Direction:Oriental Studies
Position:Full Professor

George Sanikidze is graduated from Tbilisi State University in 1984 (Faculty of Oriental studies). From 1986 he has been working in G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies on different position. In 1996-2002 he was the dean of the Faculty of history of Eastern countries at the Tbilisi Institute of Asia and Africa. In 2006-2010 he was the professor at the Tbilisi State University. In 1990 he received ‘candidate of sciences’ degree and in 2001 – doctor of sciences degree. He was working as a visiting scholar in Paris-Sorbonne-III and  Paris-Sorbonne-IV universities, UC Berkeley, universities of Hokkaido and Osaka. He is awarded by Fulbright, Diderot, Japan Foundation, University of Hokkaido, Central European University, Carnegie endowment, INTAS etc. grants and stipends. He is the author of up to 50 scientific publications (published in 9 countries), several textbooks and articles in Georgian press. He has been participated in up to 70 Scientific forums. Five doctoral thesis are defended under his supervision. He has delivered lectures in Berkeley, Montana, Paris-Sorbonne-III, Paris-Sorbonne-IV, Vaseda, Hokkaido, Kyoto ‘Iberoamaricana’ and ‘Anahuak’ universities. He is the member of several international scientific associations. In 2012 he received ‘Farabi’ international award in the field of Islamic and Iranian studies (supported by UNESCO).

Scientific interests / research interests

History and politics of the Middle Eastern countries (especially Iran); Georgian and Caucasian interactions with the Middle Eastern countries; Problems connected with Islam and Islamic movements; Question of ‘Orientalism’ and East-West interactions; Middle Eastern historiography.

Featured publications
1. Western Perceptions of the East: Debates about Edward Said’s Orientalism. In Georgian, Western and Oriental Historiographical Tradition. (Ed. by N. Kighuradze). Tbilisi: Ilia State University Press, 2014, 107–166. (In Georgian summary in English).
2. An Historical Survey of Georgian-Iranian Relations in the Nineteenth Century. Journal of Persianate Studies, Vol. I, No.2. Leiden: Brill, 2008, 148-173.
3. Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Caucasian Region:’Global’ and ‘Local’ Islam in the Pankisi Gorge. In: Yuama T. (ed.), Regional and Transregional Dynamism in Central Eurasia: Empires, Islam and Politics. Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press, 2007, pp. 263-282.
1. (Co-author and editor). A History of the Middle East and Its Interrelations with the South Caucasus (19th c.-beginning of 21st c.) Tbilisi: Ilia State University Press, 2011. (In Georgian).
2. (Co-author Gelovani, N.). Islam (Religion, History, Civilization). Tbilisi State University Press, 2009. (In Georgian, summary in English).
3. Shi’ism and the State in Iran. Tbilisi: Universal, 2005. (In Georgian, summary in French).
4. Islam and the Muslims in Georgia Nowadays. Tbilisi: Logos, 2000. (In Georgian, Summary in English).

An extensive list of publications

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Regional and International Relations of the Middle Eastern States; Contemporary Middle East: Politics, Economics, Society; Islam and Politics; International Terrorism

History of Near East; Regional and International Relations of the Middle Eastern States; Civilization and Culture of the Middle East; Islam and Politics; East and West: History of Relations and Inter-perception; Islam and the State in the Middle East.