Position:Full Professor

Sergo Ratiani was born on 27 November, 1967. In 1984, he left Tbilisi Ilia Chavchavadze #23 Public School. In 1984-1991, he attended Tbilisi State University, the faculty of Philosophy and Psychology with the specialty area of Philosophy, whereas in 1991-1995, he pursued postgraduate studies at the Department of History and Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy at Ivane Javakishvili Tbilisi State University. From 1993.05 to 1993.07, Sergo Ratiani served as an associate fellow at the Teacher Retraining Institute, the Department of Religion. In 1993-1956, he delivered lectures at Tbilisi Theological Academy. In 2001, he defended his thesis for a candidate’s degree at Ivane Javakishvili Tbilisi State University. In 2002, Sergo Ratiani delivered lectures at Tbilisi State University, whereas in 2002-2006, he served as the interim head of the Department of Western Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at Tbilisi Ilia Chavchavadze State University of Language and Culture. From 2 February 2006 to 23 September 2008, Mr. Ratiani served as an a full professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. From 26 November 2006 to 21 October 2012, he was the head of the administration of Ilia State University. Since 2008, Sergo Ratiani has served as a full professor at Ilia State University. In addition, he is a member of the Parliament summoned in 2012-2016 and 2016-2020 and a deputy head of the Education, Science and Culture Committee.  In 2013-2016, he was a member of the Political Union called the United National Movement, while in 2015, he was a political secretary of the United National Movement and the executive secretary and the interim secretary general of the same Movement in 2015-2016. Since 2017, he has been a member of the Political Union “European Georgia.”

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Scientific Interest: German Classical Philosophy, Philosophy of Life, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Religion, Nationalism, and Modernity.
  • Current Research Interest: Nationalism as an Identity, Religion, Fundamentalism, Totalitarianism, and the Study of Modernity.

  1. Selected Publications – Sergo Ratiani; ,, Die Aufgabe einer Destruktion der Geschichte der Ontologie und das Problem der Freiheit in der Philosophie  Heideggers; collected works called Die idee der Freiheit in Philosophie und Soziologie გვ. 187 -199 2010. Publication: Südwestdeutsche Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
  2. Sergo Ratiani; The Modern Age and the Birth of Nation; p. 22-36; collected works Identity Studies, Vol 1, 2009

Articles in Journals

  • Ratiani S., “Several Remarks on Georgians’ Religiosity and Traditionalism;” Open Society – Georgia Foundation, reports, analysis and recommendation, N7, 2006
  • Ratiani S., “Secularization as the Unfinished Project of the Modern Era;” Open Society – Georgia Foundation, reports, analysis and recommendation, N8; 2007 წ.
  • Ratiani S., the Birth of Georgian Nation, conference materials dedicated to Ilia Chavchavadze, 2008
  • Ratiani S., “Jurgen Habermas – The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity“; collected works History and Theory of Modernity 1; p. 127-142; 2010
  • Ratiani S., “Different Political Theologies of Different Epochs,” “Political Theology: Before and After Modernity. Ilia State University Publishing;
  • 2010-2012, book written within the ongoing project  the Role of the Orthodox Church in the Formation of Georgian National Identity, Ilia State University Publishing

 Extended List of Publications
• Ratiani S., „Deadly Disease in Søren Kierkegaard’s Philosophy“- Journal Religion N2; 1993
• Ratiani S., “The Question of the Human Person in Søren Kierkegaard’s Philosophy” – Journal „Matsne“N1-2; 1999.
• Ratiani S., “the Myth of Biblical Abraham against the background of Kierkegaard’s Interpretation,” – Journal Religion; N10-11-12; 1999
• Ratiani S., “Phenomenology for Perception of the New Structure of the Universe – Philosophical Insights”; N2; 2002
• Ratiani S., “Don Juan“ Journal Language and Culture N 4; 2003
• Ratiani S., „Possible Constituents of Existent against the background of Kierkegaard’s Philosophy – Journal “Pilosopiis Macne,” Georgian National Academy of Sciences, N1-2; 2003;
• Ratiani S., “The Task of Destruction of Tradition in Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy, – Journal Philosophical Insights N 3; 2003
• Ratiani S., Several Remarks on Georgians’ Religiosity and Traditionalism;” Open Society – Georgia Foundation, reports, analysis and recommendation, N7, 2006
• Ratiani S., “Secularization as the Unfinished Project of the Modern Era;” Open Society – Georgia Foundation, reports, analysis and recommendation N8; 2007
• Ratiani S., the Birth of Georgian Nation, conference materials dedicated to Ilia Chavchavadze, 2008
• Sergo Ratiani; The Modern Age and the Birth of Nation; p. 22-36, collected works Identity Studies, Vol 1
• Ratiani S., “Jurgen Habermas – The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity“; collected works The History and Theory of Modernity 1; p. 127-142; 2010
• Sergo Ratiani; ,, Die Aufgabe einer Destruktion der Geschichte der Ontologie und das Problem der Freiheit in der Philosophie Heideggers ; collected works Die idee der Freiheit in Philosophie und Soziologie გვ. 187 -199 2010. Publication Südwestdeutsche Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
•Ratiani S., “Different Political Theologies of Different Epochs,” collected works “Political Theology: Before and After Modernity. Ilia State University Publishing;
• 2010-2012, book written within the ongoing project the Role of the Orthodox Church in the Formation of Georgian National Identity, Ilia State University Publishing

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Introduction to Modern Thought – the autumn and spring semesters;
  • Philosophy of Life – the autumn semester, bachelor level;
  • Theories of Modernity – the spring semester, bachelor level
  • Religion and Totalitarianism – the spring semester, master level
  • Introduction to Modern Thought, 2007-2018 (first and second semesters), bachelor level;
  • Conceptual Characters, the autumn semester of 2009-2010, 2012-2013, and 2015-2016 academic year; the spring semester of 2013-2014, 2016-2017 academic year, bachelor level.
  • Philosophy of Life, the autumn semester of 2017-2018 academic year, bachelor level;
  • Theories of Modernity, the autumn semester of 2014-2015 academic year; the spring semester of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic year, bachelor level.
  • Being and Time (Cartesian meditation), the autumn semester of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 academic year; the spring semester of 2011-2012 academic year, bachelor level.
  • Basics of Continental Philosophy; spring semester of 2009-2010 academic year, bachelor level.
  • Religion and Totalitarianism; autumn semester of 2013-2014, master level; spring semester of 2010-2011, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 academic year.