George Gotsadze brings expertise and extensive experience in health policy and systems by working in about 60 countries across the world. In 1989 he graduated from Tbilisi State Medical Institute with a Medical Degree diploma. In 1993 he was awarded the Ph.D. degree. During 1989-1993 worked as a medical doctor at the Institute of Perinatal Medicine, Obstetrics, and Gynecology in Tbilisi, Georgia. During 1994-1996 headed humanitarian missions in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Since 1996 he is leading Georgian non-governmental and not-for-profit organization – Curatio International Foundation. For over a quarter of a century, the organization has worked in the field of health policy and systems in different countries. Since March 1st, 2015, hosts the secretariat of Health Systems Global (HSG) – the first international membership organization fully dedicated to promoting health systems research and knowledge translation, and Dr. Gotsadze serves as an executive director.
Since 2009, for over six years, Dr. Gotsadze served as a vice-chair of the Technical Review Panel (TRP) of the Global Fund. Since 2017 he is a member of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) of the same organization.
Dr. Gotsadze, during 2002-2006 served as an invited faculty of the Health Care Management School at the Tbilisi State University (TSU) and during 2008 -2015 as an invited faculty of the International School of Public Health (ISPH) and the Tbilisi State Medical University.
Dr. Gotsadze authored 30 scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, seven books and book chapters, and several dozen technical reports covering various health systems and policy topics.
Scientific interests / research interests
⦁ Health Systems
⦁ Health Policy
⦁ Global Health
⦁ Health Care Financing
⦁ Public Health
⦁ Private sector in health
Featured publications
- Berman P, Cameron MA, Gaurav S, Gotsadze G, et al. Improving the response to future pandemics requires an improved understanding of the role played by institutions, politics, organization, and governance. PLOS Global Public Health, January 2023. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001501
- Gotsadze G, Mirzikashvili N, Kekelidze D, Kalandarishvili S, Kalandadze I, Abiatari I, Zoidze A. The State of Public Health Education and Science During and After the Fall of the Soviet Union: Achievements, Remaining Challenges, and Future Priorities. Front Public Health. 2022 Jun 15;10:871108. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.871108.
- Gotsadze G, Zoidze A. Soviet legacy is still pervasive in health policy and systems research in the post-Soviet states. Public Health Res Pract. 2021 Nov 10;31(4):3142121. doi: 10.17061/phrp3142121.
- Gotsadze G., Chikovani I., Sulaberidze L., Gotsadze T., Goguadze K., Tavanxhi N. 2019 The Challenges of Transition From Donor-Funded Programs: Results From a Theory-Driven Multi-Country Comparative Case Study of Programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Supported by the Global Fund. Global Health: Science and Practice June 2019, 7(2):258-272
- Macarayan E.K., Balabanova D., Gotsadze.G.2019. Assessing the field of health policy and systems research using symposium abstract submissions and machine learning techniques. Health Policy and Planning, 2019, 1–11.
- Sheikh K., Bennett S., El Jardali F., Gotsadze G. 2017. Privilege and inclusivity in shaping Global Health agendas. Health Policy and Planning 2017 Apr 1;32(3):303-304
- Gotsadze G., Tang W., Shengelia N., Zoidze A. 2017. Determinants analysis of outpatient service utilisation in Georgia: can the approach help inform benefit package design? Health Research Policy and Systems (2017) 15:36
- Chikovani I., Makhashvili N., GotsadzeG., Bayard R. 2015. Health Service Utilization for Mental, Behavioural and Emotional Problems among Conflict-Affected Population in Georgia: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0122673
- Gotsadze G., Zoidze A., Rukhadze N., Shengelia N., Chkhaidze N. 2015. An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications. Health Policy and Planning, Volume 30, Issue suppl_1, 1 Pages i2–i13,
- Belli. P., Gotsadze. G. and Shahriari. H., 2004 Out-of-pocket and informal payments in health sector: evidence from Georgia. Health Policy. Vol. 70(1): pp 109-123
- Gotsadze G., Counahan M., 2017 Promoting Inclusive Growth Through Health Development In Central And West Asia. Asian Development Bank regional-Capacity Development Technical Assistance (R-Cdta)
⦁ Gotsadze G., Gaal P., Chapter 7. Coverage decisions: benefit entitlements and patient cost sharing in Kutzin, J, C Cashin, M Jakab, eds. Implementing Health Financing Reform: Lessons from Countries in Transition. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and the European Observatory on Health Policies and Systems 2010.
⦁ Cercone J., Gotsadze G., Osipov K. 2005. Economic evaluation of National Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Programs in Kazakhstan. The World Bank. Washington DC. Report No. 32495-KZ.
⦁ J.Godinho, A.Renton, V.Vinogradov, T.Novotny, G.Gotsadze, MJ Rivers, M.Bravo. 2004. Reversing The Tide: Priorities for HIV/AIDS Prevention in Central Asia. The World Bank. Washington, DC.
⦁ A.Renton, D.Gzirishvili, G.Gotsadze, J.Godinho. 2004. Central Asia HIV/AIDS Project. Epidemics and Drivers: Regional Challenge – Regional Response. The World Bank.
⦁ Gamkrelidze A., Atun R., Gotsadze G., MacLehose L. 2002. Health Care Systems in Transition: Georgia. The European Observatory on Health Care Systems.
⦁ S. Bennett, G.Gotsadze. Building Capacity and Strengthening Implementation at the Community Level. in D.M. Dror and A.S. Preker editors. Social Re Insurance: A new approach to sustainable community health financing. International Labor office and The World Bank, 2002, 225-240.
An extensive list of publications
- Sulaberidze L., Green S., Chikovani I., Uchaneishvili M., Gotsadze G. 2018. Barriers to delivering mental health services in Georgia with an economic and financial focus: informing policy and acting on evidence. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:108
- Sulaberidze L., Mirzazadeh A., Chikovani I., Gotsadze G. 2016. Population Size Estimation of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Tbilisi, Georgia; Multiple Methods and Triangulation of Findings. PLoS ONE 11(2):e0147413
- Maceira D., Goguadze K., Gotsadze G. 2015 The drivers of facility-based immunization performance and costs. An application to Moldova. Vaccine 33S:A72-A78
- Goguadze K., Chikovani I., Gaberi C., Gotsadze G. 2015. Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study. Vaccine 33S:A60-A65
- Gotsadze G., Murphy A., Shengelia N., Zoidze A. 2015. Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter? BMC Health Services Research 15(88).
- Zoidze A., Rukhazde N., Chkhatarashvili K., Gotsadze G. 2013. Promoting universal financial protection: health insurance for the poor in Georgia – a case study. Health Research Policy and Systems 2013, 11:45
- Gotsadze G., Chikovani I., Goguadze K., Balabanova D., McKee M. 2010. Reforming sanitary-epidemiological service in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: an exploratory study. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:440 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-440.
- Gotsadze G., Zoidze A., Rukhadze N., Shengelia N., Chkhaidze N. 2015. An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications. Health Policy and Planning, Volume 30, Issue suppl_1, 1 Pages i2–i13,
- Djibuti .M., Gotsadze G., Zoidze A., Mataradze G., Esmail LC., Kohler JC. 2009 The role of supportive supervision on immunization program outcome – a randomized field trial from Georgia. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2009, 9(Suppl 1):S11 doi:10.1186/1472-698X-9-S1-S11.
- Gotsadze G., Zoidze A., Rukhadze N. 2009. Household catastrophic health expenditure: evidence from Georgia and its policy implications. BMC Health Services Research 2009, 9:69 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-9-69
- Djibuti M., Gotsadze G., Mataradze G., Menabde G. 2008 Human resources for health challenges of public health system reform in Georgia. Human Resources for Health 2008, 6:8 doi:10.1186/1478-4491-6-8.
- Djibuti M., Gotsadze G., Mataradze G., Zoidze A. 2007. Influence of household demographic and socio-economic factors on household expenditure on tobacco in six New Independent States. BMC Public Health 2007, 7:222.
- Zoidze A., Gotsadze G., Cameron S. 2007. International hospital perspectives: transition countries. An Overview of Health in the Transition Countries. International Hospital Federation Reference Book 2006/2007. pp. 29-32.
- Gotsadze G., Bennett S, Ranson K., Gzirishvili D., 2005 Health Care Seeking Behavior and Out-of-pocket Payments in Tbilisi, Georgia: Household Survey Findings. Health Policy and Panning Vol. 20., No.4.
- Gotsadze G., Zoidze. A., Vasadze. O., 2004, Reform Strategies in Georgia and Impact on Health Care Provision in Rural Areas: Evidence from Household Survey. Social Science & Medicine. Vol 60/4 pp 809-821.
- Rose L., Gotsadze. G., 2001. Georgia: Implementing a Hospital Restructuring Programme. Eurohealth Vol.7., No.3 74:79.
- Gotsadze.G., Mataradze,G., Zoidze.A. 1999 Hospital Sector Reform and Its Implications on Human Resource Development in Georgia, Human Resources for Health Development Journal 3 (3):185-198
- Jorbenadze.A., Zoidze.A., Gzirishvili.D., Gotsadze.G., 1999. Health Reform and Hospital Financing in Georgia – Croatian Medical Journal 40(2):221-236.