Direction:Systematics of Higher Plants
Position:Associate Professor

Graduated from Tbilisi State University (Biology, Botany) in 1978. PhD in Botany from the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 1985. Thesis – Taxonomic revision of the Caucasian taxa of the subtribe Koeleriinae (genera Trisetum, Trisetaria, Rostaria, Koeleria (Poaceae). Work experience – Tbilisi Institute of Botany (now Institute of Botany of Ilia State University) (1979-2006); Georgian National Museum (TGM Herbarium)(since 2006). In 1999 conducted post-doctoral research in Missouri Botanical Garden‎, St. Louis, MO, USA‎; in 2001- Virginia Tech & State  University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.  Major research questions – systematics of higher plants, monocots taxonomy, ecology, ethnobotany.  Over 40 published research papers. At Ilia State since 2008, employed as an assistant professor, since 2013 as associate professor of Higher Plant Systematics.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Plant Systematics and Evolution
  • Monocots  taxonomy (Poaceae, Orchidaceae)
  • Domestication of crop plants and the origins of agriculture
  • Ethnobotany
  • Plant diversity
  • Natural Resources Conservation
  • Ecology and Biogeography
  • Dendrology and Dendrochronology

რჩეული პუბლიკაციები
Mosulishvili M., Maisaia I., K. Batsatsashvili. 2017. Proposal to conserve the name Triticum palaeocolchicum against T. karamyschevii (Poaceae). Taxon. 66, 2: 519-521.
Mosulishvili M., Bedoschvili D., I. Maisaia. 2017. A consolidated list of Triticum species and varieties of Georgia to promote repatriation of local diversity from foreign genebanks. Annals of Agrarian Science. 15, 1: 61-70.
Bakuradze T., Kandaurov A., Mosulishvili M., Nikolaishvili D., Gvilava M. & S. Kenkebashvili. 2017. Spatial Analysis Used in Baseline Study for the Preparation of Management Plan of Kazbegi Protected Areas. Earth Sciences. Special Issue: New Challenge for Geography: Landscape Dimensions of Sustainable Development. Vol. 6, No. 5-1: 93-110.
Mosulishvili M. & G. Arabuli. 2015. The Type specimens of Alopecurus tuscheticus (Poaceae) and Dactylorhiza amblioloba (Orchidaceae) rediscovered in the Herbarium (TGM) of the
Georgian National Museum. Proceedings. Natural Sciences and Prehistory section. 6: 92-97.
Akhalkatsi M., Ekhvaia J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O & K. Batsatsashvili.
2010. Reasons and Processes Leading to the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development. 30, 3: 304-310.
Akhalkatsi M., Maisaia I., Mosulishvili M. & M. Kimeridze. 2008. Conservation and Sustainable
Utilization of the Endangered Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti. Tbilisi. 212 pp.
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R. & M. Mosulishvili. 2007. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dactylorhiza in Georgien (Kaukasus). [Biometrical Investigations on the Genus Dactylorhiza in Georgia]. Nat. Wiss. Vereins Wuppertal, 60: 13-100 (German).
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R. & M. Mosulishvili 2006: Orchids and their habitats in Georgia. – Journal Europaischer Orchideen, 38 (2): 286–287.
Akhalkatsi, M., Baumann, H., Lorenz, R., Mosulishvili M. & R. Peter. 2005. Contributions to the knowledge of Caucasian Orchids -Journal Europaischer Orchideen, 37(4): 889–914.
Mosulishvili M. 2005. Boxwood Exploration in the Republic of Georgia: The Boxwood Bulletin. Boyce VA, USA, 44 (3): 47 – 49.
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R., Machutadze I. & M. Mosulishvili. 2004. Spiranthes amoena – A New Species of Flora of Georgia. Journal Europaischer Orchideen 36 (3): 745 – 754.
Akhalkatsi M., Kimeridze M., Kunkele S., Lorenz R. & M. Mosulishvili. 2003. Wild Orchids of Georgia. CENN, “ Caucasus Environment”. 2 (3): 48 – 54 .
Mosulishvili M., Manvelidze Z., Memiadze N. & S. Okropiridze. 2003. New Location of Rare Snowdrop Galanthus krasnovii (Amaryllidaceae) in Georgia. Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien. 168, 2: 311 – 313.
Mosulishvili M. 1991. Taxonomic revision of the Caucasian Taxa of the Subtribe Koeleriinae (Genera Trisetum, Trisetaria, Rostraria and Koeleria) (Poaceae). Zam. Syst. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 42 : 32- 45 (Russian)

Maisaia I.& M. Mosulishvili. 2003. Identification Key to the Panicoid Crops of Georgia, Tbilisi. Metsniereba. 68 pp.
Akhalkatsi M., Kimeridze M., Künkele S., Lorenz R., & M. Mosulishvili. 2003. Diversity and
conservation of Georgian orchids. Tbilisi, CGS Ltd. 40 pp.
Chelidze D. & M. Mosulishvili. 2002. Plants of Borjomi – Kharagauli National Park. Field
Guide, WWF. Tbilisi. 431 pp.

პუბლიკაციების ვრცელი სია
Mosulishvili M., Maisaia I., K. Batsatsashvili. 2017. Proposal to conserve the name Triticum palaeocolchicum against T. karamyschevii (Poaceae). Taxon. 66, 2: 519-521.
Mosulishvili M., Bedoschvili D., I. Maisaia. 2017. A consolidated list of Triticum species and varieties of Georgia to promote repatriation of local diversity from foreign genebanks. Annals of Agrarian Science. 15, 1: 61-70.
Bakuradze T., Kandaurov A., Mosulishvili M., Nikolaishvili D., Gvilava M. & S.Kenkebashvili. 2017. Spatial Analysis Used in Baseline Study for the Preparation of Management Plan of Kazbegi Protected Areas. Earth Sciences. Special Issue: New Challenge for Geography: Landscape Dimensions of Sustainable Development. Vol. 6, No. 5-1: 93-110.
Mosulishvili M. & G. Arabuli. 2015. The Type specimens of Alopecurus tuscheticus (Poaceae) and Dactylorhiza amblioloba (Orchidaceae) rediscovered in the Herbarium (TGM) of the
Georgian National Museum. Proceedings – Natural Sciences and Prehistory section. 6: 92-97.
Mosulishvili M. 2013. New Discovered Type specimens in the Herbarium (TGM) of the
Georgian National Museum. Proceedings – Natural Sciences and Prehistory section. 2, 5: 105-109.
Kik C., Farzaliev V., Mosulishvili M., Melyan G. & I. Gabrielyan. 2011. Report of Spinacia
expedition in the Transcaucasus. Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN), Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), the Netherlands, Wagenigen.
30 pp. with 4 appendixes.
Akhalkatsi M., Ekhvaia J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. & K.Batsatsashvili.
2010. Reasons and Processes Leading to the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development. 30, 3: 304-310.
Mosulishvili M., G. Arabuli. 2010. Boxwood Stands in East Georgia. Georgian National Museum, Proceedings – Natural Sciences and Prehistory section, 2: 128-132.
Akhalkatsi M., Maisaia I., Mosulishvili M. & M. Kimeridze. 2008. Conservation and Sustainable
Utilization of the Endangered Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti. Tbilisi. 212 pp.
Mosulishvili M. The State of Biodiversity (chapter 1) in Bedoshvili D. 2008. National
Report on the State of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Georgia. 40 pp.
Gogoli G., Machavariani M., Gogichaichvili G., Mosulishvili M., Natradze I., Gvakharia V., Gabechava J. & G. Gambashidze. 2007. An Ecological Survey of west Georgian grasslands and their fodder resourses. Tbilisi. 118 pp. (Georgian)
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R. & M.Mosulishvili. 2007. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung
Dactylorhiza in Georgien (Kaukasus). [Biometrical Investigations on the Genus Dactylorhiza in Georgia]. – Nat. Wiss. Vereins Wuppertal, 60: 13-100 (German).
Arabuli G., Mosulishvili M., Murvanidze M., Arabuli T., Bagaturia N., & Er. Kvavadze. 2007. The Colchic Lowland Alder Woodland With Boxwood Understory (Alneta barbatae buxosa) and their Soil Invertebrate Animals. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. B 5 (2): 35-42.
Arabuli G., Akhalkatsi M., Maisaya I., & M. Mosulishvili. 2006. Using of Hordeum species in life and folk medicine in the eastern and southern mountain regions of Georgia. Proceedings of Tbilisi Botanic Garden 96: 118 – 121.
Akhalkatsi M., Mosulishvili M. Kimeridze M., & I Maisaia. 2006. Important medical plant – saffron (Crocus, Iridaceae) – Biofarmer, 1 (12): 33 – 35.
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R. & M. Mosulishvili. 2006: Orchids and their habitats in Georgia. – Journal Europaischer Orchideen, 38 (2): 286–287.
Akhalkatsi M., Kimeridze M., Maisaia I. &M. Mosulishvili. 2005. Flawless Profits. Industrial utilization of rare medicinal plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia – The Caucasus Environment, 4 (13): 34 – 37.
Akhalkatsi M., Baumann H., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M. & R. Peter. 2005. Contributions to the knowledge of Caucasian Orchids -Journal Europaischer Orchideen, 37(4): 889–914.
Mosulishvili M. 2005. Boxwood Exploration in the Republic of Georgia: The Boxwood Bulletin. Boyce VA, USA, 44 (3): 47 – 49.
Akhalkatsi M., M. Mosulishvili. 2004. Wetland Orchid in Georgia. CENN, The Caucasus Environment 1, (6): 30 – 31.
Akhalkatsi M., Mosulishvili M. & M. Kimeridze.2004. Iris Family in Georgia. CENN “Caucasus Environment” 2, (7): 13 – 16.
Akhalkatsi M., Lorenz R., Machutadze I. & M. Mosulishvili. 2004. Spiranthes amoena – A New Species of Flora of Georgia. Journal Europaischer Orchideen 36 (3): 745 – 754.
Akhalkatsi M., Kimeridze M., Kunkele S., Lorenz R. & M. Mosulishvili. 2003. Wild Orchids of Georgia. CENN, “ Caucasus Environment”. 2 (3): 48 – 54 .
Mosulishvili M. 2003. A Taxonomic Revision of the genus Koeleria (Gramineae) in Georgia. Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien. 168, 1: 75 – 77.
Mosulishvili M., Manvelidze Z., Memiadze N. & S. Okropiridze. 2003. New Location of Rare Snowdrop Galanthus krasnovii (Amaryllidaceae) in Georgia. Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien. 168, 2: 311 – 313.
Mosulishvili M. 2001. The Genus Trisetum (Poaceae) in Georgia. Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien.165 (1): 86-89.
Mosulishvili M. 2000. Directions of Evolution in Subtribe Koelireenae (Poaceae). Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien. 161 (3): 496-498.
Mosulishvili M. 1997. Some Rare and Endemic Species of Georgian Flora. Plant Life in High Mountains. Tbilisi. 140-142.
Mosulishvili M. 1991. The Classification of the Caucasian Taxa of the Subtribe Koeleriinae: Genera Trisetum, Trisetaria, Rostraria and Koeleria (Poaceae). Zam. Syst. Geogr. Rast. 42: 32-45.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Bachelor’s level

  • Field and Laboratory Practices in Ecology 1
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

Bachelor’s level

  • Botany
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Higher Plant Systematics
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology) (ENG)

2020-2021 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Botany
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

2019-2020 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Botany
  • Georgian Flora
  • Field and Laboratory Practices in Ecology 1

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

2018-2019 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Field and Laboratory Practices in Ecology 1
  • Botany
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

2017-2018 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Practice Course: Tree Identification
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

2016-2017 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Practice Course: Tree Identification
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

Doctoral level

  • Research Seminar I
  • Doctoral Seminar II

2015-2016 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Practice Course: Tree Identification
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

Doctoral level

  • Doctoral Seminar I

2014-2015 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Practice Course: Tree Identification
  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)

2013-2014 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia

2012-2013 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Woody Plants of Georgia (Dendrology)
  • Master’s Thesis (Life)
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia

2011-2012 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Field Practice in Plant Ecology
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia

Doctoral level

  • Variety of Plants of Georgia

2010-2011 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Georgian Flora

Master’s level

  • Plants Research Field Methods
  • Diversity of Plants of Georgia

Doctoral level

  • Variety of Plants of Georgia

2009-2010 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Botany

Master’s level

  • Plants Biology
  • Plants Research Methods
  • Plant Structure and Development