Direction: Basic Medicine and Medical Education
Position:Full Professor

Olwyn Westwood is a graduate of University of Surrey (B.Sc. with Honors) from 1980. Having worked in routine diagnostic NHS pathology, she took a Ph.D in immunology and cell biology (completed her Ph.D in 1989 at the University of London. Title of thesis: Placental Protein 14 (PP14): A study on the isolation, purification, physical characteristics and molecular biology of a protein.) research, before making a successful transition into pedagogic practice and research. From 1999 Olwyn Westwood is the Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and from 2015 Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her responsibilities include: director of Medical Education at Brunnel University, Brunel Medical School, College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences; adviser to the GMC on the Bologna Declaration and implications for UK degrees; curriculum advisor, Modernising Scientific Careers postgraduates, Health Education England; Member of the Board for the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Medicine and Health Professions; teacher and external examiner at different universities of UK; Since 2018 Olwyn M.R. Westwood has been cooperating with Ilia State University as an academic person and co-superviser of the MD educational program

Scientific interests / research interests

Featured publications
⦁ Westwood, OMR, Leinster, S, Weinberg, JR (2008) A Health Care Curriculum for the 21st Century: Time for Flexibility? J. Royal Soc Med. Feb;101(2):59-62.
⦁ Nelson PN, Westwood, OMR, Freimanis, Roden, D, Sissaoui, S, Rylance, P, Hay, FC. (2008) Epitope mapping of monoclonal rheumatoid factors reveals novel antigenic determinants on IgG1 Fc. Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders. 1:33-42.
⦁ Green, A, Westwood, O, Smith, P, Peniston-Bird, F (2009) Provision of Continued Professional Development for Non-medical Prescribers within a South of England Strategic Health Authority – a report on a training needs analysis J. Nursing Management 17:603-614.
⦁ Westwood O (2009) Physician Assistant role for the UK (letter). BMJ 339: b3938
⦁ Cushing, AM, Westwood, OMR (2010) Using peer feedback in a formative objective structured clinical examination. Medical Education 44(11):1144-5
⦁ Cushing, AM, Abbott, S, Lothian, D, Hall, A, Westwood, OMR (2011) Peer feedback in formative assessment as an aid to learning: What do we want? Feedback. When do we want it? Now! Medical Teacher 33(2):e105-12.
⦁ Griffiths, CJ, Chung, C, Tzortziou-Brown, V, Westwood, O, Morrissey, D. (2012) Capturing the combined clinic: Evaluation of an Inter-Professional Multimedia Musculoskeletal Examination Teaching Resource. Rheumatology
⦁ Westwood, OMR (2012) Musculoskeletal Examination: Education and Training for Current and Future Needs of Healthcare Provision. Rheumatology
⦁ Cushing, AM, Ker J, Kinnersley, P, McKeown, P, Westwood OMR (2014) Patient safety and communication: a new assessment for doctors trained in countries where language differs from that of the host country – Results of a pilot using a domain-based assessment Pat. Ed Counsel 95: 332-339
⦁ Duffy, J, Chequer, S, Braddy, A, Mylan, S, Royuela, A, Zamora, J, Jacey Ip, Hayden, S, Showell, M, Kinnersley, P, Westwood, O, Khan, K, Cushing AM (2016). Educational effectiveness of gynecological teaching associates. A multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Br. J Obstet. Gynaecol 123(6):1005-10.
⦁ Brown, V, Morrissey, D, Mohamend, N, Westwood, OMR, Underwood, M. (2016) Professional interventions for general practitioners on the management of musculoskeletal conditions. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 5:CD007495
⦁ Druce, M, Hickey, A, Warrens, A, Westwood, OM (2016) Medical students raising concerns J. Patient Safety Sep 16. (Epub ahead of print)
⦁ Brown V, Underwood M, Westwood OM, Morrissey D. (2019) Improving the management of musculoskeletal conditions: can an alternative approach to referral management underpinned by quality improvement and behavioural change theories offer a solution and a better patient experience? A mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 19; 9(2): e024710


⦁ Austen, B and Westwood, OMR (1991) Protein Targeting & Secretion In Focus series, IRL Press, Oxford University Press.
⦁ Westwood, OMR (1999) The Scientific Basis for Health Care Times Mirror Int. Publishers, London.
⦁ Westwood, OMR & Hay FC (2001) Epitope Mapping: A Practical Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
⦁ Hay, FC. & Westwood, OMR. (2002) Practical Immunology (4th edition) Blackwell Science, Oxfor
⦁ Westwood, OMR, Hay FC, Griffin A. (2013) ‘How to assess students and trainees in medicine and health” Wiley Blackwell, Oxford
⦁ Eales-Reynolds, L-J; Westwood OMR (2018) ‘Teaching Excellence in Higher Education – Lessons from the TEF’ pub. KDP publishing
⦁ Westwood OMR (2011) A Medical Curriculum – Integration of basic and clinical sciences in Assessment and Training of Tomorrow’s Doctors 3rd International Forum of Medical Deans, Beijing (PMPH e-book) pp137-149
⦁ Leonardi-Bee, J. and Westwood OMR, (2014) “Systematic Reviews” in: An Introduction to Health Services Research ed. D-M Walker, pub. Sage


Current Courses

Course Catalog

⦁ Immunology (MD educational program)
⦁ Medical Teaching (Ph.D in Medicine)