Direction:Public Law
Position:Full Professor

Ketevan Iremadze was born on February 14, 1975, in Tbilisi. In 1998 she graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law. In 2003 she completed her post-graduate studies at the faculty of law of the same university in the field of Constitutional Law. In 2003 she was granted the degree of the candidate of sciences of law. Her dissertation topic was: “Problems of Inter-relationship between Legislative and Executive Powers in Georgia”. In 2006-2007 she was a scholar of the Austrian academic exchange program at the Vienna University, Institute of Constitutional and Administrative law and carried out scientific research on “Problems of Territorial Organization of the State”.

In 1998-2016 Ketevan Eremadze used to work at different positions at the Constitutional Court of Georgia. Namely: leading specialist (1998-1999); adviser to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (1999-2001); assistant to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (2001-2005); head of the office of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (2005-2006);

In 2006 Ketevan Eremadze was elected as the judge of the Constitutional Court of Georgia by the Parliament of Georgia (2006-2016). At the same time, she was the secretary of the Constitutional Court.

Since 2005 K. Eremadze has been involved in the following scientific-pedagogical activities:

2005-2014 – Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Invited lecturer at the Faculty of Law;

2010-2011 – Free University. Invited lecturer;

Since 2014 – Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Faculty of Law. Associate professor;

Since March 1, 2017 – Ilia State University. Invited Professor.

Since October 8, 2018 – Ilia State University. Professor.

2008-2016 – Lecturing within the scope of the summer school jointly organized by Ilia State University and the Constitutional Court of Georgia.

In 2018 K. Eremadze was appointed by the President of Georgia as the Chairman of the Commission of the  National Award of Georgia.

Ketevan Eremadze is the author of three books and 12 articles as well as coursebooks in Constitutional Law and scientific editor of three books.

Scientific interests / research interests

Constitutional law, human rights law, key constitutional values

Featured publications

  • K. Eremadze, “Freedom Defenders in Search of Freedom, 20 years of Constitutional Review in Georgia”. Tbilisi, 2018;
  • * 2. K. Eremadze, “Freedom within the Scope of the Constitution and the Freedom of Realizing the Constitution Itself”. Selected articles “Constitution of Georgia after 20 years”. Tbilisi. 2016. pp. 170-183;


  • K. Eremadze, “Freedom Defenders in Search of Freedom, 20 years of Constitutional Review in Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2018.
  • . 2. K. Eremadze, “Challenges of Democracy and the Role of Constitutional Court in the Process of Searching for Democracy”. Tbilisi, 2015.
  • * 3. Eremadze, “The Balancing of Interests in a Democratic Society”. Tbilisi, 2013.Coursebooks (co-author):
  • * 4. V. Gonashvili, K.Eremadze, G. Tevdorashvili, G. Kakhiani, G. Kverenchkhiladze, N. Chigladze, “Constitutional Law of Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2017. (pp. 18-95).
  • * 5. V. Gonashvili, K. Eremadze, G. Tevdorashvili, G. Kakhiani, G. Kverenchkhiladze, N. Chigladze, “Introduction to Constitutional Law”, Tbilisi, 2016. (pp. 56-116);

Articles in magazines

  • K.Eremadze, “Actual Problems Related with the Issue of Legal Power of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia”, Journal “Review of the Constitutional Law”. Tbilisi, 2013. N 6. Pp.3-24;
  • K.Eremadze, “Views on Constitutional Court Decisions”, Journal “Review of the Constitutional Law”, Tbilisi, 2010, N 2. Pp. 3-25;
  • * 3. K.Eremadze, “Prospects of Bicameral Parliament in Georgia”. Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”. Tbilisi, 2005. N 1. Pp. 22-34;
  • * 4. K. Eremadze, “The Semi-Presidential System of the State at the Example of Georgia”. Selected articles “Territorial Organization of the State”, Tbilisi, 2004. pp. 98-128;
  • * 5. K. Eremadze, “Inter-relation of Legislative and Executive Powers in the Republic with Mixed Governance at the example of France”. Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”, 2002. N 4. pp. 36-39.
  • * 6. K. Eremadze, “Problems of Inter-relation of Legislative and Executive Powers in Presidential and Parliamentary Republics”, Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”, 2002. N 3. pp. 34-48.

An extensive list of publications

  • K. Eremadze. “Freedom Defenders in Search of Freedom, 20 years of Constitutional Review in Georgia”. Tbilisi, 2018;
  • * 2. V. Gonashvili, K.Eremadze, G. Tevdorashvili, G. Kakhiani. G. Kverenchkhiladze, N, Chigladze, “Constitutional Law of Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2017; (p. 18-95);
  • * 3. V. Gonashvili, K.Eremadze, G. Tevdorashvili, G. Kakhiani. G. Kverenchkhiladze, N, Chigladze, “Introduction to the Constitutional Law”, Tbilisi, 2016; (p. 56-116);
  • * 4. K. Eremadze. “Freedom within the Scope of the Constitution and the Freedom of Realizing the Constitution Itself”, Selection of articles “Constitution of Georgia after 20 Years”. Tbilisi, 2016. pp. 170-183;
  • * 5. K. Eremadze. “Challenges of Democracy and the Role of Constitutional Court in the Process of Searching for Democracy”, Tbilisi, 2015;
  • * 6. K. Eremadze. “The balancing of interests in the Democratic Society”. Tbilisi, 2013;
  • * 7. K. Eremadze., “Prospects of Assessing Constitutionality of the Constitutional Law”, Selected articles “Human Rights and Supremacy of Law”, editor. K. Korkelia, 2013. pp. 60-81;
  • * 8. K. Eremadze. “Actual Problems Related with the Issue of Legal Power of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia”. Journal “Overview of the Constitutional Law”, Tbilisi. 2013. N 6. pp. 3-24;
  • * 9. K. Eremadze, “Views on Constitutional Court Decisions”, Journal “Review of the Constitutional Law”, Tbilisi, 2010, N 2. Pp. 3025;
  • * 10. K. Eremadze, “Prospects of Bicameral Parliament in Georgia”. Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”. Tbilisi. 2005. N 3. pp. 22-34
  • * 11. K. Eremadze, “The Semi-Presidential System of the State at the Example of Georgia”. Selected articles “Territorial Organization of the State”, Tbilisi, 2004. pp. 98-128;
  • * 12. K. Eremadze, “Inter-relation of Legislative and Executive Powers in the Republic with Mixed Governance at the example of France”. Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”, 2002. N 4. pp. 36-39.
  • * 13. K. Eremadze, “Problems of Inter-relation of Legislative and Executive Powers in Presidential and Parliamentary Republics”, Journal “A Human Being and the Constitution”, 2002. N 3. pp. 34-48.


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Protection of Human Rights in Constitutional Court; Human Rights Law; Master’s Thesis

Constitutional Law of Georgia (State and Legal Structure); Constitutional Values System and Fundamental Rights; Practical Course in Constitutional Proceedings

“The system of Constitutional Values and Fundamental Freedoms”  (MA level, from 2014 – present);

“A practical course in Constitutional Legal Proceedings”. (MA level, autumn semester of 2017; autumn semester of 2018);

“Basic Human Rights and Freedoms” (BA level, form 2014 including spring semester of 2018);

“Human Rights Protection at the Constitutional Court”. (BA level, from 2011 including spring semester of 2018);

“Law of State Organization“ (BA Level; 2010-2011);

“Constitutional Law of Georgia”.  (BA level; 2005-2010);