Direction:Social Psychology
Position:Full Professor

Director of D. Uznadze Institute of Psychology

Professor Nino Javakhishvili is a professional psychologist of twenty five years standing, with research background in social sciences. Nino Javakhishvili has received experience in studies and research in social sciences at the universities of Oxford (1996-1997), Hatfield (1999),UK; Saarbrucken (2002, 2009, 2011) Germany; Waseda (2010), Japan, Rutgers, UCLA (2005-2009), Miami, (2017-2018),USA. Professor Javakhishvili was invited to provide talks and master classes at the universities of Vienna, Austria, Tuscia, Italy, Helsinki, Finland, Granada, Spain, Glasgow, UK, Paris, France, Thessaloniki, Greece. Professor Javakhishvili teaches at Ilia State University and leads a program of social psychology at master as well as doctoral levels. Nino Javakhishvili publishes internationally, as well as locally. Main findings and recommendations of Professor Javakhishvili were provided to such governmental and nongovernmental agencies, as: The Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia, The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, State Social Welfare Agency, World Bank, USAID, SIDA, UNIFEM/UN Women, UNFPA, EBRD and others.

Scientific interests / research interests

Social and Personality Psychology; Gender Equality, Gender Based Violence.

Books and book chapters

  1. Javakhishvili, N. Butsashvili, N. (2017). Domestic Violence in Georgia: State and Community Responses, 2006-2015. In Gender in Georgia: Feminist Perspectives on Culture, Nation and History in the South Caucasus. eds. Maia Barkaia and Alisse Waterston. Berghahn Books.
  2. Javakhishvili, N. (2004). Research Methods in Psychology. Textbook, Tbilisi (in Georgian)


  1. Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Shwartz, S., Liux, K. (2018). Identity Styles in Georgian Context and their Association to Parenting Dimensions. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15(1), pp.24-40.
  2. Javakhishvili, N.,& Jibladze, G. (2018). Analysis of Anti-Domestic Violence Policy Implementation in Georgia Using Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT). Journal of Social Policy, 47(2), pp. 317-334. DOI:10.1017/S0047279417000551
  3. Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S. J., & Luyckx, K. (2018). Links between Life-Stories and Personal Identity Development Profiles and Processes Journal Emerging Adulthood.DOI: 1017/S0047279417000551, pp.1-12.
  4. Makashvili, A., Vardanashvili, I., & Javakhishvili, N. (2018). Testing Intergroup Threat Theory: Realistic and Symbolic Threats, Religiosity and Gender as Predictors of Prejudice. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 14(2) 464-484.
  5. Tchintcharauli, T., & Javakhishvili, N. (2017). Inclusive Education in Georgia: Current Trends and Challenges. British Journal of Special Education, 44(4), pp. 465-483. DOI: 1111/1467-8578.12188, pp.465-483.
  6. Vardanashvili, I., Makashvili, A., Javakhishvili, N., & Butsashvili, N. (2017).
  7. Developing Georgian version of prejudice measure. GESJ: Education Sciences and Psychology, 45(3), 86-99, (in Georgian).
  1. Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S. J., Beyers, W., & Luyckx, K. (2016). Identity processes and statuses in post-Soviet Georgia: Exploration processes operate differently. Journal of Adolescence, 47, 197-209.
  2. Doris, E., Shekriladze, I., Javakhishvili, N., Jones, R., Treasure, J., & Tchanturia K. (2015). Is cultural change associated with eating disorders? A systematic review of the literature. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.149-160. DOI: 10.1007/s40519-015-0189-9
  3. Javakhishvili, D., Javakhishvili, N., Miovsky, M., Razmadze M., Kandelaki, N. (2014). Piloting European Drug Addiction Preventive intervention Unplugged Program in Georgia: Formative Study”. Addictolgy, pp. 126-133.
  4. Javakhishvili, N. (2011). Japanese Students Feel Closer to West Europeans and Americans, than to Asians (Social Distances of Japanese Students to Ethnic and Religious Groups). Waseda University Journal of Islamic Studies, pp. 43-60.
  5. Kharchilava, N., Javakhishvili, N. (2010). Representation of “Lost Orientation” or Lesbianism in Georgian Print Media. Anthropology of East Europe Review, 28(1), pp. 83-97.
  6. Javakhishvili, N. (2008). Mating Preferences in Choosing a Future Partner. Does Georgia repeat the same worldwide trend? Cognition, Brain, and Behavior, an Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4), pp. 509-520.

Edited Books

  1. Javakhishvili, N., & Butsashvili, N. (eds.). (2018). D. Uznadze. Selected Works Commented by Contemporary Georgian Scholars. Tbilisi: Ilia State University.
  2. Javakhishvili, N., & kavtaradze, I., & Butsashvili, N. (eds.). (2016). Proceedings of Psychological Conference Dedicated to D. Uznadze’s Jubilee (in Georgian).
  3. Freud, S. (2012). Civilization and Its Discontents. N. Javakhishvili (ed.). Tbilisi: Ilia State University (in Georgian).
  4. Hofstede, G., & Hofstede. G. J. (2011). Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind. N. Javakhishvili (ed.). Tbilisi: Ilia State University (in Georgian).
  5. Dimitriadis, G., & Kamberelis, (2010). Theory for Education. N. Javakhishvili (ed.). Tbilisi: Ilia State University (in Georgian).
  6. Kiess, H. (2008). Statistical Concepts for the Behavioral Sciences. Javakhishvili (ed.). Tbilisi: Center for Social Sciences. (in Georgian).
  7. Reskin, B. F., & Padavic, I.(2006). Women and Men at Work. N. Javakhishvili (ed.). Tbilisi: Center for Social Sciences (in Georgian).
  8. Javakhishvili, N., & Berekashvili, N. (eds.). Gender Reading Literature – Translated Texts, (2006). Tbilisi: Center for Social Sciences (in Georgian).

Articles (since 2000)

  1. Javakhishvili, N., Kochlashvili, N., Makashvili., Schneider, J. (2016). Measuring Ethnic Attitudes: Tolerance and Social Distance from Cross-cultural Perspective. An Anthology of Social Themes, edited by Gregory T. Papanikos. ATINER, Athens, Greece.
  2. Javakhishvili, N., Skhirtladze, N., Butsashvili, N., Lortkipanidze M., Makashvili, A., Vardanashvili, I., Shekrildze, I. (2016). Validation of Research Instruments. Proceedings of Psychological Conference Dedicated to D. Uznadze’s Jubilee, pp. 63-84 (in Georgian).
  3. Vardanashvili, I., Javakhishvili, (2016). Religiosity and Prejudice. Proceedings of Psychological Conference Dedicated to D. Uznadze’s Jubilee, pp. 85-104 (in Georgian).
  4. Javakhishvili, N. Lordkipanidze, M. Petriashili, A. (2012). Social Capital against Domestic Violence: Church, Mass Media, Society. Proceedings of the UCSS conference.,
  5. Jibladze, G., Javakhishvili, N. (2012). Implementation of Anti-domestic Violence law in Georgia Contextual interaction Theory. Proceedings of the UCSS conference.,
  6. Javakhishvili, N., Schneider, J., Makashvili, A., Kochlashvili N. (2012). Ethnic Social Distance: A comparison of Georgian, German and Japanese Students. Journal of Social Management, number 2, pp. 55-64.
  7. Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili,N. (2012). Identity Formation and Subjective Perception of Adulthood. GESJ: Education Sciences and Psychology, No.3(22), pp. 79-86 (in Georgian) ( Georgian).
  8. Javakhishvili, N., Lordkipanidze, M., Petriashvili, A. (2012). The role of social capital in combating domestic violence. Conference paper. pp.1-12
  9. Javakhishvili, N., & Glonti, (2011) Still in Transition: Quality Assurance System in Georgia. Social Policy and Social Work in Transition, volume 2, issue 1, pp. 43-64
  10. Javakhishvili, N. (2011). Japanese Students Feel Closer to West Europeans and Americans, than to Asians (Social Distances of Japanese Students to Ethnic and Religious Groups). Journal of Islamic Studies, pp. 43-60, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
  11. Javakhishvili, N. (2010). Prevalence of Domestic Violence in Georgia. Chapter 4. Chitashvili, M. Javakhishvili, N., Arutinov. B., Tsuladze l., Chachanidze S.(eds). National Study of Domestic Violence against Women in Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Javakhishvili, N., Khositashvili, M., Siradze N., Dzagania L., Schneider J. (2010) Comparing Georgian and German Believers by prayer aspects. Actual Problems of Social Sciences. Proceedings of TSU Research conference, pp. 399-415, Tbilisi (in Georgian).
  13. Javakhishvili, N. (2010). Media Representation of Combating Domestic Violence in Georgia. Proceedings of the UCSS conference (in Georgian).

  1. Javakhishvili, N. (2009). Learning Outcomes Based Approach in Higher Education System of Georgia. Proceedings of the conference: Development of competencies in the world of work and education. Qualification systems, methodology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  2. Javakhishvili, N. (2009). Student feedback: right tool in the right hands. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “New Trends in Education and Research”, pp. 103-107, Gori, Georgia (in Georgian).
  3. Javakhishvili, N. (2009). Gender Differences in Mating Strategies. Jjournal of Georgian Psychology, #1, pp.79-86 (in Georgian).
  4. Javakhishvili, N., Khositashvili, M., Siradze N., Dzagania L. (2009). Frequency of Inner Speech in Georgian culture and its correlation with prayer. Proceedings of the annual conference of Akhaltsikhe Institute, pp.430-436 Akhaltsikhe, Georgia (in Georgian)
  5. Javakhishvili, N. (2008). Opposition to Positive Discrimination: Positions of Students and Non-governmental organizations’ Representatives. Problems of Political Sciences №3, pp. 14-34 (in Georgian).
  6. Javakhishvili, N. Aslanishvili T., Glonti L. (2007). Higher Education Reform at TSU. Proceedings of 4th International Silk Road Symposium “New Trends in Higher Education”, pp. 101-108, Tbilisi.
  7. Javakhishvili, N. kevkhishvili T. (2007). Behavior Asymmetry Hypothesis in the Social Dominance Theory. “Science and Technologies”, №4-6, pp. 120-125 (in Georgian)
  8. Aslanishvili, T., Bochormeli, I., Javakhishvili, N. (2006). Theories of Social Hierarchy. Matsne, pp. 10-17. (in Georgian)
  9. Javakhishvili, N. Beruashvili, N. Kldiashvili L. (2006). Theory of Social Dominance. Studies of the Uznadze Institute of Psychology, vol XX, pp. 173-179 (in Georgian).
  10. Javakhishvili, N. (2005). Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Social Sciences. The Feminist Epistemology. Georgian Psychological Journal, v. 7, pp. 43-60 (in Georgian).
  11. Javakhishvili, N. (2005). Attitudes of Georgian students towards various ethnic groups and nationalities. Sociological studies, pp. 107-112, Moscow (in Russian).
  12. Bond, M. et. al. (2004). Culture Level Dimensions of Social Axioms and Their Correlates across 41 Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, pp.548-570.
  13. Javakhishvili, N. (2004).Instructor Evaluation Questionnaire. Caucasian Messenger, №10, pp. 243-246 (in Georgian).
  14. Javakhishvili, N., Khomeriki L. (2003). Gender Dimension in Georgia. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women’s Issues Worldwide. Europe. (Walter, L. Ed.) pp. 223-231, London.
  15. Javakhishvili, N. (2002). Self and the Related Concepts. Caucasiology, №6, pp. 28-34
  16. The Self-control Questionnaire. Caucasiology, №6, pp. 21-27 (in Georgian).
  17. Javakhishvili, N. (2002). Relation between Self-control and Temperament Types. Caucasiology, №2, pp. 191-194 (in Georgian).
  18. Javakhishvili, N., Mamamtavrishvili, N. (2001). Social-psychological Characteristics of Believers. Georgian Psychological Journal, v. 5, pp. 53-75 (in Georgian).

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Experimental Psychology; Research Method: Collecting and Analyzing Data; Models of Research; Internship for Social Psychology; Fundamental and Applied Psychology
Experimental Psychology; Beyond Behavior and Relation; Attitudes to “Others” in Georgia (ENG); Master’s Seminar; Contemporary Theories, Concepts and Models in Psychology