Holds Doctor of Law degree from Tbilisi State University.
The Master’s degree in International and Transnational Law is conferred by the Illinois Tech University Chicago-Kent College of Law.
Is an expert with the USAID Rule of Law Program, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and EU programs for Georgia. Has worked at various times in the non-governmental and public sectors, including projects with the European Union and the United Nations Women’s Organization.
Since 2010, she has been engaged in academic activity. Since 2016, has served as a visiting professor at Ilia State University. Since 2024, she has been an associate professor at the Law School.
Is the author of several textbooks, studies, and numerous articles.

She is proficient in English, German, Russian, and Spanish.

Scientific interests / research interests

Criminal Law, International Law, Gender, Women’s Rights.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Legal Aspect of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Since 2016, Bachelor’s programm) ;

Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking (since 2017, Bachelor’s programm)