In 1979 he finished faculty of physics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, with speciality – physical hydrodynamic. He finished his PhD thesis in the field of linear and nonlinear internal gravity waves in the Earth atmosphere and their influence on the nightglow. He has been explorer of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory since 1979: in 1979-1982 -assistance researcher, in 1983-1992 – junior scientist researcher, in 1992-2007 – senior scientist researcher, since 2007 -researcher. Main field of investigation: atmospheric gravity waves and their influence on atmosphere and ionosphere layers, ionospheric sporadic structures, influence of atmospheric waves on the behavior luminous layers, long-term trends of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere parameters, influence of cosmic factors on cloud covering and its consequence on regional and global climate changes. He is working group member of International Scientific Programms PSMOS (2000-2003 years), CAWSES2 (2009-20013 years) and VarSITI (since 2014 – 2019) and PRESTO (since 2020). Since 2017 representative of Georgia in SCOSTEP. He is board member of the VAO project organized by the German Aerospace Center. Since 2007 associate professor of Ilia State University in the direction of atmosphere-ionosphere physics and head of atmosphere and space physics research group.
Scientific interests / research interests
- Generation of atmospheric waves under various helio-geophysical conditions;
- Influence of regional and global scale dynamical processes on atmospheric luminous layers;
- Influence of earthquakes on the upper atmosphere nightglow intensities;
- Modeling of formation of the ionospheric sporadic E layers;
- Regional characteristics of the lower and upper atmosphere coupling in the Caucasus;
- Geomagnetic storms and their influence on the atmosphere-ionosphere coupling;
- Influence of galactic cosmic rays flux on the atmosphere structure;
- Influence of climate changes on the long-term changes of the atmosphere and ionosphere parameters;
- Cosmic and anthropogenic factors of the climate change.
Featured publications
- Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). Atmosphere 2020, Issue 6, 653.
- Dalakishvili, G., Didebulidze, G.G., Todua M. Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous and inhomogeneous horizontal winds, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 209, 1 November 2020, 105403.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Todua, M. (2016).The inter-annual distribution of cloudless days and nights in Abastumani: coupling with cosmic factors and climate change, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 141, pp. 48-55.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Dalakishvili, G., Lomidze, L., Matiashvili, G. (2015). Formation of sporadic-E (Es) layers under the influence of AGWs evolving in a horizontal shear flow, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 136 (part B), pp. 163-173.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Lomidze, L.N., Gudadze, N.B. , Pataraya, A.D., Todua, M. (2011). The long-term changes in the nightly behavior of the oxygen red 630.0 nm line nightglow intensity and trend in the thermospheric meridional wind velocity, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(11), 3093-3114. doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.541523.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N. (2010). Double atmospheric gravity wave frequency oscillations of sporadic E formed in a horizontal shear flow, Physics Letters A, 374(7), 952-959. (10.1016/j.physleta.2009.12.026)
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N., Gudadze, N. B., Todua, M. (2009). Multilayered structures in the ionosphere F2 region and impulse-like increase of the nightglow red 630 nm line intensity as a result of influence of shear excited atmospheric vortical perturbations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03312. doi:10.1029/2008JA013348.
An extensive list of publications
- Didebulidze, G. G., Pataraya, A. D., Chanishvili, R.G. (1983). F-layer affected by atmospheric gravity waves with account of horizontal wind. Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of the Georgian SSR, 112(3), 509-512.
- Дидебулидзе, Г. Г., Патарая, А.Д. (1984). Влияние внутренних гравитационных волн на F-слой. Геомагнетизм и аерономия, 24(2), 308-402.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Fishkova, L.M., Pataraya, A. D. (1986). Investigation of the intensity progression of F-region nightglow emission of the oxygen red line by means of atmospheric Gravity waves soliton. Proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Abastumani International School & Workshop on ‘PLASMA ASTROPHYSICS’ held in Sukhumi, USSR. 19-28 May 1986 – Published by the Europian Space Agency, August 1986 (ESA SP-251 – ISSN 0379-6566), 147-150.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Pataraya, A. D. (1988). Reaction of the ionosphere F-layer on oblique propagation of the inner gravitational waves in the presence of a local wind. Bulletin of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, No 66, 223-232.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Pataraya, A. D. (1988). F-layer affected by atmospheric gravity waves with account of horizontal wind. Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of the Georgian SSR, 129(2), 317-320.
- Дидебулидзе, Г. Г., Натриашвили, Д.В., Патарая, А.Д., Фишкова, Л.М. (1989). Вариации интенсивности эмиссии 630.0 нм верхней атмосферы под воздействием внутренних гравитационных волн с учетом меридионального ветра, Буллетин Абастуманской Астрофизической Обсерватории АН ГССР, No 66, 213-222.
- Дидебулидзе, Г. Г., Патарая, А.Д. (1989). Изменение интенсивности красной кислородной линии 6300 А свечения ночного неба при прохождении солитона внутренних гравитационных волн. В кн.: Полярные Сияния и свечениие ночного неба, Москва, Сов. Радио, No 33, 85-92.
- Дидебулидзе, Г. Г., Торошелиде, Т.И., Чилингарашвили, С.П. (1990). Отклик свечения атмосферы на землетрясение в спитаке 7.XII.1988г. АН ГССР, Абастуманская Астрофизическая Обсерватория, Препринт, Тбилиси 1990.3, 85-92.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Fishkova, L.M., Pataraya, A. D., Toroshelidze, T.I. (1990). Investigation of the night sky airglow near the epicenter of the Earthquake. Proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Abastumani-ESA-Nagoya-Potsdam Workshop on ‘PLASMA ASTROPHYSICS’ held in Telavi, Georgia, USSR. 4-12 June 1990 (ESA SP-311, August 1990), 321-327.
- Didebulidze, G. G. (1997). Amplification/damping processes of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves in horizontal winds with linear shear, Physics Letters A, 235, 65-70.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Pataraya, A. D. (1999). “The influence of atmospheric gravity waves evolving in horizontal shear flow on the ionosphere F2-layer”, Physics Letters A, 252, 328-335.
- Didebulidze, G.G. (1999). “Analytic and numerical solutions of atmospheric gravity waves evolving in horizontal shear flow”. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, V.3, 65-85.
- Didebulidze, G. G. (1999). Evolution of atmospheric gravity waves in horizontal shear flow. Physica Scripta 60, 593 – 600.
- Дидебулидзе, Г. Г. (2000). Атмосферные гравитационные волны в горизонтальном сдвиговом течении, Геомагнетизм и аэрономия, 2000, т 40, № 4, с. 88-96.
- Didebulidze G. G., Pataraya A. D. (1999). Ionosphere F2-region under the influence of the evolutional atmospheric gravity waves in horizontal shear flow. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 61, 479 – 489.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Pataraya, A. D. (2000). Ionosphere F-region as an indicator of the evolution of atmospheric gravity waves in horizontal shear flow. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25(1-2), 97-100.
- Didebulidze G. G., Chilingarashvili S. P., Kvavadze N. D., Sharadze Z. S. (2000). The positive perturbation of the oxygen red line intensity (duration 1-3 hours) as a results of atmospheric shear waves’ existence. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B, 25(5/6), 443-449.
- Didebulidze, G.G. (2001). Atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves and vertical perturbations in the horizontal shear flow”. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol. 6b, 84-89.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Chilingarashvili, S.P., Toroshelidze, T.I., Murusidze, I.G., Kvavadze, N.D., Sharadze, Z.S. (2001). Vortical perturbations and short-period gravity waves as an indicator of the changes in the horizontal wind field in the upper atmosphere”. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol. 6b, pp. 90-103.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Chilingarashvili, S.P., Toroshelidze, T.I., Murusidze, I.G., Kvavadze, N.D., Sharadze, Z.S. (2002). On the possibility of in situ shear excitation of vortical perturbations and their coupling with short-period gravity waves by airglow and ionosphere observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64(8/11), 1105 – 1116.
- Toroshelidze, T.I., Didebulidze, G.G., Chichinadze, V.R., Vardosanidze, M.V. (2003). Long-term research of the water vapour absorption band in twilight. Proc. XXXVII Annual Apatity Seminar “Physics of Auroral Phenomena”.Apatity. Kola Scientific Center RAS. Apatity. 243-246.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Toroshelidze, T. I., Kafkalidis, J. F., Shepherd, M. G., Shepherd, G. G., Zhang, S. P., Javakhishvili, G., Vardosanidze, M. V. (2003). Short-period atmospheric gravity waves amplitude amplification at the mesosphere-thermosphere heights. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol. 8b. pp. 77-97.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Kafkalidis, J. F., Pataraya, A.D. (2004). Coupling processes between atmospheric vortical perturbations and acoustic-gravity waves in the mesosphere-thermosphere regions. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 66(6-9),715-732.
- Торошелидзе, Т.И., Вардосанидзе, М. В., Дидебулидзе, Г.Г. (2004). Регистрация планетарных волн по вариациям содержания стратосферных озона и двуокиси азота, Бюлл. Абаст. астрофиз. обс., №77, 247-258.
- Didebulidze, G., Javakhishvili, G., Todua, M. (2005). Annual distribution of cloudless days in Abastumani (41.8N,42.8E), Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol.10B, 28-31.
- Gudadze, N.B., Didebulidze, G.G., Lomidze L.N., Javakhishvili, G.Sh., Shepherd, M.G., Vardosanidze M.V., Peradze, Q.T. (2006). About environmental/dynamical changes in the atmosphere responsible for different long-term trends in the oxygen red 630 nm line nightglow intensity. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol.11B, 32-38, 2006.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Iskandarova, V.M., Todua, M.M., Javakhishvili, G. Sh. (2006). The relationship between total ozone content over Abastumani and geomagnetic disturbances. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, vol.11B, 28-31.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Javakhishvili, G.Sh., Lomidze, L.N.,. Titberidze, M.M. (2006). Variations of the nightglow intensity prior and after earthquakes observed at abastumani (41.75oN; 42.82oE). Proceed. International Science Conference”Independent Kazakhstan: 15-years way of space activity development”, Devoted to the 70-anniversary of academician U.M. Sultangazin. October, 4-6, 2006, Almaty, Republic of the Kazakhstan. ALMATY, 324-326.
- Gudadze, N.B., Didebulidze, G.G., Javakhishvili, G.Sh., Shepherd, M.G., Vardosanidze, M.V. (2007). Long-Term Variations of the Oxygen Red 630 nm Line Nightglow Intensity. Canadian Journal of Physics, 85(2), 189-198.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Javakhishvili, G. Sh., Marsagishvili, M. A., Todua, M. (2007). About the annual distribution of magnetically disturbed cloudless days and nights over Abastumani (41.75N, 42.82E). 2008arXiv0802.3304D
- Didebulidze, G. G., Iskandarova, V.M., Todua, M., Javakhishvili, G. Sh. (2008). The relationship between total ozone content over Abastumani and geomagnetic disturbances. Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory Bulletin No 78, 251-255.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N. (2008). The formation of sporadic E layers by a vortical perturbation excited in a horizontal wind shear flow, Annales Geophysicae, 21(7), 1741-1749.
- Gudadze, N. B., Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N., Javakhishvili, G. Sh., Marsagishvili, M. A., Todua, M. (2008). Different long-term trends of the oxygen red 630.0 nm line nightglow intensity as the result of lowering the ionosphere F2 layer, Annales Geophysicae, 21(8), 2069-2080.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N., Gudadze, N. B., Todua, M. (2009). Multilayered structures in the ionosphere F2 region and impulse-like increase of the nightglow red 630 nm line intensity as a result of influence of shear excited atmospheric vortical perturbations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03312. doi:10.1029/2008JA013348.
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N., Gudadze, N.B. (2009). Ionosphere F2 layer stratification caused by shear excited atmospheric vortical perturbations, Advances in Space Research 43, Number 11, 1800-1805, 2009. ( doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.08.021).
- Didebulidze, G. G., Lomidze, L. N. (2010). Double atmospheric gravity wave frequency oscillations of sporadic E formed in a horizontal shear flow, Physics Letters A, 374(7), 952-959. (10.1016/j.physleta.2009.12.026)
- Didebulidze, G.G., Lomidze, L.N., Gudadze, N.B. , Pataraya, A.D., Todua, M. (2011). The long-term changes in the nightly behavior of the oxygen red 630.0 nm line nightglow intensity and trend in the thermospheric meridional wind velocity, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(11), 3093-3114. doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.541523.
- Kokkalis, P., Mamouri, R.E., Todua, M., Didebulidze, G.G., Papayanis, A., Amiridis, V., Basart, S., Perez, C., Baldasano, J.M. (2012). Ground, satellite and simulation-based analysis of a strong dust event over Abastumani, Georgia during May 2009, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (16), 4886-4901.
- Todua, M., Didebulidze, G. G. (2013). Cosmic factors influence on the inter-annual variations of the green 557.7 Nm line and red 630.0 Nm line nightglow intensities and their possible coupling with cloud covering at Abastumani (41.75°N, 42.82°E). Acta Geophysica, 62(2), 381-399.
- Todua, M., Didebulidze, G. (2013). Galactic cosmic rays flux and geomagnetic activity coupling with cloud covering in Abastumani. Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (B), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, v. 16b, 82-88.
- Alania, M.V., Didebulidze, G.G., Modzelewska, R., Todua, M., Wawrzynczak, A., “
- Annual and semi annual variations of the galactic cosmic ray intensity and seasonal distribution of the cloudless days and cloudless nights in abastumani (41.75N, 42.82E; Georgia): (1) experimental study and (2) theoretical modeling “, Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013, 2013-October. (SCOPUS:
- Gudadze, N., Javakhishvili, G., Didebulidze, G. (2014). Some peculiarities of the upper atmosphere planetary scale motions in the Caucasus region. Instability and Evolution of Stars, Proceedings of the Byurakan-Abastumani Colloquium dedicated to Ludwik Mirzoyan’s 90th anniversary, held on 26-28 August 2013 in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia. Eds.: Harutyunian, H. A.; Nikoghosyan, E. H.; Melikian, N. D., Yerevan, “Gitutyun” Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA), p. 153-157.
- Todua, M., Didebulidze, G. (2014). The influence of cosmic factors on cloud covering and their seasonal trends in Abastumani. Instability and Evolution of Stars, Proceedings of the Byurakan-Abastumani Colloquium dedicated to Ludwik Mirzoyan’s 90th anniversary, held on 26-28 August 2013 in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia. Eds.: Harutyunian, H. A.; Nikoghosyan, E. H.; Melikian, N. D., Yerevan, “Gitutyun” Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA), p. 71-76.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Dalakishvili, G., Lomidze, L., Matiashvili, G. (2014). Formation of ionospheric sporadic E layers by atmospheric gravity waves, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (B), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, v. 17, 96-106.
- Alania M.V., Didebulidze G.G., Modzelewska R., Todua M., Wawrzinczak A. (2015). Annual variations of the galactic cosmic ray intensity and seasonal distribution of cloudless days and cloudless nights in Abastumani (41.75oN, 42.82oE; Georgia): (1) experimental study and (2) theoretical modeling. Proceeding of Science. The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference30 July- 6 August, 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands. (SCOPUS: )
- Didebulidze, G.G. , Todua, M. (2015). Investigation of presence of cosmic factors in the inter-annual distributions of cloudless days and nights in Abastumani. Sun and Geosphere, 10(1), 59-63.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Dalakishvili, G., Lomidze, L., Matiashvili, G. (2015). Formation and behavior of Es layers under the influence of AGWs evolving in a horizontal shear flow. 14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium, 12-14 May 2015, Alexandria, VA, USA, 088, 1-6. (
- Didebulidze, G.G., Dalakishvili, G., Lomidze, L., Matiashvili, G. (2015). Formation of sporadic-E (Es) layers under the influence of AGWs evolving in a horizontal shear flow, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 136 (part B), pp. 163-173.
- Didebulidze, G.G., Todua, M. (2016).The inter-annual distribution of cloudless days and nights in Abastumani: coupling with cosmic factors and climate change, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 141, pp. 48-55.
- Todua, M., Didebulidze, G.G., Javakhishvili, G. Sh. (2017). Cosmic factors in the variations of the lower and upper atmosphere-ionosphere parameters observed from Abastumani, Non-Stable Universe: Energetic Resources, Activity Phenomena and Evolutionary Processes, ASP conference Series 2017, Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
- Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). Atmosphere 2020, Issue 6, 653.
- Dalakishvili G.T., Didebulidze G.G., Todua M.M., (2020), Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous horizontal wind, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (B), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, v. 23b, No 3. In press.
- Dalakishvili, G., Didebulidze, G.G., Todua M. Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous and inhomogeneous horizontal winds, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 209, 1 November 2020, 105403., G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. (2020). Chapter: “Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs)”. Earth and Its Atmosphere, Editor: Liu Chenming, ISBN: 978-81-945175-8-0, VIDE LE٨F, p.35. (პუბლიკაცია წიგნში ერთი თავის სახით.)
- Sedlak, R., Zuhr, A. , Schmidt, C., Wüst, S. , Bittner, M., Didebulidze, G.G., and Price, C. (2020). Intra-annua l variations of spectrally resolved gravity wave activity in the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere (UMLT) region, Atmospheric Measurement Technique, 13, 5117–5128.
- Mackovjak, Š., Varga, M., Hrivňak, S., Palkoci, O., & Didebulidze, G. G. (2021). Data-driven modeling of atomic oxygen airglow over a period of three solar cycles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028991.