Position:Associate Professor
Manana Javakhishvili – historian, PhD. Her scientific interest is Georgian and European medieval history, European-Georgian relationships in Middle Ages, history of Papacy and Catholic Church, everyday life, gender studies, history of education. She is an author of monographies (Women activities in Georgia (XIX-XX ss), co-author L. Khomeriki, Tbilisi, 2005; Georgians Catholics in Montauban, Tbilisi, 2009, History of Papacy in Middle Ages (in Georgian), Ilia State University, Tbilisi, 2015) and more than forty articles. She has some international publications in French, English and German languages in the internationals scientific journals. M. Javakhishvili translated the famous book of G. Duby “The Knight, The Lady, and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France“. She conducted her research in Rome (Vatican, Catholic Committee of Cultural Collaboration), Paris, (Maison de Science de l’Homme; Bourse Diderot), Krakow (The Queen Jadwiga Found) Athens (Ecole Francaise d’Athenes), Fribourg (ASCN) and others international institutions. She regularly delivers lectures in various universities and research centres: Montpellier III Paul Valéry University; Paris Diderot University, Catholic University of Louvain etc.
Medieval History; Crusades and Georgia; European-Georgian relationships in Middle Ages; Everyday life study; History of education.
Featured publications
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Course Catalog |
Society in Medieval Europe; France – History and Culture; Historical research, theoretical approach and methods; Education and Intellectuals in Middle Ages; History of Everyday Life in Middle ages Modern History of Europe and the USA; Christian Europe and Islamic East in the Middle Ages – Meeting of the Cultures; Catholic Church and The Papacy in the Middle Ages; The Conquest of Constantinople by Robert De Clari |