Direction:Computer Science
Position:Assistant Professor

He graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Has received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science. During the student period, he actively used C++, C# and Java languages both in the educational process and in personal, small-scale projects.

In the same field, he defended his doctorate degree at the Technical University of Georgia. Within the framework of his doctoral thesis, he developed a library, implemented several projects, made several publications and participated in conferences.

He has been working with the current employer as a programmer since 2011. During this period, many projects have been completed. Technologies include:

• C++,
• C#,
• java,
• css,
• javascript,
• NodeJS,
• expressjs,
• feathersjs,
• svelte,
• typescript,
• nativescript,
• svelte native,
• kotlin,
• git
• bitbucket,
• github,
• swift,
• objective c,
• glassfish,
• widlfly,
• jboss and many more.

Is delivering support organizations such as:

• Ministry of Internal Affairs,
• Tbilisi House of Justice,
• Branches of the House of Justice in the regions,
• Bank of Georgia,
• TBC Bank,
• Evex clinics,
• Tbilisi City Hall,
• Liberty Bank,
• National Court and many others

He stays up to date with the news, participates in foreign conferences and attends training courses. He has received 43 certifications

Scientific interests / research interests

  1. NLP – Natural language processing methods
  2. Neural networks
  3. Statistics
  4. Discrete mathematics
  5. Number theory
  6. Logic
  7. Forms of thinking

Articles in magazines

  1. T. Shavishvili. “E-learning: relevance and challenges” 2021. May. International scientific conference “Information Society and Technologies of Education Intensification” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Automated Systems and the 80th anniversary of its founder, Academician Gocha Chogovadze. Stu, “Works, automated management systems”, 2021. No. 1 (32), p. 329-323. ISSN 1512-3979.
  2. T. Shavishvili. “Safety-Ensuring Program Complex for Student Youth”. SECURITY SOFTWARE FOR SCHOOL YOUTH. p. 49-55. Stu, “Works, automated management systems”, 2020. No. 2 (31), p. 49-55. ISSN 1512-3979.
  3. T. Shavishvili. NodeJS – Overview of Mobile, Desktop GUI and CLI Application Development. Stu, Faculty of Informatics and Management Systems, student scientific-practical conference – 2021. Collection of theses. p. 45-47. ISBN 978-9941-8-3467-7.
  4. G. Ghvinepadze, T. Shavishvili. “Ways of increasing the efficiency of decision-making.” Tbilisi. Publishing House of Stu, “Works”, 2020, No. 1 (515), p. 80-93. ISSN 1512-0996.
  5. G. Ghvinepadze, T. Shavishvili. “Concept of designing online textbooks”. Tbilisi. Publishing House of Stu, “Works”, 2021, No. 1 (519), p. 40-54. ISSN 1512-0996.
  6. G. Ghvinepadze, T. Shavishvili. “Effectiveness of interdisciplinary approaches in scientific research and teaching processes”. 2021. May. International scientific conference “Information Society and Technologies of Education Intensification” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Automated Systems and the 80th anniversary of its founder, Academician Gocha Chogovadze. Stu, “Works, automated management systems”, 2021. No. 1 (32), p. 316-319. ISSN 1512-3979.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Design Patterns (ENG);
  • Databases and Information Systems (ENG);
  • Multitier Applications Development
  • Object Oriented Programming;
  • Introduction to Programming

  • I try to constantly grow professionally and personally, which is also supported by my hobbies: music and wildlife.