Position:Full Professor

was born in Tbilisi 18.07.51. After graduating from  school   he studied Medicine at Tbilisi State Medical University. After completion in 1976 he passed an internship in Psychiatry in Tbilisi Mental Health   Hospital .  1978-1982 he worked   in Batumi Mental Health  Hospital  and   in  Georgian Shipping Company  as Doctor on Board. In 1982-2001, he is a senior researcher  at  M. Asatiani Research Institute of Psychiatry.  In 1986 underwent training  at the  The Chair of  Psychotherapy   and Medical Psychology in Moscow.  1993, 1995-1996  studied at the  Zurich- Jung Institute. In 2002, he underwent training in Paris in the field of French Psychoanalysis. 
Since 2001 he is  a full professor at  Ilia State University.   Since 2002  he is  President of Georgian Association of Analytical Psychology and Georgian Group Psychotherapy Association. In 2005 he became the  member of American Group Psychotherapy Association , and since 2010 he has been  Fellow  of the same association. He is also  a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, American  Group psychotherapy Association and International Group Psychotherapy Association.  He is a member of : Georgian Military Medical Academy, Georgian Society of Psychiatrists and  Board Member of the Psycho-Rehabilitation centre     for victims    of torture. 

He was appointed to the position of a professor of the Correctional Pedagogy and Preschool Pedagogy module at the Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani State Pedagogical University on September 1, 2001.

LEPL Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani State Pedagogical University and LEPL Ilia Chavchavadze State University of Foreign Languages and Culture were merged and renamed “Ilia Chavchavadze State University” in accordance with the paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Resolution №35 of the Government of Georgia dated February 15, 2006. He was considered the professor of Ilia Chavchavadze State University from the same date on the basis of the reorganization.

He was released from the position of a professor of the Correctional Pedagogy and Preschool Pedagogy module of Ilia Chavchavadze State University on July 6, 2006, and as a result of the competition, was appointed to the academic position of full professor in the field of Education, Psychology, Correctional Pedagogy and Preschool Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of Ilia Chavchavadze State University on July 12, 2006.

The legal entity of public law – Ilia Chavchavadze State University was named “Ilia State University” on the basis of Government Resolution №217 of December 9, 2009.

He currently holds the academic position of a professor in the field of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.


Scientific interests / research interests

Depth Psychology ,Individual and Grou Psychotherapy , Psychoanalysis , Psychiatry,  philosophy,  Mythology and Comparative Religion

Featured publications


  • Books which are  in the process of editing: On Depth Psychology , Group Psychotherapy
  • Manual on Counseling

Articles in magazines

  • What Father says to Son by his life. Orthodox Journal  Karibche” n 5 (144) 4-17 March, 2010,  pp. 17-18
  • Alfred Adler.  Psyche: Journal of the Association of  Modern  Scientific Investigation “Actual Problems  of  Psychiatry,  Psychology, Psychotherapy and Narcology. Journal of The Association of Modern    Scientific  Research. Tbilisi,  2005.  N 1,  pp. 53-57

Articles in newspapers

  1. Envy or How to achieve success.  Free Georgia Svobodnaia   Gruzia N 236-237 (22885) 23 August 2003 pp 8
  2. The Way towards Happiness or How to be Happy. Free Georgia  Svobodnaia  Gruzia N 216 (22864) 31 July  2003 pp 5
  3. On the Side of Soul.   Pravda n 51/12 ( 22996) 21-28 March 2003  p.19
  4. The Way towards Happiness or How to be Happy. Free Georgia  Svobodnaia  Gruzia N 216 (22864) 31 July  2003 pp 5

An extensive list of publications

  1. On  the Neurobiological  Aspects of Psychotherapy and Social     Psychiatry . Journal of Georgian Psychology  Tbilisi  2010.,  pp.   147-156  
  2. On Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy. News of Georgian  Psychiatry N 1 2010 pp.
  3. What Father says to Son by his life. Orthodox Journal  Karibche” n 5 (144) 4-17 March, 2010,  pp. 17-18
  4. Introduction for the book Cognitive Behavior Therapy Georgian Mental Health Association Nekeri . Tbilisi 2006
  5. The Significance of Patient’s Drawings and Paintings in  Group Psychotherapy.  Hungry Mind Recordings  CD 1. Conference   in    Digital Audio   AGPA.: FULL SET   SPECIAL AGPA -2007   N 202
  6. On Repentance in Psychotherapy . Patriarchate of Georgia   II International Symposium.Christiamnity in Our Life : Past , Present, Future. Tbilisi  2005  pp 119-120
  7. Alfred Adler.  Psyche: Journal of the Association of  Modern  Scientific Investigation “Actual Problems  of  Psychiatry,  Psychology, Psychotherapy and Narcology. Journal of The Association of Modern    Scientific  Research. Tbilisi,  2005.  N 1,  pp. 53-57
  8.  Introduction for the book of Francois Dolto  The Difficalties of Life    translated  into Georgian      Tbilisi    2005
  9. On  Psycho-social Conditions of Psychotherapy and Psychiatry In Post-Soviet Georgia. Patriarchate of Georgia. Institute of  History of Ethnology Fund of Science “Udabno” Scientific   Journal Logos N 3 2004, pp. 114 -118
  10. On Orthodox  Psychotherapy. Religion and Society –Faith in Our  Life.   International Conference Proceedings Tbilisi 2004 pp  143-144
  11. On the Psycho-Social Conditions of Psychotherapy in Post -Soviet  Georgia   The Journal of Analytical  Psychology. An    International Publication of   Jungian Practice and Theory.  2003  Vol. 48, No 2 pp 371-380
  12. Envy or How to achieve success.  Free Georgia Svobodnaia   Gruzia N 236-237 (22885) 23 August 2003 pp 8
  13. On the Side of Soul.   Pravda n 51/12 ( 22996) 21-28 March 2003  p.19
  14. The Way towards Happiness or How to be Happy. Free Georgia  Svobodnaia  Gruzia N 216 (22864) 31 July  2003 pp 5
  15. On Conditions of Psychotherapy in Post -Soviet Georgia. The Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with    Disabilities   2003 Vol.2 No 1,pp  39-47
  16. Synthetic-Hermeneutic Group Psychotherapy of Neurosis. Interpretation  Reports of 3d  Conference St Petersburg, 2003, pp.174-182
  17. Persona and Depression. Self and Persona In  An Analytical    Psychotherapy  Reports of 2d  Conference St Petersburg, 2002, pp.47-56
  18. Pierre Janet’s  Biography .  Psyche.: Journal of the Associationof  Modern scientific Investigation “Actual Problems  of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotherapy and Narcology. Journalof The Association of Modern    Scientific  Research. Tbilisi, 2001.N2 gv.124-126
  19. On Interrelationship Between Psyche and Brain. Psyche.: Journal of the Association of  Modern scientific Investigation  “Actual Problems  of  Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotherapy  and Narcology. Journal of The Association of Modern    Scientific  Research. Tbilisi,  2001.  N 1, pp.19-21
  20. Franz Anton Mesmer.  The Georgian Psychiatry News. 2001,№1  


  1. Some Principles of C.G. Jung’s Psychotherapy.  Georgian      Military Medical    Academy Herald  2000. N 2  pp. 15-16                                                                                                                                                           
  2. On the Concept of Psychic Normality.-“Actual  Problem of     Psychiatry” Anniversary Collection dedicated to 75 th  anniversary since the foundation of M. Asatiani Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry. Tbilisi, 2000. pp. 158-162In Georgian
  3. The I-Ching or Book of Changes as a Projective and PrognosticMethod. Scientific Practical Conference.”Society and  Psychological  Support”. Conference Proceedings. Tbilisi,1999. pp.39-41.
  4. On the Peculiarities  of Synthetic-Hermeneutic Dynamic  Group Psychotherapy of Manic Depressive Outpatients          International Scientific conference “Actual  Problems of Psychiatry ” (1998, Kutiry), Tbilisi, 1998. pp. 80-82.
  5. On the Peculiarities of Psychotherapeutic Tactics in   Treatment  Neurotics and Psychopaths by Synthetic- Hermeneutic Dynamic  Group Psychotherapy. International Scientific conference “Actual  Problems of Psychiatry ” (1998, Kutiry), Tbilisi, 1998. pp. 83-86.
  6. On  Psychological Defense Mechanisms in Neurosis and Some Forms of Psychopathy. International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Psychiatry Kutiri 1998, pp 66-706
  7. The Analytical Psychology of C.G.Jung and Heidelberg’s Phenomenological-Anthropological School in Psychiatry: Some Parallels.- Proceedings of The Georgian Academy of Sciences.  Series-Experimental Biology and Medicine. Tbilisi, 1998, vol. 24, N1-3,  pp. 37 42.  
  8. We Live in Age of Neuroses. The Medical Newspaper. N 23  1997 4, 8  pp.
  9. Analytishe Psychologie von K.G.Jung und Phaenomenologische-Anthropologische Richtungenin der Psychiatrie:einige Parallelen Deutsch-Georgisches Symposium assatiani-Forschungs Institut Fur Psychiatrie Goethe-Institut Collected Works Tbilisi 1997,    68-74
  10. On Jungian AnalysisScientific Conference “Actual Problems of         Medicine”, dedicated to 110 anniversary of N.Kipshidze. Tbilisi,  Ganatleba, 1997, Part I. pp. 253-256.
  11. On Identification . Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of  Medicine”, dedicated to 110 anniversary of N.Kipshidze. Tbilisi, Ganatleba, 1997, Part II. pp. 302-305.
  12. On Peculiarities of Group Psychotherapy Based On Psycho –     dynamic Approaches. Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of   Medicine”, dedicated to 110 anniversary of N.Kipshidze. Tbilisi, Ganatleba, 1997, Part I. pp. 244-247.
  13. On Psychodynamic of Schizophrenia The Materials of Republican Scientific Conference of Lecturers, Batumi 1998  pp.56-58
  14. Phenomenological-Anthropological and Psychodynamic TrendsIn Psychiatry Georgian  Military Medical   Academy Herald  1998N 1 pp. 45-49.
  15. On Synthetic-Hermeneutic Group Psychotherapy Based  On  Dynamic Approach at Hospital. Georgian Medical News, 1998,         6     (39), pp. 9-11
  16. On Synthetic-Hermeneutic Group Psychotherapy Based On   Dynamic Approach in Outpatients Clinic.-Georgian Medica  News, 1998, 5 (38), pp. 14-16.
  17. On Dynamic Psychiatry. -Georgian Medical News, 1998,       3(36), с.37-38. In Russian
  18. On Application Stage By Stage Synthetic -Hermeneutic          Dynamic   Group Psychotherapy.-  Georgian medical News, 1998, 5 (38),        pp. 13-14
  19. On Synthetic-Hermeneutic Method of Psychotherapy.    Georgian      Medical News , 1998, 3(36), с. 35-36. In Russian
  20. Psychotherapy  of Neurotic  Depressive States in Outpatients In.: VI-th   Symposium of The Working Group of Socialist Countries  On      Psychotherapy Sofia ,1988, p.73.
  21. On Group Dynamic . Republican   Conference of Young   Scientists.  Issues of Practical Psychology. Tbilisi ,1988 18 p. in Russian
  22. Differential-Diagnostic Aspect of Group Psychotherapy. In.: X Trancaucasian Conference of Psychologists. Tbilisi, 1988,     252-253pp. in Russian
  23. On Group Psychotherapy of Neurosis. – In.: The Materials of       III Republican   Congress of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and   Narcologists of Georgia . Tbilisi. 1987.  Pp. 497-500. In Russian

Current Courses

Course Catalog


  • Clinical Psychology : The Fundamentals  of Counseling and its Basic Techniques
  • Psychoanalysis-Post Freudians
  • Beyond behavior and relationship  
  • Clinical Psychology : Mental disorders ( Pathopsychology)
  • Psychoanalytic Counseling  
  • Counseling of borderlines states
  • Group Psychotherapy  
  • Personal Growth  Counseling
  • Research seminar
  • Bachelor’s Workshop
  • Addiction Counseling


  1. 1.
  2.  2.1
  3.  2.2
  4.   3.
  5.  4.1.
  6.  4.2.
  7.  5.1.

    25  5.2.

   26   5.3.

   27   6.

   28   7.

   29   8.

   30   9.

   31   10.

   32   11.

   33   12.

   34   13.

  35    14.

  36   15.

  37   16.

  38     17.

  39 21
