Ilia State Universtiy, Faculty of Sciences and Art, Field of Archeology, Professor Emeritus, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Head of the Laboratory of Paleo-urban Research.
Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Georgia in 1972. Participates in archaeological expeditions since 1973.Has been working as the Deputy Director of the State Museum of Art in Scientific Matters. Deputy Director in the field of science in the Mtskheta Institute of Archeology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Georgia since 2000. Full professor at Ilia State University Since 2007. Defended his Candidate Thesis in 1982 and Doctrine -“Pagan Temples of Colchis and Iberia and Issues of the origin of Georgian Christian Architecture” in 1992. He has published more than 200 scientific works.
Scholar at the Institute of Archeology of Germany. Has undergone a course at Cairo University “Archeology, Monument Restoration, Museum Study”. Gave a speech at the Institute of Archeology of Germany and the University of Calcere on the topic “Problems of Studying Antique Rocky Architecture”.
History, archeology, art history, history of architecture, rock architecture.
Distinguished Publications
The last Pagan Temple of Armaztsikhe. “anicient West & East. Vol 10. 2011.
Bolnisi Sioni, the church plan and the three earliest inscriptions. Christian archaeological journal. Ilia state university. 3. 2010
Hiking and activity in Ardami Kartli. Cultural – Historical Research. Tbilisi University Press. 2010.
Creation of Mtskheta. Humanitarian Studies Journal “Cadmos”. Ilia state university. 2. 2010.
King Mirian Basilica. Byzantinology in Georgia. 2. Tb. 2009.
“Big Square” of Nekresi, Journal of Humanitarian Studies “Cadmos”, Ilia State University. 1. 2009.
Openwork Bronze Buckles Anicient West and East (from the Caucasus) Problem of Atribution. 2006.
The last pagan temple of Armazitskhi. The Issues of Theory and History of Georgian Architecture, THB. 2005.
Achaemenian Heritage in Ancient Georgian Architecture “Ancient Near Eastern Studies” v. XLI. Loavian, 2004.
Капитель с двойной протомой из городища Вани. «Кавказоведение» №6. М. 2004.
A rich Burial from Mtskheta (Caucasian Iberia) Ancientti „West and East“. V.1.N1. Leiden-Boston. 2004.
Начало археологического изучения Купольного Храма. археология Етнология и Фолклористика Кавказа. Эчмиадзин. 2003.
Археологические исслдования в древней столице – Мцхета. А. апакидзе. Археология IV и Етнология III Кавказа. Тбилиси. 2002.
Neune Beobachtungon zur achaimenidischen Bakusst in Kartli. Arrchaologische Mitteilangen aus Iran and Turan, Berlin.13.32. 2000.
La magnette enor d`un Sanctuaire Trouvee a Khaisi. La Mer Noir. Zone de Contacts. Paris. 1999.
Antithesis Expressions. “Essays, 1 Tb. 1995.
Die Kampfvagen des alten Georgien. “ caucasica”. V. 3. 1991.
City suriumi, ,,Artanuji”, Tb. 2014.
Georgian cultural heritage monuments (co-authored by S. Mamuladze, A. Kakhidze, E. Kakhidze, T. Putkaradze, M. Paghava, L. Tandilava, K.Kamadadze, M. Mshvildadze) protected in the eastern part of historical Chaneti. Batumi, 2014.
Localization of the city Sarak Co-author: G. Lortkipanidze. “Artanuji”, 2009. Old Tbilisi Zoroastrian cathedral. Tbilisi. ICOMOS, Georgia. 2009.
Matters of military history of old Georgia Co-authors: M. Pirtskhalava, G. Gamkrelidze. “Artanuji” Tb. 2005.
Vardzia (Georgian and English) Caucasian Heritage House. TB 2003. Meskhuri housing (in Georgian and English languages) Tb. 2002. Uplistsikhe. “Logosi” Tb. 2002.
Uplistsikhe, cave attributes and chronology issues. “Artanuji”, 2001.The Pagan Temples of Colchis and Iberia and the origins of Georgian Christian architecture. TB. 2000.
Narekvavi II (Mtskheta, 1999). The Georgian Academy of Sciences. Co-authors: A. Apakidze, V. Nikolaishvili. “Georgian Academy of Sciences”. TB. 2000.
Narekvavi I (Mtskheta, 1998) Academy of Sciences. Co-authors: a. Apakidze, V. Nikolaishvili. “Georgian Academy of Sciences”. TB. 1999.
Newly discovered burial grounds of Narekvavi. Co-authors: A.Afakidze, V. Nikolaishvili. Pipeline archeology. I 1999.
Temple themes in old Georgian Goldsmith samples. TB. 1998.
The anicient city site of Vani. Tbilisi. 1995.
Colchis and Phrygian houses. Co-author Amashukeli. Art house Museum. TB. 1995.
Georgian antique architecture, capital. “Art”, Tb. 1987.
Current Courses |
Course Catalog |
Proto Iranian civilizations, Media-Achaemenid Universe, Autumn semester, bachelor’s. |
The basics of palaeo-urbanistics: Fortification, polygraph and communication, 2017 Spring semester, doctoral degree. |
2001-2004 Board Member, Monument Protection Department
1998-2003 Attestation Board Member, Georgian Technical University
1997-2001 Board Member, Faculty of Humanities, Georgian Technical University
1992-Today Archaeological Board Member, Georgian Academy of Sciences International Association of Caucasiologists
Scientific journal Editing:
“Issues of History and Archeology of Georgia and Caucasus” – Ilia State University, Tbilisi.
“Theories of Georgian Architecture and History” – Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi.
‘Caucasus Reporter’, Tbilisi
‘Art Journal’, Tbilisi State University Press, Tbilisi
‘Archaeological Journal’, Art Museum Press, Tbilisi
‘Gonio-Apsarosi’, Batumi
‘Kadmosi’, Tbilisi
2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 – Funding of NNJP “Bagineti”: “Archaeological Expedition of Fortress Sulori”.
2014 – Funding of NNJP “Bagineti”: Archaeological Survey – Search for the Village In rodinal.
2014 – Ilia State University Financing: “Archaeological Expedition of Tsikhesulori”.
2012 – Internal Grant of Ilia State University “Archaeological Expedition of Tsikhesulori”.
2011 – Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Grant “Scientific Research of Georgian Material and Spiritual Heritage (Monuments of Georgian Cultural Heritage Preserved in the Eastern Chianeti).
2009 – Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Grant. Study of the Imerkhevi architectural monuments.
2007 – Conception and Conservation of the Six Absidious Cathedral of the Armazi fortress, Cultural Heritage Foundation
2006 – Archaeological-Architectural Museum of Uplistsikhe, Scientific Concept and Exposition (Author of Project and Concept) Cultural Heritage Foundation.
1992 – Karlsruhe University, report on “rocky architecture of Georgia”.
1992 – German Institute of Archeology, Berlin, Cycle of Reports, “Problems of studying rocky architecture of ancient times”.
1990 – Athens Institute of Archeology of Germany.
2000 World Bank – scientific concept of the endurance of the Uplistsikhe rocky monument (author of concept).
2002 World Bank Gonio Settlement Scientific Protection Project (Project Author).
2006 Cultural Heritage Fund – Uplistsikhe Archaeological-Architectural Museum, Scientific Concept and Exposition (author of project and concept).