Direction:Theory of Differential Equations

Position:Full Professor

Mukhigulashvili was born in Tbilisi, on 20th June, 1967. At the age of six he started elementary school and during last grades he started to be interested in math and physics. After leaving elementary school N 23 in 1984 continued his studies in I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on faculty of mechanics and mathematics. He is bilingual in Georgian and Russian, he studied French privately and also self-studied English. He graduated from the university in 1991 and immediately continued in his doctorate studies on A. Razmadze mathematical institute in Professor Kiguradze class where he got his first scientifical degree CSc. Because Professor Kiguradze was often abroad S.M. continued in working with his students on the faculty of physics and mathematics I. Javakhishvili  TSU. It represents the first experience in teaching and leading students. Between 2000-2002 S.M. participated in long term interships on Udine University in Italy and  Brno Masaryk University in the Czech republic. Since 2003 he has regularly cooperated with coleagues from the institute of mathematics of the Czech Academy of Science, and in  2005  he became the invited researcher of the Institute mensioned above.  In 2006 he became an associated professor in the Illia State University in Tbilisi where he still works. During his participation in the Academy of Science he used to be invited to take lectures in Brno Technical University in czech language. Apart from scientifical and pedagogical activities he also translates beletry from czech to georgian language. He has already translated five czech novels to georgian.

Scientific interests / research interests

Ordinary differential and functional-differential equations.

Featured publications

  1. On two-point boundary value problems for two-dimensional differential systems with singularities. Georgian Math. J. 10(2003), No.3, 595-602.
  2. On One Estimate For A Periodic Functions (with R.Hakl). Georgian Math. J. 12(2005), No.1, 97-114.
  3. On periodic solutions of two-dimensional nonautonomous differential systems (with I. Kiguradze).  Nonlinear Anal. 60A(2005), No.2, 241-256.
  4. On A Periodic Boundary Value Problem For Cyclic  Feetback Type  Linear Functional  Differential  Archiv der Mathematik, 87(2006), 255-260.
  5. The Dirichlet BVP The second Order Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation At Resonance. Italian    Of   Pure  and  Appl. Math.,  2011,  No. 28,   pp. 177-204.
  6. On a periodic problem for higher-order differential equations with a deviating argument (with N. Partsvania and B. Puza). Nonlinear Analysis. 74 (2011), 3232-3241.
  7. On two-point boundary value problems for higher order functional differential equations with strong singularities (with    Partsvania).  Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 54 (2011), 134-138.
  8. The mixed BVP for second order nonlinear ordinary differential equation at resonance. Nachr. 290, No. 2–3, 393–-400 (2017).

An extensive list of publications

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis;
  • Ordinary Differential Equations;
  • Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Mathematical analysis II (2012-2018 spring semester, baccalaureate)
  • Ordinary differential equations (2015-2018 spring semester, baccalaureate)
  • Complex analysis (2015-2018 spring semester, baccalaureate)
  • Nonlinear ordinary differential equations (2013-2018, spring semester, magister’s study)
  • linear ordinary differential equations (2013-2015, spring semester, magister’s study)
  • Function theory II (2010-2014 spring semester, baccalaureate, magister’s study)
  • Mathematical analysis III (2009 spring semester, baccalaureate)
  • Mathematical analysis I (2006- 2011 spring semester, baccalaureate)
  • discrete mathematics (2006-2009 spring semester, baccalaureate)