Position:Full Professor

• N. Tushabramishvili was born on 09.01.1958 in Tbilisi. After finishing a High school (№61. Tbilisi) (1974) he passed the exams in Tbilisi State University, Faculty of History (1974-1979).
He is paking part in different archaeological expeditions even since his childhood (4 years old)-his father was a head of the expeditions . This fact gave him quite big experience in Archaeology

• In 1975 N. Tushabramishvili moved to the Faculty of Oriental Stodies (History of Arabic countries), which he finished on 1979 and began his work at the Agency of Monument Preservation (department of Archaeology), as a scientist.

• He passed the exams of MA T on 1981 (Tbilisi State University, Faculty of History, specialization-Archaeology), which he finished on 1983. Same year he started a work at Tbilisi State University as a Senior Scientist

• N. Tushabramishvili married in 1985. He has three children

• He worked at the Institute of Archaeology of Leningrad (Saint-Peterburg) in1986-1987

• He worked at Georgian State museum on the position of Senior Scientist (1992-2012)

• N. Tushabramishvili Since 2011 is a Full Proffesor of Ilia State University

• He maintained a thesis (PHD) in 1994

• On 2003, 2006, 2010 he worked at Institute of Human Paleontology (Paris, France) as an inviting proffesor

• 2003-2005 He worke for the company “British Petrolium” as a Cultural Heritage Field-Officer Since 1993 till today he is leading different, international, multidisciplinary projects and expeditions

• At the present time N. Tushabramishvili is an editor-in-chief of the journal ; a member of some editorial boards of different international and local scientific and archaeological commissions and boards

• 1977-1984 he was a member of Georgian National Team of mountain-climbers. N. Tushabramishvili is using his alpinistic experience during his work in the caves

Scientific interests / research interests

Prehistoric Archaeology, Paleolithic, Paleontology, Paleoanthropology

Featured publications

• 2016. Tushabramishvili, N., Gabekhadze B., Mamiashvili V. Explanatory Dictionary of Prehistory Terminology (Georgian-English-French). Tb. Pp. 1-132

• 2016. Tushabramishvili, (N. Pleurdeau, D., Moncel, M-H., Pinhasi, R., Yeshurun, R., Higham, T.F.G., Agapishvili, T., Bokeria, M., Muskhelishvili, A., Le Bourdonnec, F-X., Nomade, S., Poupeau, G., Bocherens, H., Frouin, M., Genty, D., Pierre, M., Pons-Branchu, E., Lordkipanidze, D.). Bondi Cave and the Middle-UpperPalaeolithic transition in western Georgia (southCaucasus). Quaternary Science Reviews 146: 77-98

• 2015. Tushubramishvili N., (Moncel M., Pleurdeau D., Pinhasi R., Yeshurun R., Agapishvili T., Chevalier T., Lebourdonnec F.-X., Poupeau G., Nomade S., Jennings R., Higham T., Lordkipanidze D.). The Middle Palaeolithic record of Georgia : A synthesis of the technological, economic and paleoanthropological aspects. Anthropologie, Brno, LIII/1-2:93-125

• 2014. N. Tushabramishvili, T. Meladze, L. Sukhishvili. Georgia on the Crossroad. Cultural Exchanges and Evidences for Different Distance Contacts in Middle and Upper Paleolithic. “Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique”. Prehitoire Eurepeenne, Liege pp. 109-135

• 2014. N. Tushabramishvili (R. Yeshurun, M.-H. Moncel, D. Pleurdeau, R. Pinhasi, T. Agapishvili, and D. Lordkipanidze). Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic in Bondi Cave, Republic of Georgia. Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 42/3 , 2–13

• 2012. N Tushabramishvili, (R Pinhasi, M Nioradze, D Lordkipanidze, D Pleurdeau, M-H Moncel, D S Adler, C Stringer, T F G Higham2014. New chronology for the Middle Palaeolithic of the southern Caucasus suggests early demise of Neanderthals in this region. Journal of Human Evolution, volume 63, issue 6, pp. 770 – 780

• 2012. Nikolos Tushabramishvili,. (M François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Sébastien Nomade, Gérard Poupeau, Hervé Guillou, Marie-Hélène Moncel, David Pleurdeau, Tamar Agapishvili, Pierre Voinchet, Ana Mgeladze, David Lordkipanidze). Multiple origins of Bondi Cave and Ortvale Klde (NW Georgia) obsidians and human mobility in Transcaucasia during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2012) 1-14

• 2011. Tushabramishvili (Mercier N., Valladas H., Meignen L., Joron J. L., Adler D.S., Bar Yosef O.) Dating the early Middle Palaeolithic Laminar Industry from Djruchula cave, Republic of Georgia, paléorient, 36, 2, 163-173.

• 2011. N. Tushabramishvili (D. Pleurdeau, M.-H. Moncel, T. Agapishvili, A. Vekua, M. Bukhsianidze, B. Maureille, A. Muskhelishvili, M. Mshvildadze, N. Kapanadze, D. Lordkipanidze). Human remains from a new Upper Pleistocene sequence in Bondi Cave (Western Georgia). Journal of Human Evolution. 62:1 2012 Jan pg 179-185. PMID 22130184

• 2008. Toushabramishvili N. (Mgeladze A. Moncel M.H., Vekua A., Mouskhelishvili A., Miskovsky j.C. &Lordkipanidze D). Une occupation specialisee acheuleenne en haute montagne: Le site Tsona (sud du Caucase, Georgie). In: M.H. moncel, A.M.Moigne, M.Arzarello&C.Peretto (eds). Aires d’approvisionnement en matieres premieres et aires d’approvisionnement en resources alimentaires. Approche integeree des comportements. XVeme Congres UISPP, 4-9. 2007. Lisbonne. BAR International Series 1725, 73-86

• 2008. Nicholas Tushabramishvili (Daniel S. Adler, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Anna Belfer-Cohen, , E. Boaretto, N. Mercier, H. Valladas, W. J. Rink). Dating the demise: Neandertal extinction and the establishment of modern humans in the southern Caucasus”. Journal of Human Evolution xxx ,1–17


• 2007. N.Tushabramishvili, (co-authors: D.Pleurdeau, Medea Nioradze, Henri de Lumley, David Lordkipanidze.). Les assemblages lithiques du Paléolithique moyen de Georgie L’anthropologie 111 (pp 400-431)

• 2007. Djruchula cave, on the southern slopes of the Great Caucasus: an extension of the Near Eastern Middle Palaeolithic blady phenomenon to the North (co-author: L. Meignen). Paleolrient. Numero 32-2. pp.81-104

• 2007. Le complexe Djruchula-Koudaro au sud Caucase (Géorgie). Remarques sur les assemblages lithiques pléistocenes de Koudaro I, Tsona et Djruchula (co-author: PLEURDEAU D., MONCEL M.-H., MGELADZE A). ANTHROPOLOGIE · 45/1 : 1-18

Books and Book Chapters

1. 2016. Tushabramishvili, N., Gabekhadze B., Mamiashvili V. Explanatory Dictionary of Prehistory Terminology (Georgian-English-French). Tb. Pp. 1-132

2. 2016. Tushabramishvili N. (Lejava Z., Tsikarishvili K., Dvalashvili G.). Karstic Caves of Chiatura Municipality . In Georgian

3. 2014. Moncel M.-H., Pleurdeau D., Pinhasi P., Mgeladze A., Yeshurun R., Tushubramisvili N., Agapishvili T., Jennings R., Higham T., Lordkipanidze D. submitted. New insights into the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in Georgia. In: V.P. Liubin Festschrift

4. Adler, D.S., Tushabramishvili, N. 2004. Middle Palaeolithic Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in the Southern Caucasus. In Middle Palaeolithic Settlement Dynamics, edited by N.J. Conard, Tübingen, pp. 91–132. Publications in Prehistory, Kerns Verlag Tübingen.

5. Bar-Oz, G., Adler, D.S., Vekua, A., Meshveliani, T., Tushabramishvili, N., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bar-Yosef, O. 2004. Faunal exploitation patterns along the southern slopes of the Caucasus during the Late Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic. In Colonisation, Migration, and Marginal Areas. A Zooarchaeological Approach, edited by M. Mondini, S. Muñoz, and S. Wickler, pp. 46–54. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

6. Bar-Oz, G., Adler, D.S., Meshveliani, T., Tushabramishvili, N., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bar-Yosef, O. 2002. Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Foragers of the Southwest Caucasus: New Faunal Evidence from Western Georgia. In Problemy kamennogo veka Srednei i Tsentral’noi Azii (Problems of the Stone age in Middle and Central Asia), edited by A.I. Krivoshapkin, pp. 225–231. Institut Arkheologii i Etnografii SO RAN, Novosibirsk.

7. 2002. N. Tushabramishvili. Caves of Georgia-The Sites of Prehistoric Humans. In English, French and Georgian. A Guid-Book. Tbilisi

8. 1994. N.Tushabramishvili. Middle Paleolithic of Western Georgia and its Transition to the Upper Paleolithic. PHD Thesis. Tbilisi, Georgia

9. 2017. In Press. N. Tushabramishvili. Prehistory –Stone Age. Series of the books –Key Facts of the History of the World and Georgia. Vol. I. In Georgian

Articles in magazines

1. 2017. N.Tushabramishvili. About the name of the journal “Argvetis Qvekana 2” (Argveti Region), pp/ 7-12

2. 2017. N.Tushabramishvili. Blessed Lands-Georgia-Bulgaria. Journal “Argvetis Qvekana 2” (Argveti Region), 2

3. 2017. N.Tushabramishvili. Caves of Georgia. Journal “Argvetis Qvekana 2” (Argveti Region), 2

4. 2017. N.Tushabramishvili. Archaeoland

5. 2017.Caves of Georgia. The Habitations of Archaic Homos. My World, 16; pp. 42-88

6. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili. Caves of Georgia. Online Archaeology, 9. Pp. 190-212

7. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili, Nodar Bakhtadze, Lasha Sukhishvili. UpperImereti, Roads, Monuments in the Rocks and Communication Matters. Online Archaeology, 9. Pp. 260-270;

8. 2016. N.Tushabramishvili, V. Mamiashvili, B. Gabekhadze. About Some Corresponding Terms of the Paleolithic Technology. Online Archaeology, 10, pp 126-134

9. 2016. N.Tushabramishvili. Georgia in Paleolithic- The Crossroad of the Cultures. Online Archaeology, 10, pp. 84-89 ;

10. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili. Stone Age. Cultural Dialogue fromCrossroad for Cultures. Online Archaeology, 10. Pp. 103-106 ;

11. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili. Shios Cellar, Online Archaeology, 10. Pp. 188-205 ;

12. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili. ShiosMarani, Online Archaeology, 10.Standpoint. Pp. 206-215 ;

13. 2016. Nika Tushabramishvili. Ziari, Online Archaeology, 8. 64-68;

14. 2015. Nika Tushabramishvili. Ziari, Online Archaeology 8, Tb., pp. 41-43

An extensive list of publications

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Archaeological Field Practice; Stone Age Archaeology

Stone Age Archaeology; Field and Cameral Research of Archaeological Monuments (Practical Course); Georgian prehistoric age Archaeology 1

  1. Paleoloithic Archaaeology (BA) ;
  2. Prehisroric Archaeology of Georgia (MA);
  3. Field and Lab Archaeological Practice (BA, MA, DIC.) ;
  4. Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition (Bondi Cave). (DOC. 2011-2013)

  • Editor-in-chief of the Scientific-Popular Journal “ARgvetis Qvekana (Argveti Country);
  • A member of the  Editorial Board of the Journal “ Online Archaeology (Journal of National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia )
  • A member of the  Editorial Board of the journal “Archaeospectrum” (Journal of National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia )
  • My publications often are the most cited publications from my department (ResearchGate)