Position:Full Professor

Ketevan Makashvili graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, with diploma in psycology (specialisation neuropsychology and clinical psychology) in 1980. From 1981 she worked at the Uznadze Institute of Psychology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences as Fellow Researcher. In 1986 she defended her doctoral thesis “ Pecularities of Fixed Set in Children with Pervasive Disorders”. From 1987 to 1997 she was a head of the research laboratory for   psychic development disorders in children at the Institute. At the same time she was in charge of psychological services of a school and an outpatient clinic. In 1997-2007 she was one of the coordinators of the international projects: “Psycho-Social-Emotional Grow of Handicapped Children in Orphanages and Boarding Schools” (UNICEF), “Reform of Higher Education and Social Care” (TEMPUS). She had completed the international professional training programs: “Educational and Social Inclusion for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs” (Scranton University,  USA), “Mental  Health of Children and Adolescents” (Vilnius University), “Clinical Supervision” (Catania Supervision Institute, Berlin, Germany). From 1989 she taught courses at the Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, the Training Institute for Medical and Applied Psychology, the Gogebashvili Telavi State University. As Associate Professor of the Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Pedagogical State University, in collaboration with Scranton University, she established the Educational-Practical Center for Exceptional Sudents’ Education, Consulting and Rehabilitation. Applying the TUNING methodology she developed the undergraduate moduls: “Autism” and “Inclusive Education and Vocation”. She was a head of the faculty quality assurance service. She supervised the graduate  program “School Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist”. She authored a textbook in methodology, a monograph, and about 70 research papers.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Priming and anticipation in the process of psychic adjustment (psyco-physiological studies);
  • Enxiety and pecularities of cognitive processes in autism spectrum disorders (finest possible
    level of changes);
  • Psychological determinants of least restricted educational environment for students with
    special needs;
  • Supportive employnment in transition period from adolescent to adolthood for social
    inclusion and cohesion;
  • Characteristics of the psychological well-being in adolescents groups under marginality risk;
  • Inner form of language and imagination as factors of behavior;
  • Effectiveness of problematic situations in psychological group work for changing
    assumptions and dispositional attitudes of participants.

Featured publications
1. “Anticipation in Uznadze’s Theory of Set and Findings in Applied Psychology” Makashvili K. chapter in Cognitive Systems Monographs, Vol. 25, Mihai Nadin (Eds): ANTICIPATION: LEARNING FROM THE PAST, 978-3-319-19445-5, 323364_1_En (29) 2015
2. Survey of conditions of adolescents under state care after leaving state institutions (situational analysis). Makashvili K. Midelauri V. Policy Report of the Public Policy Research and Training Center Ilia State University 2014
3. Applying the Theory of Set to the Inclusive Education of Children with General(Pervasive) Developmental Disorders , Makashvili K. , Journal of Georgian Psychology , International Edition ,Tbilisi 2013
4. Zubitashvili G.Makashvili K. Characteristics of attention of young judokas at different ages. School of Graduate Studies, Ilia State University, Georgia. Journal of Physical Education and Sport p-ISSN:2247-8051; ISSN-L V.12 issue 1 2012
5. Paradoxis of ecological model in school fears of Adolescents With the Risc of Marginality, Makashvili K., Tskhvedadze N. Journal of Georgian Psychology Tbilisi 2010 # 1
6. Primary data for adaptation of school fear test (SAT) Tskhvedadze N. Makashvili K. Peer-reviewed Collection of Scientific Works v. XXI Research articles collection dedicated to A. Frangishvili, Publisher D.Uznadze institute of psychology, Tbilisi 2009.
7. Effect of teen’s psychological problems on their relations with the parents and the way for preventing drug addiction among adolescences. Journal of Georgian Psychology #2 2009 Tbilisi ISSN 1987-6238.
8. New Educational Technologies – Health related Alternatives to Cultural and Pedagogical Risk-factors. Scientific Magazine LOGOS #5 2008 Tbilisi ISSN 1987-6661
9. Peculiarities of Transitional Period and Students well Being Problems. Journal of Georgian Psychology #1 2007 Tbilisi ISSN 1987-6238

10. Body Related Value as a critical dimension of adolescent psychological adjustment. Periodical Scientific Journal PROMETHEUS #6(18) 2005 Tbilisi ISSN 1512-2131
11. New Experience in Pedagogical University Regarding Inclusion of Students With Special Needs, Results and Perspectives. Education and Psychology#4 2005 ISBN 99930-2699-9
12. Cooperative learning as important resource in inclusive education. Journal of Georgian Psychology #2 2005 Tbilisi ISSN 1987-6238
13. The Georgian/American Exchange. A Model for Promoting Inclusive Education in Post-Soviet Society. International Journal of Learning Vol. 11 Article LC04-0157. -2004
14. The Introductory Course of Inclusive Education for the Pedagogical University Students Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. 3, number 1. 2004 Georgia. ISSN 1512-0654
15. The Georgian American Partnership: Promoting Social and Educational Inclusion for Children With Disabilities Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. 3, number 1. 2004 Georgia. ISSN 1512-0654
16. Extra Instructional Educational Technologies – Week or Strong Side of Inclusion?(Reflection Toward Experimental Dates of Pervasive Children) Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. 2, number 2. 2003 Georgia. ISSN 1512-0654
17. Effect of Set in Children with severe Emotional Behavioral Disorders. Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. 2, number I. 2003 Georgia. ISSN 1512-0654
18. Children With Disabilities: Educational, Psychological and Medical Aspects of social integration. Tbilisi 2002.
19. Inclusion: A Touchstone of Georgian Education _ Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. I, number I. 2002 Georgia. . ISSN 1512-0654
20. Inclusive Education from the View point of General psychological Theory of Set-Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Vol. I, number I. 2002 Georgia. . ISSN 1512-0654
21. Rorschach’s Test-Research Method of Mental Development from the Position of General Psychological Theory of Set. Scientific Practical-Conference Proceedings “Society & Psychological Support” Tbilisi 1999
22. The Psychological Help of the Child _ the Methodical Manual For Tutors and Nurses Working in Orphanages and Boarding Schools. Tbilisi. 1997.
23. Peculiarities of the Set of the Children with Schizophrenia _ Monograph, Tbilisi, “Mecniereba”, 1992.
24. Reflection of Visual and Abstract Signs in the Set of Preschool Age Children _ Article in the Collective Monograph “Psychological Peculiarities of Thinking of the First Year Pupils, „Mecniereba“, 1985.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Psychological Issues of Inclusive Education; Clinical Psychology: Disorders (Pathopsychology); Psychology of Personality and Theory of Mood; Practice in Protected Employment Areas; Doctoral seminar 1; Doctoral Seminar II; Developmental and Complementary Psychological Intervention Practices of ABA-based Therapy for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Psychodiagnostics in Children and Adolescents; Supervision of Educational Psychology in Practice; Psychodiagnostics in Adults

Beyond Behavior and Relation; Doctoral seminar 1; Clinical Child Psychology; Counseling in School and Transitional Period; Counseling of Teachers; Group Psychotherapy

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Module “Autism” – 2009-2012:
    Autism spectrum disorders symptoms and theory;
  • Core, augmentative, and alternative approaches of psychological intervention in children with

autism spectrum disorders (experience in the Center of Autism, the Educational-Practical Center for Exceptional Sudents’ Education, Consulting and Rehabilitation, the Green House)

  • Clinical Supervision for the autism module
  • Research seminar for the autism module;

Module “Inclusive Education and Vocation” – 2007-2012:

  • Conceptual framework for therapeutic occupation;
  • Effective school for participation in life;
  • Enabling of cooperation for social inclusion;
  • Practice at protected and supported places of employment


  • Psychological assessment and fundamentals of psychodiagnostics;
  • Special course in psychological assessment;
  • Research seminar: topical issues of developmental psychology;
  • Professional work-placement in applied psychology;

Graduate Courses:

Within the program “School Psychologist, Psycho Counsellor” 2006-2012.

  • Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics and counselling (with D. Kaxiani, R. korinteli);
  • School curriculum and Safe school approach ;
  • Psychology of school-age children and transition-age youth;
  • Counselling for teachers and parents;
  • Psychological group work.

Doctoral Courses:

  • Identity lacuna, its social impact and the effectiveness of psychological intervention
  • Psychological counseling learning Issues in higher education
  • Clinical psychology and psycho diagnostic methods (with D. Kaxiani)

Courses delivered at the Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Pedagogical State University 1998-2005:

  • Theory of personality;
  • Psycho-Diagnostics
  • Disorders, diagnostics and correction of mental development;
  • Inclusive education as quality education.
  • Introduction in School Psychology
  • Developmental psychopathology
  • Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

Courses delivered at the Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and at the Uznadze Institute of Psychology – 1989-1997:

  • Psychic development disorders and their diagnostics.