in Georgian Sign Language. “The third meeting on the “Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory”. (FEAST) University of Venice, Italy. June 9-11 2014
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) Version in Georgian sign language (GESL). The 2014 CESS Conference. H Harriman Center of Columbia University NY.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) The issues concerning the identity of Georgian Deaf community. Conference “The European values and identities” TSU, Georgia ProEuropa, French University, TSU, Tbilisi. 2014
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) The linguistic identity of Deaf in Georgia. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2014 March
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) Polypersonal verbal categories in Georgian sign language. The II International Conference “Linguistic Rights of the Deaf”. Moscow. 2014 May
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2014) Polypersonal verbs in Georgian sign language. Athens Institute for education and Research – ATHENER. The 7th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, July 2014, Athens, Greece
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2013) The scientific researches on GESL. International Conference “Role of SL in Deaf Edication and Integration. The Union of Deaf of Georgia, ISU. Tbilsi. 12-14 Nov.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2013) Complexity of Georgian. Centre for Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning. International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society 2013 (ICLALIS 2013 23-24 Oct.) Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu. Sabah
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2013) The First Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. Athens Institute for education and Research – ATHENER. The 6th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, 8-11 July 2013, Athens, Greece
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2013) About The First Georgian Dactyl Alphabet. The Annual Meeting of the Central Eurasian Studies Society – CESS, October 3-6, 2013, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2013) The conjugation of GESSL verbs. The III meeting of Caucalogiolists- Multiculturalism and tolerance. TSU, Tbilisi. 23-26 Oct.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2013) The problem of terms in the Georgian Sign language A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. TSU. Tbilisi 11-12 June, 2013.
- Tamar (2013) Electronic Dictionary of Georgian Sign Language. GMLT. The III International Conference Georgian Language and Modern technologies. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2013, 4-5 Sept.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) Dactyl systems. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. April 2012.
- Makharoblidze, Tamar The category of time in the Georgian sign language. International Conference of Language and culture. Kutaisi. 11-12 May 2013
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) “Nonverbal communication” B. Jorbenadze 70, A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. December 2012
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) The Linguistic parameters of Readability G-PRIED Georgian Primary Education project. Establishing Readability Criteria in Georgia. 2012 July
- Makharoblidze, M. Manjgaladze, M. Shurgulaia (2012) About the e-learning course of Georgian. The 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies. AICT 2012 Georgia, Tbilisi, 17-19 October 2012
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) The typological analysis of the category of version in Georgian verbs Conference on the languages of the Caucasus. Boğazici University & IFEA. Istanbul. November 29 – December 1, 2012
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) On the typology of the class-category. Conference XXIII of A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. April 2012
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2012) The process of nationalization in sign Languages. TSU Institute of Caucasiology. TSU. Tbilisi April 2012 (pp. 123-124)
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2011) The sign languages. Conference of 2011 November. Tbilisi
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2011) Concerning the vowel prefixes in the III series of transitive verbs. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2011 October
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2011) The Electronic Course of Georgian. International conference “The Georgian language and modern technologies” A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2011 July Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze, M. Mamjgaladze (2011) The specifics of the e-course of Georgian. International conference of TSU and NGO “Civil integration” . Batumi 2011
- Makharoblidze, Tamar (2011) Concrete or Astract? A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 2011 25-27 march. Senaki.
- Makharoblidze, M. Manjgaladze, M. Shurgulaia (2011) Pedagogical and Organizational Frameworks for Online Language Studies. AICT International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies. Baku. 2011 October.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2010) Inversion and process of ergativization 2nd International Congress of Caucasologists, Institute of Caucasology of the Faculty of Humanities, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, A. Chikobova Institute of Linguistics Caucasian Civilization (History and Contemporanity).” 9-12 November, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2010) E-learning in Georgia InWent Germany, Tbilisi. 24-25 November
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2010) – zmniswinis funkciebi da klasifikaciis principebi. The Functions of Preverbs and Their Classification, 13-16 April. Arnold Chikobava Conference; Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. ISBN 978-9941-12-962-9; 44-46p.
- Makharoblidze T. (2009) – The Functions of Georgian Preverbs. Advances in Kartvwelian Morphology and Syntax.. University of Bremen. Germany September 29-30 2009
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2009) – moazrovne subiekti da ergatiuli konstrukciebi. The Thinking Subject and Ergative Constructions. International Linguistic Conference Ergative and Ergative Constructions in The Wold Languages. TSU 21-23 May. Planary session. 102-105 p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2009) – Institution Building and Human Resource Development for e-Learning in the Caucasus. Inwent, Germany. Workshop: 13.06. 2009 Tbilisi, 3-7p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2009) – The Six Functions of Preverbs. TSU Faculty of Humaties III. Kiknadze – 100 aniversario. 12-13 June. 7p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2008) – pirianoba da valentoba kartulshi. Personality and Valency in Georgian. XVII Respublical Dialectolgical Session on the Tepic of “Morphology of Georgian Verb” Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Akhaltsikhe 14-15 November. 39-40p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2008) – destinacia da ergatiuloba. Destination and Ergativity. II linguistic symposium. Iberian-Caucasian Linguistics. A. Chikobava 110 anniversary. 2008 9-11 October. ISBN 978-9941-13-049-6; p.12 ; pp. 281-283
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) – axali sabaziso teoria istoriul-shedarebiti enatmecnierebisatvis. New basic theory for historical-comparative linguistics. TSU Humanitarian Faculty, The First Scientific Conference, A. Shanidze – 100 anniversary. ISBN 978-99940-0-681-6, Tbilisi. 77-78p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) – Intransitive Ergativity. Materials of the First International Congress of Caucasiologists, TSU. ISBN 978-9941-12-048-0, 113-114
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) – Linguistic Mirrors For Complexity and Secuirity. NATO programme Security Through Science, Advanced Research Workshop Complexity and Security, 26-30 March, Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) The law of Inertia. Confernce dedicated to the memory of Varlam Topuria. TSU. Tbilisi 08.01. 2007
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) – versiis kategoriisa da mesame seriashi e. c. ufunkcio kcevis nishnebis shesaxeb. About the category of version and so called non-functional markers of version. Conference of The Ministry of Education and TSU. ISSN 1512-4622; Tbilisi, 14-17 April. 181-196 pp.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2007) The postpositions with ergative semantics. G. Akhvlediani 120 anniversary conference. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 24 April 2007
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2005) – destinaciuri sistemebis tipologiis shesakheb. About the typology of destination. Language, History and Cultural Identities in The Caucasus, IMER (international Migration Ethnic Relations. Malmo University. Malmo, 17-19 June, 2005
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2005) – For the synchronic analysis of Who-What categories in Georgian. Conference dedicated to the memory of Varlam Topuria. TSU. Tbilisi 08.01. 2005
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2004) – For génesis of Ergative. Caucasiology conference. TSU. Tbilisi.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (2003) – On marking. Conference dedicated to the memory of Varlam Topuria. TSU. Tbilisi 08.01. 2003
- Makharoblidze Tamar (1996) – zedsartav saxelta tipologiuri klasifikaciis shesaxeb. Concerning the typological classification of Adjectives. B. Jorbenadze society the III conferention. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 30 p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (1996) – personajta metkvelebis dialektur formata targmanis tipologia. The typology of translation of the speech of literatural “Kutaisuri saubrebi” III, The Scientific Institute of Dialectology. Kutaisi. 123 p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (1996) – qartuli zmnis tipologiuri analizisatvis. For the typological análysis of Georgian verb. I. Javakhishvili – 120 anniversary; TSU Philolgical Faculty. Tbilisi, 21-31 May 51 p.
- Makharoblidze Tamar (1996) – lingvisturi vektoris shesaxeb. About The Linguistic Vectors. In: B. Jorbenadze Society II conferention. A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. Tbilisi. 19-20
- Makharoblidze Tamar (1995) – kartuli zmnis dziritadi morfologiuri destinaciuri kategoriebi. The general morphological destination categories of Georgian verbs. TSU Scientific conference of the faculty of philology. Tbilisi. 22-25 May; 67-68 p.