Graduated from Tbilisi Pushkin State Institute specializing in chemistry and biology in 1986 and from Tbilisi Theological Academy specializing in Christian Anthropology in 1994. Defended her candidacy dissertation on inorganic chemistry and was awarded doctor’s degree in Chemical Science (Ph.D)in 1996. Defended doctoral dissertation in Pedagogy on Ethical principles of upbringing in the light of epochal volatility in 2006. Was awarded individual research grants at the leading universities of Switzerland and Germany- from University of Bern (2000-2001), University of Tuebingen (2002-2004, 2008). Has participated in local and international grant projects in the capacity as a researcher and expert. Is the author of over forty articles as well as several text-books and guides. Is a representative of international organizations KAAD (Catholic Academic Exchange Service, Germany) and ICCS (Intereuropean commission of church and school, Germany) in Georgia. Has worked as associate professor at Ilia State University since 2006. Has been heading school of education since 2014. Is an expert-consultant in the Centre for Professional Development of Teachers, Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia.
Scientific interests / research interests
- History and theory of educational science;
- Pedagogical Anthropology;
- School Pedagogy;
- Methodology of Teaching;
- Pedagogical Ethics;
- Value-based Pedagogy;
- Intercultural Education.
Featured publications
- Dichotomy Classification of upbringing in ancient Greece (opposition of Achilles and Odysseus and their Developments – Sparta and Athens) « journal of scientific academy of Gelati” N 3-4, 2012 : 24-34
- Für die Begründung des dichotomischen Prinzips in der Theorie der ethischen Erziehung (Göttliche Konvention : Zivile Konventionen), Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik, Paderborn, Verdinand Schöning Verlag, Heft 2, 2010 : 251-265
- Die Schule als Inspiratorin des interkulturellen Dialogs in Georgien. Fragestellung-Projekte-Lösungsvorschläge, Schulfach Religion. Vienna: Lit.Verlag“. 29, 2010, No 1-2 : 49-61
- Religiöse Bildung in Georgiens Schulen. Ein Weg zur Förderung religiöser Toleranz, in: Schulfach Religion 26/2007 (Hrsg.: Arbeitsgemeinschaft d. evangelischen Religionslehrerinnen an Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schulen in Österreich), H. 1-2, Wien 2007: 121-131
- Guide for teacher professional sdandard,« Centre for Teacher Proffessional Development » 2014:150 pages
- Guide for Scheme for Teachers Professional Development,
« Centre for Teacher Proffessional Development » 2011: 144 pages,
- Teacher’s ethics text-book (situations from schoool life), «National Centre for Teacher professional development», 2009 : 106 pages.
An extensive list of publications