Position:Associate Professor
Born in 1968, physician by training and a graduate of Tbilisi State Medical University (Medical Doctor in 1991) and the Professional Development Program in Health Policy at Columbia University (1997) has over 25 years of experience as an international expert in health policy focusing on health system financing with a strong understanding of performance-based funding models in the health sector. More than 11 years of experience in high level national and international policymaking and leading or active participation in public policy development, high-level policy dialogue, public service restructuring, and major health and social system reform efforts in Georgia and up to 15 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He contributed to health systems research and the knowledge translation for health policymaking as an author of publications in peer-reviewed journals concerning results-based health financing, health systems in transition, health financing reform, primary health care, and hospital financing, etc. Dr. Zoidze has demonstrated expertise in health systems’ and programs’ evaluation and organizational assessments, including the evaluation conceptualization, methodology design, evaluation framework development, triangulation, and analyses and more than ten years of experience in teaching Evidence-Based Health Policy and Health Systems at Tbilisi State Medical University in 2008-2019
Featured publications
⦁ Chikovani, I., Diaconu, K., Duric, P. Sulaberidze, L., Uchaneishvili, M., Nuredin, I.M., Zoidze, A., Witter, S. Addressing challenges in tuberculosis adherence via performance-based payments for integrated case management: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial in Georgia. Trials 20, 536 (2019) doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3621-z
⦁ Petrosyan V, Melkomian D, Zoidze A, Shroff ZC. National Scale-Up of Results-Based Financing in Primary Health Care: The Case of Armenia. Health Systems & Reform. 2017;3(2):117-28.
⦁ Zoidze, Akaki & Rukhadze, Natia & Chkhatarashvili, Ketevan & Gotsadze, George. (2013). Health Insurance for the Poor_Georgia path to Universal Coverge.
⦁ Zoidze A, Rukhadze N, Chkhatarashvili K, Gotsadze G. Promoting Universal Financial Protection: Health Insurance for the Poor in Georgia – A case study. BMC Health Policy and Research. 2013. 11:45. URL:
⦁ Zoidze A, Gotsadze G, Cameron S., 2006, An Overview of Health in Transition Countries, International Hospital Federation Reference
An extensive list of publications
⦁ Gotsadze G , Tang W , Shengelia N , Zoidze A Determinants analysis of outpatient service utilization in Georgia: can the approach help inform benefit package design? Health Res Policy Sys May 2017;15:36.doi:10.1186/s12961-017-0197-5
⦁ Gotsadze G. Zoidze A, Rukhadze N, Shengelia N, Chkhaidze N. An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications. Apr 2015 · Health Policy and Planning
⦁ Gotsadze G, Murphy A, Shengelia N, Zoidze A. Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter? BMC Health Serv Res. 2015;15:88
⦁ Gotsadze G., Zoidze A., Rukhadze N., Factors Determining Catastrophic Health Expenditure: Evidence from Georgia and its Policy Implications. BMC Health Services Research 2009, Vol. 9
⦁ Djibuti M, Gotsadze G., Mataradze G., Zoidze A. Influence of Household Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors on Household Expenditure on Tobacco in Six New Independent States. BMC Public Health 2007, 7:222 (30 August 2007).
⦁ Zoidze A, Gotsadze G, Cameron S., 2006, An Overview of Health in Transition Countries, International Hospital Federation Reference Book 2006/2007.
⦁ Gotsadze G., Cashin C., Zoidze A., Valdin J., 2005, Descriptive background to health care financing reform strategy development in Georgia. HCF Discussion paper No. 1. CoReform Project. Tbilisi. Georgia.
⦁ Gotsadze G, Zoidze A, Vasadze O. Reform strategies in Georgia and their impact on health care provision in rural areas: evidence from a household survey. Journal of Social Sciences and Medicine. Vol 60/4 pp 809-821.
⦁ Gotsadze G, Mataradze G, Zoidze A. Hospital Sector Reform and Its Implications on HRD. Human Resources for Health Development Journal. Vol. 3, # 3, Nonthaburi, Thailand. 1999
⦁ Jorbenadze A, Zoidze A, Gzirishvili D, Gotsadze G. Health Reform and Hospital Financing in Georgia. Croatian Medical Journal. Vol 15. Zagreb, Croatia. 1998
⦁ Zoidze A, Gzirishvili D, Gotsadze G. Hospital Financing Study in Georgia. Abt Publications, Bethesda, MD. USA. 1998.
⦁ Gzirishvili D. Zoidze A. Reimbursement Mechanisms for Hospitals. National Health Management Centre, Tbilisi. Georgia. 1998
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