Position:Assistant Professor

Ketevan Shengelia was born in Tbilisi. She started attending her first piano classes at a Specialised Music School for especially gifted children. She continued her studies at Tbilisi State Conservatoire piano faculty.  It was here that her interest in ensmeble playing and music esthetics  was born. This had resulted in Ketevan doing doctoral studies in Chamber Ensmeble.  Together with her friends Ketevan estableshed an ensmeble seventeen’s – eiteenth century music. Her career as a teacher had also started at this time. In order to deepen her knowledge of Renaissance and Baroque music Ketevan moved to Europe studying and working in France, Germany, Greece and Spain.

Since 2017 Ketevan moved back to her homeland. Together with her European friends she established MEMIC (music education modernisation international center), an organization concerned with bettering professional musical education in Georgia by intergrating the best practicies of European and local music educational  systems. Ketevan has developed deep ties with private and state educational institutions. At this time she is teaching Early Music history, theory and practice, as well as working on establishing an institutional base for teaching and application of Music Therapy at Ilia State University.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Musical Education at School and at higher institutions.
  • Music teaching methods.
  • Early European Music and its possible conections with Georgian traditional music of the same time period.
  • History of Harpsichord and early keyboard instruments.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Teaching Practice at School (Music); Theory of Music in Practice 1; History of Music in the Light of World Art (i.e. History of World Music 1); Introduction to Music

Fundamentals of Teaching Music; Fundamentals of Authentic Performance (Early Keyboard Instruments); The Baroque Music Ensemble: Performing Project; History of Western Music: Renaissance and Baroque Periods; The Art of Harspchord 1 (the Basics); The Art of Harpsichord 3; History of Music in the Light of World Art (i.e. History of World Music 1); Introduction to Music

  • The Art of Harpsichord
  • The Art of Baroque Ensemble
  • Music from Different Angles
  • History of Renaissance and Baroque Music