Position:Associate Professor

Eka Tchkoidze received her first degree in Philology at I. Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi (1998), and her M.A. (2001) and Ph.D. (2006) in Byzantine History at the University of Ioannina (Greece). She was awarded fellowships from the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece and the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. In 2007-2008 she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University (Program in Hellenic Studies). In 2008-2013 she held a position of assistant professor of History at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at Ilia State University. Since 2013 she is Associate Professor of History at the faculty of Arts and Sciences of Ilia State University, Tbilisi (Georgia). In 2012-2013 having the joint scholarship of the Onassis Foundation and the Plato Academy she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Athens. In 2012-2015 worked as an external collaborator in the interdisciplinary and inter-university project “The Black Sea and its port-cities, 1774-1914. Development, convergence and linkages with the global economy” (see details Within the framework of this project she was responsible for the only Georgian port-city of Batumi.

Scientific interests / research interests

Georgian hagiography as a source for Byzantine political and cultural history; Byzantine and Georgian Hagiography (comparative Study); Monasticism (emergence, development, today’s tendencies); Russian empire (economic and cultural history)

Featured publications
• Oil and Soil: the role of Batoum’s economic development in shaping of geopolitical significance of the Caucasus, for the volume History of the Black Sea. volume 5 (Between Grain and Oil from the Azov to Caucasus: The port-cities of the eastern coast of the Black Sea, late 18th – early 20th centuries, Gelina Harlaftis, Victoria Konstantinova and Igor Lyman (eds), upcoming
• “Η επανάσταση του Νικ. Φωκά και του Νικ. Ξιφία (1021-1022): η τελευταία εσωτερική κρίση στη βασιλεία του Βασιλείου Β΄ (976-1025)” (in English: “Phokas-Xiphias Revolution (1021-1022), the last internal crisis of the reign of Basil II the Bulgar-slayer (976-1025)”, Byzantina Symmeikta 24 (2014) (;
• “Terms Greek/Greece in Georgian hagiographic texts of the 11th century and historical reality of that period” (in Greek «Ο όρος «Έλληνας/Ελλάδα» στα γεωργιανά αγιολογικά κείμενα του 11ου αι. και η επικρατούσα ιστορική πραγματικότητα της εποχής», Phasis (Greek and Roman Studies), vol. 15-16 (2012-2013) ISSN 1512-1046, გვ. 261-272;
• “Byzantine emperor Basil II (976-1025) in medieval Georgian literature” (in Greek «Ο Βασίλειος Β΄ στη μεσαιωνική γεωργιανή γραμματεία»), online publication on the webpage of Plato Academy ( იხ. pdf file:
• Articles on Batumi political, economical, administrative and cultural history of 19th-20th century within the framework of Research Project “Port-Cities of the Black Sea” (in Greek, English and partly in Russian) (
• “An idea about Georgians as chosen people: its origin and historical context” – in Georgian „ქართველთა რჩეულობის იდეა: წარმოშობა და ისტორიული კონტექსტი“, კრებულში პოლიტიკური თეოლოგია მოდერნულობამდე და მოდერნულობის შემდეგ, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, თბილისი 2012/ Political Theology: before and after modernity, Ilia State University, Tbilisi 2012, pp. 151-166.
• “Ideological parameters of both Georgian and Greek versions of the Life of John and Efthymios”- In Georgian „იოანეს და ეფთჳმეს ცხოვრების“ ქართული და ბერძნული ტექსტების იდეოლოგიური ურთიერთმიმართება“, კრებულში ბიზანტინოლოგია საქართველოში-3, ნ. მახარაძე-ნ. სულავა (რედ.), თბილისი (გამომცემლობა ლოგოსი) 2011, გვ. 763-770. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Byzantine Studies in Georgia 3, Tbilisi 2011, pp. 763-770.
• „The notion of „Chosen People“ in Georgian Hagiography“, Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), 2 (2010), pp. 5-24 (in Georgian and English), (in Georgian „რჩეული ერის“ გაგება ქართულ ჰაგიოგრაფიაში“, კადმოსი (ჰუმანიტარულ კვლევათა ჟურნალი), 2 (2010), გვ. 5-24.
• “One Aspect of political relationships between Byzantium and Georgia in the 10th century (Bardas Phocas and David Couropalatis)” – in Greek «Μία πτυχή των πολιτικών σχέσεων Βυζαντίου-Γεωργίας τον 10ο αιώνα (Βάρδας Φωκάς και Δαυίδ Κουροπαλάτης)», Byzantiaka, Research Center of School of Philosophy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greek “Βυζαντιακά”, Επιστημονικό όργανο του κέντρο επιστημονικών ερευνών Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημίου) 28 (2009), σσ. 217-238.
• “How Greek Loan Words became terms (contribution to the study of Ecclesiastical Terminology)”, Greek Language and Terminology (Papers of the 7th Conference), Kostas Valeontis (editor), Athens 2009, pp. 363-371, in Greek «Πώς έγιναν όροι οι δανεισμένες ελληνικές λέξεις (συμβολή στη μελέτη της εκκλησιαστικής ορολογίας)», Ελληνική Γλώσσα και Ορολογία (Ανακοινώσεις 7ου Συνεδρίου), Κώστας Βαλεοντής (επιμ.), Αθήνα 2009, σσ. 363-371.
• «An Interpretation of Miracles of the Georgian ‘Life George the Athonite’ (11th Century)», Studies in Christian Archeology, 2 (2009), Ilia State University- National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia, pp. 582-609- in Georgian “სასწაულების ინტერპრეტაციისთვის გიორგი მცირის ‘გიორგი მთაწმიდელის ცხოვრებაში’”, ქრისტიანულ-არქეოლოგიური ძიებანი, 2 (2009), 582-610

“Ένας Γεωργιανός Προσκυνητής στο Βυζαντινό Κόσμο του 9ου αιώνα (Βίος του Ιλαρίωνος του Γεωργιανού)” (A Georgian Pilgrim in the Byzantine World of the 9th Century (the Life of Hilarion the Georgian). The Book was funded by the Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (ISBN: 9789606813290 9606813290) ; review of book

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Formation of United Georgian Kingdom (IX-XI centuries); Georgian monasteries outside Georgia; History of Ancient Rome; Byzantine Ideology and Diplomacy; The Georgian Middle Ages in Literature of the 19th-20th centuries

Historical Monasteries in Georgia; History of Ancient Greece; Byzantine Monastic Tradition: History and Modern Times; Medieval Georgian Historical Literature