Direction:Normal Physiology and Sports Physiology
Position:Associate Professor

Graduated from the State Physical Culture Institute in 1988; Graduated in Postgraduate Studies from the State Physical Culture in 1991. In 2005, defended her candidacy dissertation at Ivane Beritashvili Institute of Physiology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Dissertation thesis on Importance of Functional Lateralization and Senso – Motor asymmetry profile of Brain for evaluation sports abilities of youth. Worked as Associated Professor of the Department of Physical education and Physiology of Sport Academy for many years. She was a member of Representative Board of Physical Education and Sports Academy. Main research interests are Psychomotorics of a left-handed athlete exercising with a sub-dominant limb; characteristics of visual-space orientation in formation of sport habits; to reveal senso-metrical asymmetry in qualified sportsmen; Is author of 32 scientific works and participant of 21 regional or international conferences. Has worked at Ilia State University since 2013. She was Dean of the faculty of Sport, Director of “Sport Academy” Centre, and is Deputy Dean of Business School since 2013.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Sportsmen orientation in space;
  • Senso-metric Asymmetry Profile;
  • Allocation of left-handed frequency;
  • Lateralization of Space Analysis;
  • Characteristics of visual-space orientation;
  • Influence of regulated lateral trainings;
  • Importance of training of sub-dominant direction in rehabilitation system;
  • Dominance of brain hemisphere in terms of sports mastership.

Featured publications

  • ZUBITASHVILI GIORGI; KOBELASHVILI DAREJAN; CHKHIKVISHVILI MARINE, Conditioning of biological and training factors on resting blood pressure values, Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 14(4), Art 76, pp.497 – 499, 2014, online ISSN: 2247 – 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN – L = 2247 – 8051 © JPES, Published online: December 30, 2014,
  • Яшвили Г. М., Чхиквишвили М. А., Кобелашвили Д.А. — Некоторые показатели иммунной реактивности организма спортсменов во время одноразовой физической нагрузки различной интенсивности, Georgian Medical News, Медицинский журнал Грузии №2 (179), ст. 30-34, 2010.
  • დ. ქობელაშვილი _ თავის ტვინის ნახევარსფეროების დომინანტობა სპორტული დაოსტატების თვალსაზრისით; საქართველოს სამედიცინო ჟურნალი #1, გვ. 37-42, 2008.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology II
  • Bachelor – Energetic resources and functional abilities of sportsmen
  • Bachelor – Optimization of Sport Abilities
  • Bachelor – Sports age Psychophysiology
  • 2014-2015, Fall Semester
  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology I
  • Bachelor – Energetic resources and functional abilities of sportsmen
  • Bachelor – Optimization of Sport Abilities
  • Bachelor – Sports age Psychophysiology
  • 2013 – 2014, Spring Semester
  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology II
  • Bachelor – Energetic resources and functional abilities of sportsmen
  • Bachelor – Optimization of Sport Abilities
  • 2013-2014, Fall Semester
  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology I
  • 2012 – 2013, Spring Semester
  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology II
  • 2011 – 2012, Spring Semester
  • Bachelor – Sport Physiology II
  • 2010 – 2011, Spring Semester
  • Master – Optimization of Sport Abilities

Activities of the past period:

  • Member of Commission for strategy development of Physical and Sport Education in General Education facilities of Georgia (Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia);
  • Head of the organization commission of sport tour of Unified National Exams;
  • Education Expert of National Strategy and Plan of Action development for involvement in Physical education and sport of Georgian children and youth (Expert Board of Committee of youth and Sport of Georgian Parliament)
  • Development group expert of professional standards of Mining and Hiking guide (National Center for Educational Quality Development, Georgian tourism national agency);
  • Project – “Healthy Lifestyles Initiative” – Expert of Physical Activity direction (Georgian Health Promotion and Education Foundation “Healthy Lifestyles Initiative” of the First Lady of Georgia);
  • Project – PR Informational , educational and communication service for the propaganda of Physical activity and General Hygiene – participant;
  • Expert of Physical Education and Sport Concept Development (National Curriculums and Assessment Centre)
  • Member of the Commission of National Curriculum – Subject Program in Physical Education (National Curriculums and Assessment Centre);
  • Sports guidelines development expert (National Curriculums and Assessment Centre)

Sport Biography:

  • Master of Sports of the Soviet Union in Archery;
  • Georgian national team member;
  • Soviet national team member of Sport Society “Karishkhala”;
  • Georgian Champion and Price winner;
  • Champion of Sport Society “Karishkhala”;
  • Five-times record holder of Georgia;
  • Chairman of the Revision Commission of National Archery Federation;
  • Chairman of Referee Panel of National Archery Federation;
  • National category referees;
  • Archery Federation board member.